Channel Pt/Re-NR 900913 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Coppell will hold a public hearing on the 13th day of September, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell Town Center, for consideration of a replat of Channel Pointe Addition, located at the southwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Parkway Boulevard, at the request of Mr. Larry Taylor. All interested citizens of the City of Coppell and other parties of interest are invited to attend this public hearing and participate in the same. Any citizen of the City or other party of interest may also express his or her opinion concerning the proposed replat request by letter addressed to the City of Coppell, Planning Department, P.O. Box 478, Coppell, Texas 75019. CPNTNOT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of Coppell will hold a public hearing on the 18th day of September, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell Town Center, for consideration of a replat of Channel Pointe Addition, located at the southwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Parkway Boulevard, at the request of Mr. Larry Taylor. All interested citizens of the City of Coppell and other parties of interest are invited to attend this public hearin§ and participate in the same. Any citizen of the City or other party of interest may also express his or her opinion concerning the proposed replat request by letter addressed to the City of Coppell, Planning Department, P.O. Box 478, Coppell, Texas 75019. CPNTNOT ClT/7-F-N 'S ADVOCATE Publi.~h One Time Friday, August 31, 1990 § 212.015. Additional Requirements for Certain Replats ~a) In addition to compliance with Section 212.014, a replat without vaca- :~c~n of the preceding plat must conform to the requirements of this section if: (1) during the preceding five years, any of the area to be replatted was limited by an interim or permanent zoning classification to residential use for not more than two residential units per lot; or (2) any lot in the preceding plat was limited by deed restrictions to residential use for not more than two residential units per lot. !b) Notice of the hearing required under Section 212.014 shall be given ~efore the lSth day before the date of the hearing by publication in an official newspaper or a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the municipality is located and by written notice, with a copy of Subsection (c) attached, forwarded by the municipal authority responsible for approving plats to the owners, as indicated on the most recently approved ad valorem tax roll of the municipality's governing body, of all lots in the preceding plat. The written notice may be delivered by depositing the notice, properly addressed with postage prepaid, in a post office or postal depository within the boundaries of the municipality. If the preceding plat contains more than 100 lots, the written notice shall be mailed only to the owners of lots locateci within 500 feet of the lots to be replatted. (c) If 20 percent or more of the owners to whom no~ice is required to be given under Subsection (b) file with the municipal authority responsible for approving plats a written protest of the replatting before or at the hearing, the municipal authority shall require for the replatting the written approval of at least 662/3 percent of the owners of all lots in the preceding plat or of the owners of lots located within 500 feet of the lots to be replatted if the pzeceding plat contains more than 100 lots. In computing percentages of ownership, each lot is considered equal to all other lots regardless of size or number of owners, and the owners of each lot are entitled to cast only one vote per lot. (d) Compliance with Subsections (b) and (c) is not required for approval of a replat of part of a preceding plat if the area to be replatted was designateci or reserved for other than single or duplex family residential use by notation on the last legally recorded plat or in the legally recorded restrictions applicable to the plat. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eft. Sept. 1, 1987. (Reprinted from the 1988 Pamphlet, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated~ pg. 493 - 4). ~ DATE O7/Z3/90 REAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL FOR CITY OF COPPELL ~i~ ENTITY CODES TAX C - ' DCAD ACCOUNT NUHBER SPTB CODE LOCATION DF PROPERTY C~TY COLL EXEHPT~ONS AGRZ :-~ JURiSDiCTION ACCT NUH .__~R.E.A~E CNTY HOSP TYPE AHOUNT AGR~C ~A-XPAYEP~&H~/ADD~ESS ' L-EGAL'-DESCR]PT~ON--OF--PROPERTY~ZSD'~SPDS .......... SP~ZT PCT '--AG LAND o 180008500[0030000 3 COVE ~ CO DO .... ~IHUPLEX eEO 5A~S~~]~]O~'~A-NNEL~OTNT~ ~ DC ~H ..................... ~0C085 C~ l~'O~-O 4 ~9'E DR--CO--DO -"' METROPLEX FED SAV ASSN GEl ilo CHANNEL POINTE DC PH ", C/O G GOLTZ BLK I LOT ,~ LB-~DS'A-EL--R-O~FRWY VOl 89087/0832'-EXl2068~ CO-~ AEEA-S-- OS .... CD --- TX 00085C01004~0 11800085C01 ~ =o'. DALLAS 75201 ~ :~ 18000~5001005OOCO 5 COVE DR CO DO ~ C/0 G GOLTZ BLK 1 LOT 5 ~ =e~ 1845 d30DALL ROGERS FRWY VOL89087/~832 EX120688 CO-DALLAS OS CD :~ DALLAS TX 0008500100500 11800085001 =, ~ 52C 1 ~ ~ METROPLEX FED SAY ASSN CL[ IlO CHANNEL POINTE DC PH =~. C/O G GOLTZ BLK 1 LOT 6 ........ .~-i 84~'~DODA'L~A-OGERS--FRWY V ~[8 g~B'7/C832-'E X 1'2~'E8 B-CD=O ILl-AS OS----CD -- DALLAS TX 00085031006C3 118030~5G01 ~ ~ 7520t --- 180008500I 3073000 7 COVE DR CO DO ' M E T ~ 3PCE'X--F E D-- S A'V --AS'SN ..... C 1'1-- I'lO .... C HA-NNEL--PO I NTE' -- DC .... PH ................................... ~: C/C G GDLTZ BLK 1 LCT 7 ~-' 18~5 WDO3ALL ROGERS FRWY V3LSg087/0832 EX12C69~ CO-DALLAS OS CD ~ DALLAS TX oO2~.~p~!~p7 oo i t~ooo~_~o~ ........................... ~ .............. 75201 ~ ''_ METROPLEX FED SAY ASSN Cll IlO CHANNEL POINTE DC C/O G SOLTZ BLK I LCT ~ .............. ~'---1845' wDODALL--A'OGERS -F~WY ........................ Vo[sgo87/O832-EX12068~' CO~DALLAS ...... OS .... CD .......... -- DALLAS TX C008500 ICOSOO 11800095001 ~ ":' 75201