Carroll-FB/PP,SP-CS000724'- JUL-24-20~ iB:iG SM~ C~OUP 972 ?Mi 8229 GLENN ENGINEERING July 24, 2000 Mr. ~J Seib city of Copl~l 200 Soutll Denton Tap Road Co~, Texas 75019 Re: Fencing at Rivemhase Elementa~J School ~ Dear Mr Seib, ~ The Carmllton-Farrners Branch Independent School District and the property rs ofthe Townhouses of ~11 are werking on an agreement which would allow for a temporary Rain link fence to be placed on school property during the ~onstru ~¢t~n of the townhomes. Upon cornp~i~n of the project a pemlanent ornamental fer~e, will be placed between the lyre properties. Currently this is the only item prev~,'nting Dalmac Conslru~ion from receiving the Catifi~te of Occupancy for the building. W~ would appreciat~ any help you ~an give us in resolving this matter. ffyou have any questions, please contact me at 972-717-5151. Sincerely. Rol~rt A. Howman Project ~na~r Glen ~g~fing GL[IIBI' ENGIltRIIING Cll3111~OIIA'TIOll 10Q bacl~a' Cou,~ Suite 250, Ir'an& ~ 75062 972.71Z51S'~ FAX 972,?1g.4;Z~9 'r0TRL P. 02