Carter Add P2/AmP-CS 900821 SURVEY PLAT TO THE LIENHOLDER:., ~ND/OR THE O~NERS AND/OR PUF~CH~SENb OF 7HE PREMISES SURVEYED: This Js to certify that [ have made a carefu[ ~n~ accurate survey of the / property located at 501 Christi tone in the City Of Coppell. Dallas County, Texas, described as foi~o~s: ~ ~--~ ~ A ~-~ Being LOT 3. tn BLOCK 2 o~ C~RTER ~DD[T[ON, an ~dd[tlon to the City of X. ~.~' ~ ~- ' Coppe~, Texas, accord~q to the Nap Recorde~ tn Volume 73053, PaGe 66, ~ 4 · z Acre Tract located in t~e North. Northeaste~,v i,ne of this property .... ~~y k ~ ~4- 1~~ , , LOT3 BLK.2 I i I I " i I~ Z°~z /~. ~ ' ~93 -_ ~_ I hereby certify that on the /~'~ day o~ ~~, 19 ~ , this survey was made on the ground as per the field notes shown on this survey and is true, correct, and accurate as to the dimensions pt the subject property and the size, location and type pi buildings an~ impNQWements thereon, if any. The survey shows all easements and visible easements pt which I have knowledge or have been advised affecting the subject property. There are no encroachments, conflicts, or protrusions visible on the ground other than those shown. Drawn 8~' ~ ~.~. La,nd: o Fe,~ Co,~ X . Chain L~ Fon~ & ASSOCIATES. ~NC W~ Fen~ Su~ey~n9 & Eng,Merm9 Pm~rtv L,ne 1~1 W. 8eltli~, Ste. 1 17B a C~rollton. Texas 7~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land located in the North, Northeasterly line of LOT 3, BLOCK 2, ot CARTER ADDITION, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, according to the Map Recorded in Volume 73053, Page 66 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being further described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a i/2" iron rod found, being the most Northeasterly Corner of LOT 3, 8LOCK 2, same bei~9 the most Northwesterly Corner of LOT 4, BLOCK 2, also being the South R.O.W. line of Christi Lane; THENCE South 11° 5~' 00" East, along the property line of LOT 3 and LOT 4, BLOCK 2, for a distance of i50.00' to a point, being the most Southeasterly Corner of this tract; THENCE South 78° 04' 00" West 20.0' to a point being the most Southwesterly Corner of this tract; THENCE North 11° 56' 00" West, for a distance of 33.0' to a point; THENCE North 78~ 04' 00" East, for a distance of 11.0' to a point; THENCE North 11° 56' 00" West, for a distance of 55.0' to a point; THENCE South 78° 04' 00" West, for a distance of 11.0' to a point; THENCE North 11' 56' 00" West, for a distance of 63.0' to a point in a curve, same being in the South R.O.W. line of Christi La~e, said point is the most Northwesterly Corner of this tract; THENCE along a curve to the left same being the South R.O.W. line of Christi Lane for a distance of 20]03 tothe Beginning Point of this tract, said tract contains 0.0552 acres or 2404.9997 square feet of land.