Carroll-FB/PP,SP-CS000718 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Application for Cert~cate is made to the Building Official of Coppcll, Texas, for Certificate of Occupancy, authorizing the use of vacant land or building at: Address of use: Riverchase Elementary Building to b~ used as: ~ ~ ,~ 0 o i Squaro feet: Previous Occupant/tenant name: Telephone: M~iling address: City: Sta~: Zip: Please chc~k, as applicable: ~/~New Tenant [] Same Business Owner, Now Name Fi Clean and Show cl Shell Building (No occupancy) [] Expanding lease space [] Same Business Name, Now Owner 1. Are you enlarging an existing tenant space by combinln~ suites, or portions of suites? Yes No List lease spaces being combined 2. Will you store, usc, dispen.~ or mix flammable or combu.m'blc liquids for ~ other ,l~n malnten.qnce for operation of equipment? If so, spec/fy the type of product and the projected quantifies. 3. Will there be any spray painting on premises? Yes No 4. Will you handle or use any hazardous or toxic chemicals such as but not limit/~ to Oxi~ corrosiv0 Yes No I/quids, poisonous gas~ and radioact/vc mnterials? If so, specify the type and projected qn~milies. 5. WiLt the print/pal use of the building or tenant space be used for storage? Yes No a. If yes, what materials will be stored? b. What percentage will be used for storage? c. How high will materials be stacked? d. Will thc materials be stored in racks? Yes No 6. Will the building be equipped with a fire sprinkler system or a ~_n_ndpipe system? Yes No 7. Will food or beverages be rnnnufacttu'ed, packaged, stored, disUibut~d, sold or prepared in any mnnner Yes No other ~han vending machines? 8. Will alcoholic beverages be sold for consumption on the premise~? Yes No 9. W/ii any goods, merchandise, or raw materials be stored or displayed outdoors? Yes No 10. Will used goods be sold on the premises? Yes No ll. Will you be performing any of the foLlowing p -roo--~----~-~---ontlmP~mfises? Ifso, pleasecirclelhoseacfivities: Yes No Manufacturing Treating FormulafionAVfixin~ Vehicle Washing Welding 12. Will any liquid wastes or sludges be generated which ar~ not disposed of in the sewer system? Yes No 13. Will any form of waste water pr~-trcatment I~ utilized at this facility? If yes, please descn'oe: Yes No 7-18-00 MEMORANDUM To: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning From: Greg Jones, Chief Building Officia~~ Subject: More on Certificate of Occupancy release for Riverside Elementary Based on our conversation this a.m I understand you are planning to request that Robert Howman of Glenn Engineering revise his letter providing for a date certain for construction of the fence on the north side of Riverside Elementary (presumably aRer the construction of the townhome project to the north). Since we cannot issue a Certificate of Occupancy until all your conditions have been met and planning sign-offoccurs, you have indicated that when you receive a letter that meets your approval, you plan to allow a full planning release for this project. This would mean that your ot~ce would need to track when this work needed to be done and insure it was done in accordance with the approved site plan. Please don't feel like we are going to abandon you aRer this release. If the fence does not get built or does not otherwise meet any site plan approval requirements, let me know so our off,ce can begin appropriate enforcement action. Sorry for having to write this all down but it helps me keep this clear in my mind during these first projects. By the way, once you are O.K with the letter, sign that C.O. form and send it back! MEMORANDUM :~ .:::-_~, ~. To: ~ Sieb, Dke~or of Planning From: ~eg Jones, C~efB~g O~cial Subject: C~cate of ~cupancy relea~ for Elementa~ I wanted to try to minimize confusion by responding to your concerns in a note. ffI could I would like to summarize my understanding of the problem as follows: The owner (C/FBISD) wants a Certificate of Occupancy approved. You have no problems with this except for a fence that is called for by the approved site plans to be constructed on the north property line. Because of the very large grade difference that currently exists there, you would be willing to allow the owner to defer construction of this fence until the property to the north develops. Since we cannot issue a Certificate of Occupancy until all site conditions have been met and planning sign-off occurs, we need some action on your part. You may request we extend the temp C.O. as provided for by the SOP in Section 1.05, if you want the owner to amend the site plan requirements by removing the site requirement for fencing on the north side. You may request we extend the temp C.O. to some date certain as provided for by the SOP in Section 1.06, if you actually want the owner to construct the fence as required by the approved site plan. The Director of Planning (you) may be able make a minor amendment to the approved site plan if you feel it does not substantially change the original plar~ Since the third item above was noted as a deficiency in your Certificate of Occupancy inspection comments, I assume you prefer not to choose it. In the event that we receive no notification, our temporary approval will become final after the 30 day period. This will mean that all life/safety items have been complied with but no final Certificate of Occupancy was ever granted. We need action of your part, since without an approved Certificate of Occupancy, we have cause for enforcement due to non-compliance with site plan approval conditions. This can only be cured by some action on your part that addresses your dissenting comments. I realiTe that this is a more difficult process than it used to be, but it is necessary for consistency for us to insure compliance with all project approval conditions. I am enclosing your C.O. sign-offform in the event you need to modify it. Thanks for your assistance. JUL-24-2000 18:16 ~ C~J~ 972 701 0229 GLENN ENGINEERING July 24. 2000 Mr. Gary ~eib city of Coppell 200 South Denton Tap Road Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Fencing at RivemhaM Elementary School : Dear Mr ~eib, ' / The'Carmllton-FatTners Branch Independent School District and the property ers ofthe Townhouses of~ll am working on an agreement which would allow for a temporary cJlain link fence to be placed on school property during the oon~n of the tOwnhomes. Upon complermn of fie project a pemlanent ornamental fen?e, will be placed between the Iwo properties. CurrenW ~his is ~ onry item prev~ nting Dalmac ConStru~lion from receiving the Certifioate of Occupancy for the building. We would appreclaf~ any held you can give us in resolving this matt=r. If you have any questions, please contact me at 972.717-5151. Sincerely, Robert A. Howman ProJect Manager Glenn Engineering TOTRL P. 02 EO/EO'd 9~0# GS:GO LE-LO'O05T £8~9 OG~ E&G NO IlO~CIO~d-31dlW~ld~: