Carter Add P2/PP-DR 960926 (5) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMENTS iuu/~'--~ ........ ITEM: Carter Addition, Phase Two, Preliminary Plat DRC DATE: September 26, 1996 CONTACT: R. D. Slayton, Superintendent of Leisure Services 214/304-3554 FAX 214/304-3547 COMMENT STATUS: INITIAL Developers should be aware that they will be responsible to comply with the City's parkland dedication ordinance fee of $1,285.00 per dwelling unit. The developer should also be aware that the southern portion of the property falls within the City's proposed Cottonbelt Trail. The developer may be required to construct a 12' wide concrete hike and bike trail in accordance with the City of Coppell's Hike and Bike Trail Master Plan.