Carroll-FB/PP,SP-CS 990415 RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL /\,J-i~ ~'~ t]~Q 15APRIL99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. ii ,i 1498471 ] SECTION 02930 - LAWNS AND GRASSES 2 3 PART 1 - GENERAL 4 $ 1.1 SCOPE: 6 ? Furnish all labor, tools, transportation, materials, equipment, supervision, etc., required to adequately establish 8 a dense lawn of permanent grasses, free from lumps and depressions as indicated by plans and specifications. 9 10 Redo any part of the area failing to show uniform cover until a dense lawn is established. The cost of ] ] miscellaneous labor and materials for topsoil, weeding, tilling, pest control, fertilizing, etc., are not separate pay ]2` items and shall be includes in the bid price for grassing. 13 ]4 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: 15 ]6 A. Irrigation System ]7 ] 8 B. Landscaping 20 1.3 MAINTENANCE OF GRASS: 2`2` The Contractor shall maintain the grass until final acceptance. Such maintenance shall include spraying, 2`3 weeding, cultivation, fertilizing, watering, disease and insect control, top dressing Iow spots, plus any 2`4 procedures consistent with horticultural practice necessary to insure normal, vigorous, and healthy grass. 26 1.4 JOB CONDITIONS: 27 2`8 A. Water: Will be available on site. Provide necessary hoses and other watering equipment required to 29 complete work. 30 3 ! B. Lawn areas will be left within 1110 of a foot of finish grade by other trades. Fine grading, raking and 32' smoothing will be the responsibility of the contractor. 33 34 1.5 SCHEDULE: 35 36 A. Seeding/hydromulching - Bermuda grass: Complete only between May 1 to August 31 under 3 7 favorable conditions. (warm season) 39 B. Seeding/hydromulching - Perennial Ryegrass: Complete only between September 1 to April 30, 40 except at front of project, as determined by owner, under favorable climatic conditions. 4! 42` C. Sodding: Sod bermuda between March 15 and September 30. Between October I and March 14 43 overseed sod with Perennial rye under favorable conditions. (Use nursery overseeded sod, in lieu of 44 seeding after installation, if available.) 45 46 D. Qualifications: Due to unseasonable weather, the above dates may vary; however, do not proceed 47 with grassing operations beyond these dates without assuming full responsibility for a stand of grass. 48 49 1.6 ACCEPTANCE: $0 $ ! The work will be accepted when a completed, undamaged stand of grass is achieved, as approved by the 52, OwneCs Representative. 54 56 57 LAWNS AND GRASSES 02930 - © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 1_ PART 2 - MATERIALS 2 3 2.1 TOPSOIL (6" min.): 4 5 A. (if specified on the plans as a requirement) Friable, fertile, dark, loamy soil, free of clay lumps, sub-soil 6 stones, and other extraneous material and reasonable free of weeds and foreign grasses. Topsoil 7 containing dallisgrass or nutgrass shall be rejected. 8 9 B. Physical properties as follows: 10 Clay - between 7-27 percent 1_ ] Silt- between 28-50 percent ]2. Sand- less than 52 percent ]3 1_4 2.2 GRASS: '15 ] 6 A. Bermuda Grass: Extra fancy, hulled and treated, lawn type seed, delivered to site in original, ] 7 unopened containers meeting requirements of Texas State Seed Law. Minimum purity germination ] 8 90 percent. 1_9 2,0 B. "Raleigh" St. Augustine Grass: Solid Sod, live, rich, dark green in color, free of foreign grasses, 2, ] weeds, nutgrass, cut with a full 3/4 inch of heavy clay covering roots. Deliver to site in 12 inch squares 3.2, or 12 inch wide rolls. Do not stack for more than 24 hours between time of cutting and time of 23 delivery. 24 3.5 C. Annual Ryegrass: Extra fancy, hulled and treated, lawn type seed, delivered to site in original, 2,6 unopened containers meeting requirements of Texas State Seed Law. Minimum purity germination 2.7 90 percent. 28 29 30 2.3 FERTILIZER: 31_ 32. Fertilizer shall be organic base, uniform in composition, dry and free flowing. Deliver fertilizer to site in original, 33 unopened containers, each beating manufacturer's guaranteed statement of analysis. 34 3 $ A. First application: 12-12-12 element percentage with minimum 8% sulfur and 4% iron, plus micro 36 nutrients. 37 3 8 B. Second application: 3:1:2 element ratio. Nitrogen source to be a minimum 50% slow release organic 39 nitrogen (SCU or UF) plus minimum 8% suffur and 4% iron plus micro nutrients. 4O 4 ] PART 3 - EXECUTION 42 43 3.1 PREPARATION 44 45 A. Scarify lawn areas where excessive compaction is greater than 85% Standard Proctor to a depth of 4- 46 inches by discing or rototilling. Repeat cultivation as required to thoroughly loosen soil. 47 48 B. Leave areas free of weeds and ready for final grading. 49 50 C. Prowde barricades around scarified areas to prevent compaction by construction vehicles. 53 54 5? LAW'NS AlqD ORASSES 02930 - 2 © 1999 SI-IW Oroup, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] 3.2 FINAL GRADING: 2 3 A. Remove from site and legally dispose of stones ~-inch and larger, clods 1-inch or larger, sticks, and 4 other debris exposed during this operation. $ 6 B. Provide finish grading leaving surface uniform without depressions and undulations, graded ? approximately l-inch below paving. 8 9 C. Secure approval from the Landscape Architect pdor to proceeding with grassing operation. l0 l ] 3.3 HERBICIDE: 12 ! 3 Apply herbicide to remove any remaining weeds. This work is to be performed by a licensed applicator 14 following the manufacturer's recommendations. 15 ]6 3.4 FERTILIZER: 17 ] 8 A. Place first application with hydromulch at rate of 12 pounds per 1,000 square feet. ]9 20 B. Uniformly distribute second application using a rotary type fertilizer spreader 3-4 weeks after first 21_ application at 12 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 22 2.3 3.5 HYDROMULCH/SEEDING: 2,4 25 A. At the time of hydromulch/seeding, soil shall be moist but not muddy, and wind velocity shall not 2.6 exceed ten (10) miles per hour. Add water if required to moisten soil. 27 2,8 B. Hydromulch seed uniformly at the rate of 2 pounds of Bermuda grass seed per 1,000 square feet. 29 30 C. Add tackifier to hydromulch mix for slopes 5:1 or greater at the rate of I lb. Per bag of mulch. 31_ 32 D. Use a 4' x 8' batter board against bed areas. 33 34 3.6 MECHANICAL SEEDING 35 36 Seed uniformly at a rate of 125 pounds of Bermuda grass seed per acre or 350 pounds of Ryegrass per acre. 37 Use grass ddll, brillion seeder, or viking roller. 38 30 3.7 SOLID SOD: 40 4 ] A. Solid Sod: Plant grass by hand, edge to edge with staggered joints. Topdress with sharp sand raked 42 in carefully to fill joints. Roll to eliminate undulations and provide complete soil contact. 43 44 B. Fertilizing: Fertilize immediately after grass is planted at rate of 4 lbs. Per 1,000 square foot. Repeat 45 fertilizing at the same rate 3-4 weeks later. 46 47 3.8 ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF LAWN AREAS: 48 49 A. Watering: 50 $ ] 1. Water lawn areas immediately after grassing operation. $2 2. Continue watedng as required to keep soil uniformly moist to a minimum depth of 4-inches. .53 3. Be alert to over-watering newly planted grass, particularly in heavy clay soils. .54 $5 `56 `57 LAWNS AND GRASSES 02930 - 3 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] B. Replanting/Erosion Control: 2 3 1. Correct any erosion that may occur during the establishment of grass. 4 2. Reseed (sod) any areas not showing sufficient growth within 3 weeks after initial grassing. 5 Continue seeding (sodding) until a stand of grass is achieved. 6 3. A stand of grass will be defined as a uniform cover of activity growing 7 turf. 8 9 C. MowingNVeed Control: ]0 ] 1 1. Mow lawn areas weekly until a stand of grass is achieved. Begin mowing when the lawn 1') reaches a height of 3-inches; set mower to cut at 2-inches. A minimum of two mowings is ] 3 required. ]4 ] $ 2. Weed lawn areas until acceptance, removing all foreign vegetation, either by hoeing or ]6 pulling. If approved, herbicide spot treatments may be used. 17 ] 8 3.9 CLEANUP: 20 During work, keep premises neat and orderly, including organization of storage areas. Remove trash, including 2] debds resulting from removing weeds and rocks from site daily as work progresses. Keep paved areas clean 22 by sweeping or hosing. 23 24 25 27 28 3O 3] 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O $] 54 56 57 UAW'NS AND GRASSES 0:2930 - 4 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] SECTION 02940 - LANDSCAPE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 3 The Contractor is to render the following Landscape maintenance Services during the term of the initial construction 4 contract. In addition, the Contractor is to indicate a price for a one year extended maintenance contract to begin after $ the construction project is complete and accepted. This price is to be submitted on a separate line item. 6 7 PART 1 - GENERAL 9 1.1 SCOPE: ]0 ] ! A. Work included in project: Perform all work necessary utilizing acceptable horticultural practices for the ! ?. extedor landscape maintenance of the project as required herein. Such work includes, but is not ! 3 limited to the following: ]4 ] $ 1. Monitoring adjustment and minor repair of the landscape irrigation system. ] 6 2. Protection of vacuum breakers against freeze damage. ] 7 3. Mowing, edging and trimming of lawn areas. ] 8 4. Pruning and trimming of trees and shrubs. ! 9 5. Restaking and adjustment of stakes and guying if required. ~0 6. Application of fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides. 21 7. Replacement of plant material (extra service if not under warranty). ?.2 8. General site clean up; removal of trash, and products of maintenance. 23 24 B. Extra Services: The intent of the contract is to provide a comprehensive maintenance program to 25 include all required services, except those services specifically excluded, to perform the work for the 2,6 stated time period. 27 2.8 1. All services not included in the base bid shall be considered "extra services" and will be 2~) charge for separately according to the nature of the item of work. The written consent and ;30 authorization of the Owner or their authorized representative must be obtained prior to the 31 performance or installation of such "extra service" items and prior to purchase of any 32 chargeable materials. 33 34 2. Such work may include replacement of dead plant materials or major repairs of irrigation 3`5 system created by acts of vandalism or other contractors working on other site related work. 37 3. The Owner is not bound by the specification or contract to utilize the landscape maintenance 3 ~ contractor in the performance of"extra services work". 39 40 4. The landscape maintenance contractor shall coordinate his activities with other contractors 4 ] on the site so as to not hinder the performance of any work. 42 4;3 1.2 SUBSTITUTIONS: 44 4`5 A. Specific reference to manufacturer's names and products specified in this Section are used as 46 standards, but this implies the right to substitute other' matedal or methods without written approval of 47 the Owner. Such permission must be secured without additional cost to Owner. 48 49 B. Installation of any approved substitution is the Contractor's responsibility. Any changes required for .50 installation of any approved substitution must be made to the satisfaction of and without additional `5 ] cost to Owner. `52 `53 1.3 SCHEDULE `54 `5:5 All work under this Contractor shall be performed in accordance with the Schedule included. LANDSCAPE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 02940 - 1 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ! 1.4 CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE 2 3 A. The Contractor's workmen shall be neat in appearance, perform their work in a professional manner, 4 keep noise to a minimum and stage their work from a location on the site out of the way of the .5 mainstream of the users. In general, the Contractor's presence on the site shall be as inconspicuous 6 as possible. 7 8 1.5 NEGLECT AND VANDALISM: 9 ]0 A. Turf, trees or plants that are damaged or killed due to Contractor's operations, negligence or ] ] chemicals shall be replaced at no expense to the Owner. If plant damage or death is caused by ! ?~ conditions beyond the Contractor's control, replacement shall be at the Owner's expense. ]3 ! 4 B. Sprinklers or structures that are damaged due to the Contractor's operations must be replaced by the ! .5 Contractor promptly. Likewise, damage to the irrigation system by others shall be corrected ] 6 immediately by the Contractor, at the Owner's expense. ]7 ] 8 C. All water damage, either natural or man-made, resulting from Contractor's neglect shall be corrected ] c) at the Contractor's expense. 20 2- ] D. All damage to or thefts of landscaping and irrigation installations not caused or allowed by the 2-2- Contractor shall be corrected by the Contractor at the Owner's expense upon receipt of written 2-3 authorization to proceed. 24 2..5 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS: 26 27 A. Contractor shall acquaint himself with all site conditions. Should excavation be required the 28 Contractor shall promptly notify the utility coordination committed for utility locations. Failure to do so 20 will make Contractor liable for any and all damage thereto arising from his operations. 3O 3 ] B. Contractor shall take necessary precautions to protect site conditions, irrigation and plants. Should 32- damage be incurred, this Contractor shall repair damage to its original condition or furnish and install 33 equal replacement at this expense. 34 3.5 1.7 EMERGENCIES: 36 3 ? A. The Contractor shall answer emergency or complaint calls within twelve (12) hours and corrective 38 action shall be complete within 24 hours. 39 40 B. The Contractor shall answer emergency calls regarding the landscape irrigation system failure or need 4] of repair, and take corrective action within eight (8) hours. Such work, unless caused due t neglect on 42- the part of the Landscape Maintenance Contractor, shall be considered "Extra Services". 43 44 1.8 RESTRICTION: 45 46 A. Do not use growth regulators or growth retardants on this job. 47 48 4~) PART 2.0 - MATERIALS AND MACHINERY 50 5 ] 2.1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM MATERIALS: 52 53 Replacement materials throughout the system shall be as specified and/or noted on the "Contract Documents", `54 new and in perfect condition. .56 LANDSCAPE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 02940 - 2 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ! 2.2 MATERIALS: 2 3 Materials listed under this Section are expressly specified for use but does not prohibit or restrict the Contractor 4 from providing other approved materials not listed in order to complete the work required herein. All materials 5 shall be new and in perfect condition. 6 7 A. Pre-Emergence Weed Control: Contractor option (granular). 8 0 B. Post-Emergence Weed Control: Contractor option. ]0 ] ] C, Herbicide: Contractor option. ]2 ]3 D. Insecticide: Contractor option. ]4 E. Fungicide: Contractor option. 15 ] 5 F. Fire Ant Control: Shall be slow release applied at six (6) week intervals. Spot treat weekly with a ] 7 contact product where mounds appear. Alternate products for effective control. ] 9 G. Shrub Bed Fertilizer: Apply at manufacturer's recommended rates for each plant used. Shall be 20 Osmacote Slow Release. '~2 H. Lawn Fertilizer: 15-5-10 with 50% sulphur coated urea and 4% iron. 23 24 I. Tree Fertilizer: Davey Arborgreen: apply using the maximum manufacturers recommended rate and 25 procedures. 2,'7 J. Mulch: Shredded Hardwood mulch. 29 K. Tree Stakes and Guys: Shall match those in use at the site. 3O 3 ]_ PART 3.0 - EXECUTION 3:3 3.1 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM: 34 3 $ The Contractor shall monitor and program the automatic controlling device a total of 18 times a year to provide 35 optimum moisture levels in all planted areas. 37 38 A. Irrigation cycles shall be set to take place prior to sunrise (usually 4:00 - 5:00 am unless otherwise 39 instructed by the Owner. 4O 4] B. Do not program controllers operating on the same water meter to water during the same time period 4?. so as to prevent over-draft of water meters. Do not switch controller to "off' at any time, except as 43 required for testing and for maintenance operations. 44 45 C. Complete sprinkler system servicing shall be performed as required to maintain sprinklers in correct 46 operating condition, including all required labor. Apdl through September the operation of sprinklers 47 shall be inspected and monitored on a twice-per-month basis to assure proper cover and operation. 48 October through March monitor and inspect sprinklers once per month or upon the request of the 49 Owner. This check shall include visual "inspection" of all accessible components of the irrigation 50 system including but not limited to controllers, remote control valves, quick couplers and heads. 52 D. Adjust sprinklers to avoid damage to windows, buildings and sign walls, also adjust heads to keep 53 water off the street. Make repairs and alterations to the sprinkling system and water lines. All sprinkler :54 repairs such as cleaning of heads or breaks caused by the Contractor shall be the Contractor's 55 responsibility. LANDSCAPE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 02940 - 3 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] 3.2 TREE MAINTENANCE: 2 3 A. Trees that may require guys, stakes or special care dudng the winter winds and rains shall received 4 the required care pdor to the time of rains and high winds to insure that no damage results to the plant ;5 material. 6 ? B. Contractor shall maintain staking and guying of trees at all times and shall be responsible for any 8 damage to trees or plant materials caused by chafing or breakage of foliage or limbs coming in 9 contact with stakes or guys. Replace broken plant stakes and ties as needed. If ties are too fight, ]0 they must be replaced or adjusted. ll ]2, C. All suckers shall be continually removed from trees. Grass shall be trimmed at the base of trees in a ! 3 manner that shall protect tree trunks from cuffing of bark. ]4 ! $ D. Annual tree pruning and/or shaping as needed. Always prune out dead wood. Refer to schedule. ! 6 CONTACT OWNER PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY PRUNING OR SHAPING WORK. ]7 ] 8 E. Mulch trees only when so directed by the Owner. !9 2,0 F. Spray all trees four times per years to control foliar feeding insects. The spray shall consist of 2,! alternately spraying 2 time (s) with an insecticide spray and 2 time (s) with a fungicide beginning in 22 March, with the last spray in September. 23 2,4 3.3 GUIDELINES FOR CREPE MYRTLE TREES 26 A. Prune crepe myrtles in February to remove dead branches and to shape head for spring/summer 2,7 growth. 2,8 2,(-) B. Fertilize in February each year with super phosphate applied per manufacturer's recommendations for 30 flowering trees. 31 32 C. Continually remove suckers. 33 34 D. Monitor for aphids, powdery mildew and other common ailments and treat immediately to eliminate 3 5 these problems. 36 37 3.4 TURF MAINTENANCE: 3g 30 A. Mowing: All common Bermuda and/or St. Augustine grass shall be mowed approximately every seven 40 days March - October. During periods of mild weather the cut should not be lower than two (2") 4 ! inches from the soil. Never scalp the lawn or cut more than one-half (~) the existing top growth in 42 one mowing. On irrigated areas, remove the clippings, never allowing visible clippings to remain on 43 lawn surface more than four (4) hours. All sidewalks and curbs shall be edged as well as other 44 objects (non-living) in the grass zone. 45 46 Allow grass to grow up to but not over sprinkler heads. Trim grass around heads with a circular 47 sprinkler head trimmer. DO NOT USE "WEED-EATERS" TO TRIM AROUND SPRINKLER HEADS. 48 49 B. Watering: Provide a regular, deep watering program. The established turf should not be kept wet but $0 should dry out somewhat between waterings. A twice weekly watering is good under regular 5 ] conditions, but if it is hot or windy, water more often. In very hot weather, a fast watering with fine $2 spray will cool the turf zone and can supplement the regular, deeper watering program. In shaded 53 areas caused by trees, water more frequently because of the competition for soil moisture. If lawn 54 wilts (shows grey-brown) water more frequently. LANDSCAPE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 02940 - 4 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] C. Lawn Fertilizer: 2 3 April 1 22-0-6 analysis at the rate of 10 pounds fertilizer per 1,000 square feet, nitrogen 4 content shall consist of 50% sulphur coated urea. Analysis shall include 4% iron .5 (10# per 1,000 equals 2.1# actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. 6 7 May 15 24-6-12 analysis at the rate of 10 pounds fertilizer per 1,000 square feet, nitrogen 8 content shall consist of 50% sulphur coated urea. Analysis shall include 4% iron. 9 (10# per 1,000 equals 2.1# actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. ]0 1 ! July 1 15-5-10 analysis at the rate of 10 pounds fertilizer per 1,000 square feet, nitrogen 17- content shall consist of 50% sulphur coated urea. Analysis shall include 4% iron. ]3 (10# per 1,000 equals 2.1# actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. ]4 ! $ August 15 15-5-10 analysis at the rate of 10 pounds fertilizer per 1,000 square feet, nitrogen ]6 content shall consist of 50% sulphur coated urea. Analysis shall include 4% iron. ]7 (10# per 1,000 equals 2.1# actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. ] 9 October 1 22-0-06 analysis applied at the rate of 10~ per 1,000 square feet. No sulphur 2,0 coated urea, no iron. 2] ?.2, D. Fertilizer: Trace elements in fertilizer shall be based on the recommendations of the soil laboratory. 23 24 The fertilization program will be closely monitored by the Owner. The Contractor shall prepare ?`:5 submittals prior to each application showing the area to be covered. The quantity of fertilizer to be ?`6 applied and the rates of application. The Owner will monitor the application to insure that materials ?`7 and procedures are as specified. ~9 E. Weed Control and Undesirable Grass - General: 3O 3 ] 1. Contractor shall use extreme care in the use of chemicals for weed control. Before such 3?. applications are made, the turf should be well established and in a vigorous conditions. 33 34 2. All chemical applications shall be propedy licensed with the proper governing authorities. 35 36 3. The contractor shall carry the insurance required by the governing authority. 37 3 8 4. Apply chemicals at the manufactureCs recommended rate to achieve corn plete control of 39 weeds and undesirable grasses.. 4O 4 ! 5. All products utilized on this project must be labeled for turf use. 42 43 6. Spot treatment of weeds and undesirable grasses shall be achieved without damaging the 44 surrounding turf. 45 46 F. Weed and Undesirable Grass Control Schedule: 47 48 All Bermuda grass turf shall be sprayed 2 time(s) in early spring for preemergent control of crabgrass, 49 dallasgrass, and other broadleaf grasses, and 2 time(s) in June-August for pre emergent control of $0 winter weeds, for a total of 4 cycles. 51 -5?. NOTE: IF PERMANENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT IS NOT COMPLETE, DO NOT APPLY PRE- -53 EMERGENT HERBICIDE. 54 -5-5 Summer/Fall Spot treat turf areas to achieve a minimum 98% pure stand of turf. LANDSCAPE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 02940 - 5 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ! G. Insects: Control insects with regular applications of commercial insecticides at the manufacturer's 2 recommended rate. 3 4 H. Diseases: When they first appear, spray for diseases with an approved commercial fungicide strictly $ according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 6 7 I. Maintain mulched saucers around all trees until establishment. Trim grass as required to prevent 8 grass from encroaching into the saucer area. No "Weedeaters" shall be used around the trunk of any c~ tree now, or at any time in the future. ]0 ! ! J. If initial installation (any or all) of the project site is in winter rye, the Contractor will at that time change ].2. the mowing and trimming rate to 45 times a year. Contractor shall also during the 1 year maintenance ] 3 pedod and at the appropriate season, chemically kill out Winter Rye and Hydromulch Bermuda. 14 ! 5 K. One application of herbicide will be applied to overseeded turf to aid in the eradication of Rye Grass. ! 7 3.5 SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER BED MAINTENANCE ]§ ] ~) A. Weeding of all shrub, groundcover beds and seasonal color beds shall be performed twice monthly 20 (total 24 times). 2] 2.2. B. All shrub and groundcover beds shall be pruned 8 times a year March - October in an attempt to 2.3 develop the natural form of the plant. 24 2.5 C. Pre-emergent weed control shall be applied 1 time in early spring and 1 time in late fall in planter beds 2.6 only after careful thought of what is to occur in planters during the growing season. ?.7 2.8 D. All shrub, groundcover beds and seasonal color areas shall be fertilized 3 times per year at a rate of 2 ?.c) pounds of fertilizer per 1,000 square feet. 3O 3 ] April 1 - 22-0-6 32. July 1 -15-5-10 33 October - 22-0-6 34 35 3.6 USE OF HERBICIDES, INSECTICIDES, STERILANTS, POISON, AND ANIMAL TRAPS: 37 A. The Contractor is hereby granted permission to use such herbicides, insecticides, poison, and animal 38 traps as it may find necessary and advantageous in its grounds maintenance activities. Herbicides, 30 insecticides, sterilants, and animal traps must be used responsibly and in conformance with Federal, 40 State and Local laws and regulations. The Contractor assumes all liability for damage and/or injury 4 ] resulting from accident or misuse of these products and/or equipment. 42 43 B. Product leaving an undesirable residue or odor (i.e., weed oil shall not be used. 44 c. The Owner shall be notified prior to application and advised of any danger associated with the use of 45 these product (i.e., to avoid personal contact with sprayed areas, etc. 46 47 D. Apply insecticides as needed to protect all plant materials from damage. The insect control program 48 shall include slugs and snails and advance preventive spraying for twip borers. The Contractors shall 40 be responsible for the choosing of chemicals and insecticides he uses and shall be accountable for 50 any misuse of same. $?~ E. Apply the proper fungicide, herbicide and pesticides for the control of pests, weeds and plant diseases 53 or treat cuts on turf, plants and trees. 54 LANDSCAPE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 02940 - 6 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ! 3.7 GENERAL CLEAN UP: 2 3 A. The Contractor shall dispose of all waste materials or refuse from his operations off the property. See 4 plans for contract area. $ 6 B. All plant growth shall be prevented in any cracks in walks or within paved areas. 7 8 C. Leaves, papers, grass clippings or other debds shall be removed at least weekly or at each visit from 9 all areas. ]0 ] 1 D. Sweep roads and walks or refuse, dirt and other materials which may be deposited as a result of the ] 2. maintenance operation. ]3 ] 4 E. Contractor will evaluate bark mulch 4 times a year during the 1 year maintenance period and replace ] $ bare spots as needed. ]6 ] ? PART 4.0 - SCHEDULE ]8 ] 9 The Schedule as included herein shall govern the Work. Should the Contractor require an alteration of the 20 Schedule, contact the Owner. 2] 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4] 4?- 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 5] 52 53 54 55 LANDSCAPE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 02940 - 7 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 PART 5.0 - MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ITEM J F M A M J J A S O N D TOTAL Mow :2 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 2 36 Edge/Trim 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 2 36 CleanNVeed beds/Trash 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 Sprinkler 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 18 Fertilize (lawn) 1 1 1 1 1 5 Post-Emergent (lawn) 1 1 1 1 4 Post emergent Post emergent of crabgrass and of winter weeds other broadleaf rasses Fertilize (beds, Incl. 1 1 1 ground cover Pre-emergent (beds) I 1 Cultivate beds 1 1 I 1 1 Prune (shrubs) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prune (ground cover) 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Prune (trees) 1 Insect/Disease control As (lawn and beds) needed Trees (insecticide) I 1 Trees (fungicide) I 1 LANDSCAPE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 02940 - 8 © 1999 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] SECTION 02955 - LANDSCAPING 3 PART 1 - GENERAL 4 $ 1.1 SCOPE: 7 Provide all labor, materials and equipment for complete installation of landscaping, as indicated on the drawings $ and specified herein. 9 ]0 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: ] ?~ A. Irrigation System ! 4 B. Lawns ]5 ] 6 C. Earthwork ]7 ]. 8 D. General Requirements 19 2,0 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: 2,2, A. Provide plant materials in compliance with applicable State and Federal laws relating to inspection for 2,3 diseases and inset infestation at growing site. 24 2,$ B. Plants are subject to inspection and approval by the Landscape Architect. Plants required for the 26 work may be inspected and tagged at the growing site before being dug. 27 2,8 C. Observation at growing site does not preclude right of rejection at job site. Plants damaged in transit 29 or at job site may be rejected. 30 31 D. Employ only qualified personnel familiar with required work. 32 :33 E. Off-site topsoil and topsoil on-site Testing (paid by Landscape Contractor): 34 :3:5 1. Provide source of off-site soil (If Required For Job) to the Owners representative for the 3 6 purpose of soil investigation. 37 3 8 2. Take random representative soil samples from area to be planted. 39 40 3. Test soil samples from both sources for ph, alkalinity, total soluble salts, porosity, sodium 4] content and organic matter. 42 4:3 F. File cerlJflcate of Inspection of plant matedal by State and Federal authorities with Landscape 44 Architect, if required by State. 4:5 1.4 REFERENCED STANDARDS: 46 47 A. American Standard for Nursery Stock, approved 1986 by American National Standards Institute, Inc. - 48 Plant materials. 49 :50 B. Hortus Third, 1976 - Cornell University - Plant nomenclature. :5:2, C. ASTM - American Standard Testing Material - Sharp sand. :54 :57 LANDSCAPING 02955 - 1 © 1998 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: 2 3 A. Delivery: 4 .5 1. Deliver packaged materials in sealed containers showing weight, analysis and name of manufacturer. 6 Protect materials from deterioration during delivery and while stored at site. 7 8 2. Do not deliver more plant materials than can be planted in one day unless adequate storage and 9 watering facilities are available on job site. Storage of materials and equipment at the job site will be at ] 0 the risk of the landscape contractor. The owner will not be held responsible for theft or damage. ]! ]2. 3. If balled plants cannot be planted within 24 hours after delivery to site, protect root balls by heeling in ] 3 with saw dust or other approved material. ]4 ] .5 4. Protect during delivery to prevent damage to root ball or desiccation of leaves. ]6 ] ? 5. Notify Landscape Architect of delivery schedule 48 hours in advance so plant material may be ! 8 observed upon arrival at job site. 19 20 6. Remove rejected plant material immediately from site. 2,?- 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS: 23 24 A. Planting Restrictions: 2.5 2.6 Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditions are suitable in accordance with locally ?-7 accepted praclJce. In no way shall any trees, plants, ground cover or seasonal color obstruct drainage ?-8 or block a 2% minimum positive slope away from buildings. 29 30 B. Utilities: 31 3?- 1. Determine locations of underground utilities and perform work in a manner which will avoid possible 33 damage. Hand excavate, if required, to minimize possibility of damage to underground utilities. 34 3 $ 2. Maintain grade stakes set by others until removal is mutually agreed upon by parties concerned. 36 3 ? 3, Coordinate work with irrigation contractor to prevent damage to underground sprinkler system. 38 3~) 1.7 WARRANTY: 40 4 ! A. Warranty for plants and trees shall be for one year after final acceptance. Replace dead materials and 4?" materials not in vigorous, thriving condition as soon as weather permits and on notification by Owners 43 Rep. Replace plants, including trees, which in opinion of Landscape Architect have partially died 44 thereby damaging shape, size, or symmetry. 45 4(~ B. Replace plants and trees with same kind and size as originally planted, at no cost to the Owner. 47 Provide one-year warranty on replacement plants. These should be replaced at start of next planting 48 or digging season. In such cases, removed dead trees immediately. Protect irrigation system and 49 other piping conduit or other work during replacement. Repair any damage immediately. `5O `5 ] C. Warranty excludes replacement of plants after final acceptance because of injury by storm, drought .52. drowning, hail, freeze, insects or diseases. .53 D. At the end of the warranty period, staking and guying materials if required shall be removed from the 54 site. 57 LAN DSCAPING 02955 - 2 © 1998 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] 1.8 MAINTENANCE: 2 3 A. Water: Will be available on site. Provide necessary hoses and other watedng equipment required to 4 complete work. $ 6 B. Until final acceptance, maintain plantings and trees by watering, cultivating, mowing, weeding, ? spraying, cleaning and replacing as necessary to keep landscape in a vigorous, health condition and 8 rake bed areas as required. 9 ] 0 C. A written notice requesting final inspection and acceptance should be submitted to Landscape ] ] Architect or owners representative within seven (7) days prior to completion. At that time owner and ] 2, Landscape Architect will prepare a final punch list to be reviewed with the landscape contractor. ]3 ! 4 D. Following final acceptance, maintenance of plant material will become the Owner's responsibility. The 15 Contractor shall provide Owner with a recommended maintenance program. 16 17 ]8 PART 2 - PRODUCTS ]9 2,0 2.1 PLANTS: 21 ?-2 A. Quantities: The drawings and specifications are complementary: anything called for on one and not 23 the other is as binding as if shown and called for on both. The plant schedule is an aid to bidders 24 only. Confirm all quantities on plan. 25 2,6 B. Plants shall be equal to well formed No. 1 grade of better; symmetrical, heavily branched with an even 27 branch distribution, densely foliated and/or budded, and a strong, straight, distinct leader where this is 2,8 characteristic of species. Plants shall possess a normal balance between height and spread. The 2,9 Landscape Architect will be the final arbiter of acceptability of plant form, either before or after planting :~0 and shall be removed at the expense of the Landscape Contractor and replaced with acceptable 3 ! plants as specified. 32, 33 C. Plants shall be healthy and vigorous, free of disease, insect pests and their eggs, and larvae. 34 3 $ D. Plants shall have a well-developed fibrous root system. 36 37 E. Plants shall be free of physical damage such as scrapes, broken or split branches, scars, bark 38 abrasions, sun scalds, fresh limb cuts, disfiguring knots, or other defects. 39 40 F. Pruning of all trees and shrubs, as directed by Landscape Architect, shall be executed by Landscape 4] Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. 42 43 G. Plants shall meet the sizes indicated on the Plant List. Where a size or caliper range is stated, at least 44 50% of the material shall be closer in size to the top of the range stated. 45 46 H. Plants indicated "B&B" shall be balled and burlapped. Plants shall be nursery grown unless otherwise 47 specified in plant list. Balls shall be firm, neat, slightly tapered and well budapped. Non-biodegradable 48 ball wrapping material will not be accepted. Any tree loose in the ball or with broken ball at time of 49 planting will be rejected. Balls shall be ten(10") inches in diameter for each one (1") inch of trunk $0 diameter, measured six (6") inches above ball. $2 I. Container grown plants shall be well rooted and established in the container in which they are .53 growing. They shall have grown in the container for a sufficient length of time for the root system to 54 hold the planting medium when taken from the container, but not long enough to become root bound. 57 LANDSCAPING 02955 - 3 © 1998 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] 2.2 SOIL PREPARATION MATERIALS: 2 3 A. Peat Moss: Commercial sphagnum moss or hyphum peat. 4 B. Pre mixed soils can be used as long as samples are submitted with manufacturer's data and ¢ laboratory test reports. 6 ? C. Sandy Loam: 8 ~) 1. Friable, ferlile, dark, loamy soil, free of clay lumps, subsoil, stones, and other extraneous ] 0 material and reasonably free of weeds and foreign grasses. Soil containing Dallisgrass or ! ! Nutgrass shall be rejected. ]2 ] 3 2. Physical properties as follows: ]4 !.5 Clay- between 7-27 percent 16 Silt - between 28-50 percent ! 7 Sand - less than 52 percent ] 9 D. Sharp Sand: Clean, washed sand, (fine aggregate) ASTM C-33. 20 2,] 2.3 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: 22 2,3 A. Fertilizer shall be delivered in manufacturer's standard container printed with manufacturer's name, 2,4 material weight, and guaranteed analysis. Fe~lizers with N-P-K analysis other than that specified may 2,$ be used provided that the application rate per square foot of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is 2,6 equal to that specified. 27 2.8 B. Commercial Fertilizer for Planting Beds: Complete fertilizer 5-10-5 element ratio with minimum 8% 2,~) suffur and 4% iron plus micro-nutrients. 3O 3 ] C. Controlled-Release feRtilizer planting tablets for tree planting pits, shall be equal to Agdform 20-10-15 32, planting tablets as manufactured by Sierra Chemical Co., Milpitas, California 95035 or approved 33 equal. 34 3.5 2.4 MULCH: 36 37 Bark mulch shall be hardwood mulch chips, ranging in size from 1/4-inch to 1-inch in size, medium fine texture, 3 $ shredded. 39 40 4] PART 3 - EXECUTION 42 43 3.1 CONDITION OF SURFACES: 44 45 A. New bed areas will be left within one tenth of a foot of finish grade by other trades. Contractor will be 46 responsible for raking and smoothing of grade. Remove from site and legally dispose of stones %-inch 47 and larger, clods 1-inch or larger, sticks, and other debris exposed dudng this operation. 48 4~) B. Examine subgrade upon which work is to be performed. Notify the Landscape Architect or owners $0 representative of unsatisfactory conditions. 53. 3.2 SHRUB PLANTING 53 .54 A. All shrubs to be pocket planted. Excavate planting hole 3" larger than the width and height of the root .5.5 ball. Backfill with 1/3 (soil mix and/or peatmoss), 1/3 native soil and 1/3 sandloam. .56 57 LANDSCAPING 02955 - 4 © 1998 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] B. Plant where located, setting plants with tops of balls even with tops of beds, and compact soil carefully 2, around each plant ball. 3 4 C. Water each plant thoroughly with hoses to eliminate air pockets. $ D. Carefully prune plants to removed dead or broken branches, vadous tags, and hand-rake bed areas (~ to smooth even surfaces, and mulch bed areas 1 inch deep. 7 8 3.3 GROUNDCOVER PLANTING ] 0 A. Till 2 inches minimum of thoroughly mixed prepared soil or equal in all planting bed areas as follows: ]! ] ?. 1. 1 part sandy loam ! 3 1 part peat moss 14 I part sharp sand ! .5 Add 4 pounds commercial fertilizer per 100 SF of bed area and mix ] 6 thoroughly. ]7 ] 8 B. Plant where located, setting plants with tops of balls even with tops of beds, compact soil carefully ]0 around each plant ball. 2O 2 ] C. Water each plant thoroughly with hoses to eliminate air pockets. 23 D. Carefully prune plants to remove dead or broken branches and hand-rake bed areas to smooth even 24 surfaces, and mulch bed areas 1 inch deep. 2.,6 3.4 TREE PLANTING: 27 2,8 A. Stake tree locations for Owners Representative approval prior to digging. 29 :30 B. Plant ornamental trees in pits 12-inches larger than the root ball. Plant shade trees in pits two feet :3 1 greater in diameter than root ball and equal to depth of root ball. :3:3 C. After excavation of tree pits, review water percolation. If tree pit does not drain adequately prepare 34 hole for use with a tree sump. Paint PVC stand pipe and cover dark green. After tree is installed, :3.5 pump water out on a daily basis. 36 3 7 D. In the event rock or underground construction work or obstructions are encountered in any plant pit :38 excavation work to be done under this section, alternate locations may be selected by the Landscape 3c) Architect. Where locations cannot be changed the obstructions shall be removed to a depth of not 40 less than six (6") inches below bottom of ball when plant is properly set at the required grade. The 4 ! work of this section shall include the removal from the site of such rock or underground obstructions 42 encountered at the cost of the Landscape Contractor. 43 44 E. Prepare soil for planting by thoroughly mixing two parts sandy loam and one part peatmoss or other 45 approved organic matter, If planting soil does not fall within the ph range of 5.5 to 7.0 add limestone 46 or aluminum sulphate to bdng soil into the specified ph range. 47 F. Backfill tree pits with a mixture of ~ prepared soil and ~ existing site soil. Lightly tamp every 6-inches 48 to fill all voids and pockets. When pit is 2/3 full, water thoroughly and leave water to soak in. Place 49 fertilizer planting tablets per manufacturer's recommendations. Complete backfilling and form a :50 saucer around the tree. 5] $2 G. Completely fill each tree saucer with mulch to a depth of two inches. 53 .54 H. Contractor shall keep trees plumb until established. Guying and/or staking to maintain that plumb .5.5 condition shall be at the Contractor's discretion. However, if trees are not plumb, the Contractor will .56 be required to guy and/or stake those trees in a method acceptable to the Landscape Architect at no .57 additional cost to the Owner. LANDSCAPING 02955 - 5 © 1998 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 ] I. Pruning: Prune trees to preserve the natural character of the plant in a manner appropriate to its 2. particular requirements in the landscape design as directed by the Landscape Architect. In general, 3 remove at least one-third of wood by thinning and pruning. DO NOT cut back terminal branches. 4 This native grown plants heavier than nursery grown plants. Remove sucker growth and broken or 5 badly bruised branches. ? 3.5 SEASONAL COLOR PLANTING: g c) A. Beds shall be excavated to a depth of 2 inches. Soil shall be replaced with 100% Living Earth ! 0 Technology Complete Mix or equal. ]! ] 2. B. Plant where located, setting plants with tops of balls even with tops of beds, and compact soil carefully ! :3 around each plant ball. ]4 ! 5 C. Water each plant thoroughly with hoses to eliminate air pockets. ]6 ]_'7 D. Carefully prune plants to remove dead or broken branches and hand-rake bed areas to smooth even ]8 surfaces and mulch bed areas I inch deep. ]9 .~0 3.6 CLEANUP: ?.2_. During work, keep premises neat and orderly including organization of storage area. Remove trash, including 2.3 debds resulting from removing weeds or rocks from planting areas, preparing beds, or planting plants from site 2.4 daily as work progresses. Keep walk and driveway area clean by sweeping or hosing. 25 26 27 28 29 3O 3] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4! 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 52 53 54 56 LAN DSCAPING 02955 - 6 © 1998 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.SD. 1498471 t SECTION 02957 - IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 2 3 SYST M- 4 5 P~T 1 - 6 ? 1.1 SCOPE ~ '. 10 ~~ ~r, ~0~ ~~ ~., for ~ ~l!~ti~ ~ ~Oa ora 11 ~mpl~ ,ha o~o~ ~n~o~ ~fion ~m in ~n~ ~ ~~o~ ~ ~ 02 S~ ~ 16 o3 17 ~ 18 0J V~ 19 ~ ~ Bl¢~ng 20 07 2] 0S ~ ' 22 ~ ~n 23 10 T~ ~ ~ 24 11 M~int~ ~ W~ 2~ 12 ~on ~B~t D~ 26 27 B. ~~~~ ~on~e~. 29 1.2 30 33 ~t ~ ~ n~ ~ ~ Bi& 34 36 40 B. S~p D~m~: ~ a ~mpl~e ~ of ~fion ~ ~m~ at a ~e of not ~11g 41 f~B 1 ~ - 40' for ~c o~ ~ ~ at 1~ ~ 10' for ~ ~. Dm~ ~ ~ ~ 4~ ~n~ l~fio~ ~d o~cr ~t ~o~fion n~ m ~ly ~nv~ ~ ~i~ ~ 44 ~ ~ ~on ~ ~c ~ ~ ~ pr~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~mr, 45 ~ H~ ~ ~c S~tc ofT~. Dm~ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~cr ~d ~t~ 46 47 C. At ~mp~Qoa ~ pmj~ pr~ ~t on ~pr~uo~Ic ~ sho~ m~ 4~ dim~o~ of ~ ~ ~pm~L 49 50 51 52 54 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 02957 - 1 ~ 1998 S~ Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.SD, 1498471 1 1.4 . GENERAl, REQUIREM~ENTS 3 A. Th~ dl~igll alld COIlStlllCtion oi'[hc irrigation $yste.~t shall include fltrnishing nnd irfi$ation ofnll 4 sprlni~le~S, valves, piping, fittings, controllers, wiring, etc., of sizes and types in these $ specifications to provide distn'bution of adcquately controlled water to aH pl:~,*in3 areas shown 6 on drawings. 7 8 B. Thc design must be completed ~n,t submitted by a licensed irrigation designer in the State of 9 Texas, and must have his seal present on aH drawings. 10 11 C. Thc Licensed Inigation Contractor sha, la), out ,,,,,l stake aH h__,ya4_% ~ valves, and other areas 12 related diizcfly to irrigation system installation aCCOrding to the plans and shnl! be approved by 13 the Owner's tz~prcsentativc before actual constntction. 14 .. 15 D. The General Contractor is responsible for flagging aH underground objects such as water lines, 18 19 Iii. Thc inigagon system ~hn, be ins~ed only in favorable weather conditions and in coordlnntlon 20 with other Contractors on thc site. 21 22 F. The Licensed Irrigation Contractor shall tie in_t_o watc~ scnrice provided by the' ~ 23 Contractor. 24 25 G. Electric power supply for controller to be fitmished by the Electrical Contractor, 115V power 26 27 28 H. AIl Tees: 90's, 45's onthc m-;n line shall have thrust blodes built into tltcbackoftllctrcnch. 29 30 L Definitions: 31 01 "Sprinkler 1Vf;*in" is ~_ha_t_ portion of piping fix~m water source to operntin~ vnlves. This 32 portion of thc piping is sub. jcct to surges, being it is a closed portion of thc 33 System. 34 02 'Lateral Piping" is that portion of thc piping from operating valves to tbe sprinklcr 35 heads. This portion of the piping is uot subject to surges, being an open end portion of 36 * 37 the Sprinlder System. 38 PART 2 = PRODUCTI'S 39 40 2.1 MATERIALS 41 42 Materials and equipment ~1! be as specified herein or approved equal. 43 44 A. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC) .,hnl! be rigid u~plasticized PVC extruded from virgin parent 45 materials of thc type specified, being homogc~:,~xms throughout and frec from visible cracks, 46 foreign materials, bliste~ delctcrions wrivJdcs, dents, and sha, have been mnn*~aurcd in 47 accordance with thc commodity st~mdnrd procedure of thc Department of Commm'cc as foHows: 48 01 Product Standani PS 22-70 -~hall apply, and be thc govcrzgng authority as applicable to 49 minllne and latexal piping and shall be per SDR-21 (Class 200) specific~ons. 50 02 All PVC pipe shah be continuously a~sd pcnnanonfly mnrkcd with thc ~nuf'.~turer's 51 name or trade mark, size, schedule., typc, working prcsmre at 73 °F, SDR number, 52 products standard number and Nation.al Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approval. 53 54 56 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 02957 - 2 © 1998 SHW ~roup, Inc. Architects + Engineers RiVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.SD. 1498471 1 03 The mnin Linc ~hnll be 3", gasket.or .ring type Class. Z00 PVC pipe. All fittings on thc 2 rn.ai~ lin~ ~h~ll b~ g~ fittillgg. ' ~r~?.$" ~or valv~ ~hnll b~ ~ lg~ 3" x 3" x 3 or 1-1/2", CtxGS FIPT. AH g~-ted fittings that a~c not in linc, i.e., 90's, 45's or 4 "Fees", shrill havc the appropriate thntst blocks in.stalled. Sec Section 3.01, Paragraph 5 G for 6 7 B. Polyvinyl pipe fi,in~ th.~l! be molded fittings, Schedule 40, ra~-,,~eO~red of the same g as the pipe, and _~hnH be suitable for solvent weld slip join ring tight seal or threaded connection 9 No gray fittings arc n_.___,xeptable. 10 01 Witillg ~ shnll be minimnm 14# gatl§¢. All control or 'hot" wires _~h~ll be lcd, alld 11 all commOI1 or 'gt'ollIld" Wiles shrill be white. 12 02 Licensed In'igation Contractor shall verify wire types and in.Wn~6on procedurcs with 13 lo~al ~ 14 03 All ooatml ~ (hot) sh~. hav~ nn splic, e~ Ti~ common (g~O-n~ wi~ gh~. only I~ 16 appropriam valw bOX with maghing valve. 17 20 maa~ or approval ~laal.. ~mma~ioa shall Ig all bms~. 22 plumbing 23 24 D. And quic~ couplers. 25 26 E. TI~ quic~ coupl~ ~ be of brass constru~on ,aili~in_.~ a ]g~ with a ]gig ~ with 27 for a 1' lm~ (l~in Bird RC-5 DlqP/K~ 55K-I/I-Ios~ Swivel SH-2), and ,hnil be ~ in a 28 valv~ box located n~ar a numbered valve. 29 30 F. Ti~ reanot~ control valve c~li be a norm~Hy closed 24V A.C. 60 cy¢1¢ mlea~oid ac0~!~ globe 31 p~"e~'ll ding.dill typ~ ~:apabl¢ ofhaving a flow rat~ of 35-1~0 ~llon.q per mimffe, Valv~ 32 rating ,hall ROt be illOl'~ th~n 150 PSL 33 01 The valve body and bonnet shall be constructed of molded PVC. Diaphragm ~ll be a 34 one piece raided diaphrn? Solenoid coil shall be encapsulated in raided epoxy. 35 02 The valv~ eh~n be actuated by a lower power of 2.0 watt 24V A.C. solenoid. 36 03 The valve tirol! have a flow control stem with wheel handle for regulating or shn.ing of 37 the flow of water. 3g 04 Thc valvo coll.q~uclion ~Imll be $11~h as to provide for all intetllal parts to be removable 39 from the top of th~ valve without distmbing the valve il~nll~tion 40 05 The rrmnnf'a ~t~O~ffe series and ~ of valve is shown on th~ drawing. 41 42 G. The irrigation system controller shall be n ltnlnhird ISC Controller. Electrical power to be 43 provided to controller location by the General Con~ctor. ~4 01 The controller .~hnll operate on n mlnlm~m 0£ 117V A_C. 45 02 Each station ~;hnll be capable of being set for incrementally variable timing from 6 to 60 46 min~te~. 47 03 The controller shall ~ so co~ so that all internal parts ar~ accessible through 48 controller door. 49 50 I-L All wiring to be used for connecting th~ electric r=mot~ control valves and automatic controller 51 ~hnll be Type UF, 600V, solid coPlgr wi~'4/64" imt~,ntion and has UL approval for direct $2 underground burial. 53 01 Wiring $iz~ .~hnll be minimum #14 gauge. AIl control or "hot" wires shall b~ red, and 54 all common or "ground" ~ shall Ix: white. 55 56 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 02957 - 3 © 1998 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 I 02 Licensed Irrigation Contractor sh~il verify wire types and inst:~!hlion procedures with 2 local codes. 3 03 All control wire (boo .qlmll have no splices. The commoI1 (~FOllnl~) ~ .qlmll only be 4 spliced at the ~ralve, and have two feet of pull wire splice, and slmll be in~4e the 5 appropriate valve box with m.~_t_¢hin~ valve. 6 ? L All electrical wire connections ~lmll be properly co~m~___~_ in an approved m2nn~ to insure a 8 complete and totally water tight weatherproof connection n_qin~ 3M DBY splice kits. 9 l0 I. Valve boxes shall bc nsed at each 3faire location and shall be of sufficicni s/zc to all m~nual I l O~Oll of ~ 'valve alld minor ropalr. Valve box~ :qh.~ll be Amlek boxes with iockhlg corel3. 12 13 K. Thc fi]Il or part c/talc pop-up spray heads shall be capable of opciati~ at 25 pounds per square 14 -- inch (PSI) with a discha~ rate in ~allons per ~!nq~c (GPM) to that as spec/fled for tbe 16 01 The sprinkler body and stem -draft be constructed of heavy duty plastic. 17 02 TI~ sprinicl~r ll.O,z~¢ ~l~mll ~ consllllc:t~l Of plaSlJl3 .qnd ~chsil ]laVe a ~ spray slot 18 and a metal adjusting sc1~v, capable of shutting off the sprinider and ~ thc 19 rddins =,u~ flow. 20 03 Th~ sprinkler shall have a strong stainless steel retract sprin~ for positive lX42-down. 21 04 Th~ sprltiklm- dull ha~ a soft clLqlome, fic seal for el_~mlnl~ debris from riser as it 22 retracts !~to case to prcvcnt fxom sticking up. 23 05 Acceptable m~nufactuters: Huater l-2fi Series, Toro 570 Scdcs, ' ~.,~ .: a' .' 24 25 PART 3 - EXCAVATION 26 27 $.1 EXCAVATION ~ 28 29 3.. Thc Liccascd Irrigation Contractor sh~ll stake out thc location of each nm of pipe and all 30 sprinkier hcads aaa sprinlder valve locations prior to ditching. S~ Section 1.04B for layout 31 approval. 32 01 Spri,~cr mainn -droll be located at lcast 5' from building edge. 33 34 B. AIl excavation nhall be unolassificd.' Bidders arc cxpccted to cxamlna thc site Of thc wodt and 35 after inv~gatioa, dccid~ for tlmn~ves th~ character of,~,~i~s to be mcotmtcmd. Thc 36 Owner do~ llOt ~ t_l~ ~t_ ~ oth~'lh~n tho~ disclo$~ ~ vi.el~l o1~%~o1~ wi~ 37 not tm eacotmt~ or ~ tl~ portions of tl~ ~axions nmtexials will not vary fxom ~ho~__~ indicated 39 01 ~hrobs .~lmll not be moved or d~rn~ged except when it is intpossible to m~l~- thc 40 inst~tion othennisc, thea shrubs may tm movexi, provid~l ample precautions arc taken 41 t0 prcwU damage to t~ shrubs. 42 02 Trccs ~h~U not bc movcd or d~nmgcd. In case of newly plantcd trccs, no digging -~ha~l 43 be don~ within ~ of th~ ball of the tre~. 44 03 Sprlnlder m~in shall be installed in a trench Of 4~ mlnlmum width and a depth to 45 provide 12~' minimum coverage over pipe at finish grade. M:~in ~ shall be 46 from side of trench to provide expansion and contraction. Should mor~ tlm~ one pipe be 47 placed in the same trench, the pipe shnll not be directly above the other, but Cml! lay at 48 30-45 degrees to one side or the other. The main shall always be the lower pipe. 49 04 Latexal piping shall be installed in a trench of 4" minimum width and of a depth 50 51 sufficient to provide 12" minimum cover over the pipe and to allow proper installation 52 of sprlnkler head or shrub riser. 53 54 NOTE: Subparagraphs 3.B.3 and 3.B.4 are minirllllm requilEments. Other factors such 55 as local codes, frost lines, etc., shall govern specific locations. 56 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 02957 - 4 © 1998 SHVV Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 I C. PVC pipe shall not be installed when there is water in the trench, nor shnli PVC pipe be laid 2 when temperature is 32 d~gr~s F or below. PVC pipe will expand or contract 1" per 10 degr~.s 3 F. chnn~e in ~l~ilp~'atll~. Thel'~folE, pipe ~h.nll be .~nnlted from side to side of trench bottom to 4 allow for expnndons and contraciJon 5 6 D. Backfflli~ of all excavation -~hnll be done with tbe material removed less any rock and/or debris 7 timt may be in excavated materiaL All trenches and other cxcava~ons .~hnll be property floedcd 8 and v~compacted to prevent after __~mllng. 9 01 Backfilling shall be spedfu:ally ~__=mped under ttm head t~nge and wund thc head for a l0 distance of one foot (1') by a stfitabl¢ means after uench bacidill has dried from 11 flooding, the purpose being to ¢lirnln~te h~?_a_s being 1oo~ in the gro-na_ This would 12 allow heads to move when nm over with mowers. 13 02 All lumber, tr~h. sntl roCitS ~h~ll be removed from the trenches before laying pipe. Pipe 14 shall have a firm, ,nifonn bearing for the entire length of each pipe joint to prevent 1 $ uaevea settlement. Wedging or blocking of pipe will not be permitted. Cushioning of 17 03 All foreign mstt~_r or dirt shall be removed fiom insids of the pipe before instn"~tiom 1 g Piping _~hn!! be kept clean by approved means during And after laying of pipe. 19 20 E. In PVC I)ipe ,ha t~_,in5 assembly, tbe Liccased Ird~tloa Contractor ,h,, uso only the solvent 22 fittings .dt.~!! be thoroughly cleaned ofd/rt, dust, and moisture with mm)lc ~)dmer before ~ptying 23 solvent Contractor shall mnlre solvent.welds with a non-syatbe~ic bristle brush in the following 24 sequence: 25 01 Apply an even coat of solvent to the outs/de of thc pipe. ADpty solvent to thc ins/de of 26 thc f~nlnE and re-appty a light coat of solvent to thc outside of thc pipe, m.~lrlng sure that 27 thc coated area of the pipe is equal to a depth of thc fitting socket. 28 02 Insc~ pipe quickly into thc fitting and turn the pipe approxin~tely 1/4 turn to distribute 29 thesolvent and remove air bubbles. Cbeck all tees and elis for correapodtion, then 30 hold joint for approximately 15 seconds so that pipe does not push out from the fitting, 31 nsc a clean rag n_nd wipe off ali excess solvenL 32 03 Allow at least fifteen (15) ,~i,~,,,-~ mop time for each wdded joint before moving. On 33 PVC to metal connect/on, the Licensed Irrigation Contractor shall work ~ metal 34 connections first. A non-hardening pipe dope, such as Permatex//2 ~' ~-~,a.. ~h~l! be 35 used on all threaded PVC, to metal joints, and light wrench pressure is all that should be 36 used. 37 04 Where thnmded PVC connect/ons arc required at a valve, use a Schedule $0 nlpple that 3:/ has been cot in hnlt Thread it into the female thread of tho valve and flue the cut end 39 into the appropriate tee or elbow. 4O 4 ~ F. Installation of Gasket Pipe 42 01 Trench: Bottom _~hn, be smooth and frcc from large stones or m~y other hard objects. 43 Bell holes -~hs!! be dug so that fittings and pipe are ,nlrormly suppe~d. 44 02 Squardycut and propcdy botel male pipe end of pipe section Bevel depthfor 1-I/2" 45 through 3~ pipe should be 1/2", 4" through 8~ pipe should be 3/4". 46 03 Reference nmrk pipe to indicate proper depth to insert into fitting. Determine depth by 47 measuring the depth of the fitting socket from hub end to pipe stop. 4~ a. Socket depth w/Il var7 by fitting size and configuration. 49 b. Depth of reference mark for fitting will var7 from that of integral bell pipe. 50 04 Remove all foreign material from.the inside of fitting surface of gasket, and outside of $1 surface of pipe.. 52 05 Lubricate thc beveled end of thc pipe to reference mark Use approved ~ltet joint 53 lubricant only. 54 a. Lubricate male pipe end only. 56 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 02957 - 5 © 1998 SHW Group, Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 I b. Do not lubricate,~e ~ei or in.side oi' fi~fin& 2 c. Usc. of other ~ app , .w~d lubricant may rc~di in bacterial ~wth and could' 4 06 Align fittings with ~_nfl of pipe. Push to§ether by hand or usc a bar apin~t wood biock 9 07 Should pipe and fitting not insert easily;. 10 a. Disassemble joint. 11 b. Check for any foreign matter in or around gasket, pipe misali~m_~t_. 12 fi~h-mo, thlng, proper depth of reference mark. 13 G. In~allnfin~l of Thntst Block 14 01 Quantity of concr~ may very due to amouat of soil removed at fitting location. A 15 mlnlml,m ofOlle ~ shall ~. ~ 16 02 Fonn thrust block so as not to pt, event removal of tilting or wiring_ 17 03 Shall be placed at fi~ng where a.,'l'an? of direction occurs, Lc., 45 and 90 d~ree 19 04 Pla~ non-porous ma~_,'~ial between com:a~ and pipe to ~ concr~ fi*om sfiddng 21 eas~ of mainlenanc~ 22 05 Thrust block cl~l! be inslailed against pipe and non-disaubed soil. All debris shall be 23 removed prior to installation. 24 26 installed at a minimum of 4" from such hard sutfa~ to nllow for edging or other ~ 27 mechanical maimenance. 28 29 L AIl electrical control cable shall be of size as p~ specified and -~haH be installed in the 30 piping tr~tc.h~ whertwer pos.~le. For protection, wire shah be placed in the Ixcoch below the 31 pipe. W't~ shall be snaked into tbe ~ with as roach slack as.possible to allow for expansion 33 may be ~ ~ 200 feet by mn~ng 5-6 tun~ of wix~ aroma! a pi_~'~_~ of 1/2" pit~ Whe~ 34 wire m~_~ be in a separato ltench, the wix~ ~ll have a minlm'm cover of 12 indus. Wl~re 35 wi~ is to occur under paving, sleeves shall be provid~l separate fxom sle~s for water pip'rog 36 when both occur in th~ ~me location. 37 38 I. TI~ automatic controller ~ha' be located and siz~ according to p~nc and specifications and 39 shall be mounted and installed according to thc mouated m,-,,~,'Im'er's installation instmcIions. 40 41 K. Installation of Quick Couplers 42 01 Shall be in 10" loeldn~ valve box. 43 02 Place a melal stake adjacent to the quick coupler and secure with wire. 44 03 Place pea gta~.l in x, alve box for stability. 45 04 Attach quick coupler to mnln ~ with swing joint as specified. 46 47 3.2 TESTII~G~ FLUSHING ~ lzI31AL ADJUSTMENTS 48 49 3,. Prior to t~Jll§ of thc main line, the Contractor shall contact by telephone th~ m:~intcnnnee 50 supervisor to schedule the springier main..test. A school district employee must be present for the 51 mnin ~ teat. 52 01 Thc sprinkler m~in shail be tested for 12-14 hottt~ uader normal water press~ and 54 compicted prior to bac. lcfilling. Su~¢-ient bacldill shall be placed to iasu~ stability of 55 56 IRRIGATION SPECIfICATiONS 029§7 - 6 © ~998 SHW Group. Inc. Architects + Engineers RIVERCHASE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 APRIL 99 CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH I.S.D. 1498471 I the linc under pressure, ~ being made to leav~ all joints aad fittings expot~ for 2 inspection dining full test period. All other line~ .~h~ll be tested for 1~1~ upon 3 completion of section a_n~ flushing of lines and attachment of m~in,: Ally lilaks 4 occun4ag ~h,il be repay., and lines ro-testod prior to final adjustmeat and completion 6 02 · Aite, r all new sprinkler piping and risers are in place and connected for givea section, 7 aha all necessary division work has be~n completed, and prior to tho inpaila~ion of 8 spunkier heads, all control valves shall be opened and afull head ofwat~ nsed to flush 9 out tim syl;tcma. 10 03 Fi,~ adjnsu~nt shall be mad~ upoa complaioa of installation and tl,,-~i,,~ of all iin~. 11 All sprln~tlers ~ be c, hccked for proper opetatioa and proper ali~,,,~*_ and for 12 dirc~on of tlm~ including con'cc'doas _aaa allowanc~ for p~.vam,,.., winds in 13 provlaing proper covezage. 14 15 3.3 ~' GUARANT~ AND WARRANTY 16 17 A. It -~l bo tho Liccmsed Irrigation Contraaor's responsibility to inmt~ covcrago of ~J~ areas 18 showa on tbo drawh~ to be ~ and, shall guar~_,,~_~ tho _~a,-a,agry opomioa of tl~ eatir~ 19 syalem and ga~ wmtanaaship and restoration of ~l~ ~ 20 21 B. Tbo eaiir~ system -o,~, bo guar-mt _-_-a to be complete in ~a3, detail for a pedod of oae (I) year 22 from the ,~te of ~ and tho Licen~ Inigation Contractor hereby ~ to adjust, 23 repair or ~placo aay such defects oomrfiag wimln that year flee of ¢~q~ns~ to tbo Owmr. 24 25 3.4 INSPECTION FOR ACCEPTANCE 26 27 A. htspection of work to determln~ completion of contract work shall be mad~ by tho Owner and 28 Owner's representati~ upon request of the Licens~ Irrigation Contractor. A.0er inspection, the 29 Licensed Irrigation Contractor _~n bo notified of acceptam~. If the~ a~ any de~cieacies ofth~ 30 V~luirements for mmpletion oftbo work rem~inlng to bo done, lhey _~h~]! be subject to 31 re, inspe~on befo~ acceptance. 32 33 3.5' RECORD DRAWINGS 34 35 A. A complete and accurat~ set of"a.s-builf' plans shall bo furnished to tbo Owner upon completion 36 of all work showing ac~ locations of all materials installed if ¢k-viations w¢~ ,,~4¢ in otis,mI 37 drawln~. Iacludo sc, boma~ wiring diagram¢ Ret'e.r to Section 02810, pa~t 1.13, Record Prints, 38 for further requirements of this Seclion. 39 40 ElqD OF SECTION 41 42 43 44 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 IRRIGATION SP£GIFIGATIONS 02957 - 7 © ~998 SHW Group. Inc. Architects + Engineers