Castlebury Ct/FP-CS 990419 City of Coppell : :. - ....... Preliminary Plat Planning Department '/ ' ' ~a Final Plat x , Coppell, TX 75:219 Replat Phone: (972) 304-3678 Amendhlg Plat Fax: (~72) 304-3570 Minor Anmu~g Plat (4 lots or less) IVory: Applications are accepted for ~ttbrnittal l~rior to the filing date. Th~ ffzling date shall b~ ~uc~!y 29 days prior to the date of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which the applications will b~ considtred. '"-Telephone Number: ~f?R.) Z47- ~'~O Fax Number: Telephone Numl er: Fax Numlaer: All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Telephone Number: (~'/Z} ~LT-/~'~'bd~ Fax Number:/~Z) Name of Subdivision: ~g~gOvgg Presem Zoning: ?0 - / Proposed Subdivision Contains: 'row~ouse ~etaii Duplex Light Industrial Multi-Pamily ¥~au~l ~clop~n~ Mobile Home ~b'loodplain