Channel Pt/PP-CS 880218 Po Box ~/ /~..~ Copped. Texas 750~9 ( Cw/ /,--~' / The City With A Beautiful Future 2~4-462-0022 k.__.~// CITY OF COPPELL PLA~NNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Date: February 18, 1988 PLANNING A,%'D ZONING DEPARTMENT: RE: Case #: Chm-nel Pointe Addition Preliminary Plat LOCATION: Southwest corner of MacArthur and Parkway Boulevards. REQUEST: Approval of a preliminary plat and variances. APPLICANT: Mr. Don Peebles~ P.R. Engineerin~ 530 Bedford Road B~lford, Texas ?60ZZ GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat with variances. STAFF RECOMMEN'DATION: Staff recommends denial. After meetin~ with the DRC, the applicant requested to pull the item off the agenda; however, due to the cm~li.- ance requirements, (action must be taken on a plat within 30 days), the l)lat must be denied. Staff anticipates that the applicant will resubmit for the March 18, 1988 PlanninH and Zonin£ Commission docket. STF. REPORT/FORM PZAGN2 I T E M 1Z