Zoning ExhibitL2 L3 L4 L5 u6 L7 L8 L9 LI0 L12 LIT LIB ~19 u2O .2: .22 BEARING N18-22 4: 2E N04-00-23 N01-44-38 N30-34-45 3E N12-28-26 NO*, 28-48 9w N08 26 43 N22-37-' I 6W %30-:5 23 N46 - 4~- 8 N45- 25-35 N42 36- 3 / N~2-08- 58 N40-I4-49 NIB 28:5 N26-33 ~4 N07-29 38 N,32 3TM z8 3:69 50 65 50 36 50 4' 50 34 60 56 50 6' 5~ 45 5" O~ 50 26 50 29 48.0G 43 Cr 5,9 ,~ 52 02 52 59 TOTAL AREA /I '/ ~ 12.133 - -I L ACRES CURRENT PROPOSED ZONING ZONING TH-1 SF-7 ~D 0 - VICINITY MAP SCALE I - 2000' BOUNDARY DESCRITION ,~,.;';'-~NC a tract of land s~tuated zn the B ..... B B & C.R R Sur¢c,,: , Abstract No. 1 99 a~a the Patience P~les Survey, Abstract No. It }5 :r, the C~tp of Coppell, Pallas County, Texas and being mo~,, parr:culartv descrzoed as follows: BFGINNING at a po~n~ of the ~ntersect~on of vhe ~est lmne ,.~f qacArthur Boulevard (a 1 00 ~oot r~ght-of-way) ~'~h the norLh ~ _i'e eL Parkwa} Boulevard (a 65 foot r~qht-of-way) , sa~d poznt ,~iso being ~r. a curve to the rzght running ~n a westerly d=rectzon and ha~znq a central angle of 13°0] '~8" a radius of 6°7.00 feet and a chord bear~pg of S. 62033'20'' THENCE a!onq sa~d car~e, and the sa~d north l~ne o~ Parkway Boulevard, ] 58.47 feet to the end of sa~d curve, and being th~~ beq~nn~ng of another curve to the rmght hay]po a central angle of 21°43'46'' a tad!us of 1569.24 fe~t~, and a chord bearing of S.. 79054'56'' ~[.; THENCE alonq sa~d curve, and the sa~d no~th I ~ne of Park. a/ Bou~v,~zd, 5q5.]4 feet ~o the end of sa~d carve; THENCE N. ~b°22'~'' E., 3~ .6q ~eet leavzi'g LLo ~ne of P~rkwa% Boule%ard to a point for co~pcr; THENCE N. 4°00'2~'' W., 50.~ feet to a point for corner; THENCE N. 1 °44 ' ~8"" 50 ~6 feet to a point for corne~; THFNCk N. 30c34'45'' E., ]t0.'~2 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N. 12':28'26" E., 50.41 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N. ] °28'49" W., 50.34 ~eet to a point for corner; THENCE N. 8026'43'' U., 5~ .44 feet to a point for corner; TH~NCF N. 22°B~'t~'' ~'., &g.~6 feet to a po~t for .<uXb. ',. },~ '1 q 2~" ,. , ' .~ ~ ~r~_,t t ~ a p<-~:nt /,')r .'(,rner; ,- ,,_- ,. 4,' 4U 05" L., ~t'.4' leer to a [,o,.r ~ fic,r i'hff:t'h N. 4c-~4 08" ;., 50.02 feet to a pozut fo~ THENCL ' 43 '25 35" ~, 50 0f, feet to a point for corner/ mH;iNCE N. 42~ 30 38" L., 50.26 feet to a pelnL foF corner; iHFNCt l;. 42c08 Ag" W., 50.2q feet to a pe~nt {er ~ NENCE N. 40°]4 49" L., 48.00 [eet to a point for cern( r; THYNC~ N. 1 ,-28 15" L., 40.00 fpet to a po:*-.t f,)r torpor; ?H;-NCE N. ~1 ¢'2~ 08" Pl., bU.0] feet tn a point for ~-or,,er; zt._.,~CL ~. (,°33 54" F., 52 09 feet to a point {or co, ne , ?"LNCN N. / 29'39" W., 52.:~9 z~et LC a pO}hr for cc.rper, 'fhEI,( ~. %. Z2'37'12" w., 59.73 fee~ to a point for corr {r; '" :t N ' ' ~ '48" F1 'c ~eet to a point ~ or .t ..... t.~, N. , '~7 ,,., . _ f!l~N'k ~. ,t,~ 16'28'' E., %U.25 ~eot to a point ~o~ Tt~:iI;CP ',. 38~8'45'' E., 5r-,.50 fe~t to d pr }~,t fo~ corner; FUP,('v N. ;~'2-'1(," L., :4.28 feet to a p<,~,t eot rorner; 'I'~,t]',('l ',. ~2~ ~ '44" k., 2~ .'2b feet to d poznt ~or corner , · h, ~,~ ~ (~ '.,',,st 1: ne of ',iacArthur b(m t evard and being ;n a ,',': r ,~ .* ,'~ '~' ~a} aug!, of 6°44'41'' a raC]l .],.. )f 2'/~0.00 ~eet '~d d ," ,,rd b~',~r ~r,q of :.,. 40"4~' 53" W.; I't~N('F akor~ saad c~t~t,, and th~ said v,~,St :nt, o; Mac'Arthu~ B~,,,[, Natal, 1JgJ.q9 feet to the Point o~ Beq~nr~nq -~nn ,-opta~n~nq ZONING EXHIBIT WATERSIDE ESTATES NO..3 8B B ~ C R R SURVEY , ABSTRACT NO 199 PATIENCE PILES SURVEY , ABSTRACT NO. II37 EITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS DAN M. DOWDEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~t_6250 DALLAS PKWY (214) 951-O694 DALLAS , TEXAS WA A R E W A A 12 - 91 I"= IOO' 92-006 I