Carter Add P2/PP-DR 960926 (3) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEEIHNG COMMENTS ITEM: Carter Addition, Phase Two, Preliminar? Plat. to allow tire development of a 5-lot residential subdivision, located at the southwest comer of Moore Road and Carter Drive, at the request of Needham, Wright, Laskey Engineers, Inc. DRC DATE: September 26, 1996 and October 3, 1996 CONTACT: Mike Martin, E.I. T., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ./'PRELIMINARY F!NAL 1. Provide the floodplain administrator signature block on plat. 2. The rerouting of the existing sanitary ~ewer line needs to be discussed. 3. Impact fees will be required for this development. 4. What are the plans for Lot 2? 5. Show right-of-way for adjacent streets, Moore and Carter Drive. 6. Show proposed sanitary sewer service for Lot 4. It may be difficult to provide sewer service to this property due to the grade of existing sanitary sewer line. 7. Show size of proposed sanitary sewer line. FYI Comment: No structures i.e., fences, buildings, pools, etc. will be allowed in the floodplain unless a flood study is approved by the City and FEMA.