Chaucer Est/PP-CS 911112Mockingbird Lane fronting Mockingbird Middle School within certain hours as described, and authorizing to Mayor to sign. Council Member Downing (Robertson) seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Allen (Smothermon) and Council Members Oradat (Weaver), Parsons (Thomas), McGinnis (Morton), Downing (Cowman absent/no vote), Clements (Robertson), and Acker (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Student Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) concluded the Students in Government portion of the City Council meeting, and on behalf of the students and teachers expressed appreciation for the opportunity and the learning experience. Item 19 PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of a zoning change case #PD-116R (Chaucer Estates Addition) from (TC) Town Center to PD-SF-7, located at the northwest corner of Sandy Lake and Heartz Roads, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb made a presentation. He stated that Alpine Development requested to have the case continued or held under advisement until no later than December 10. Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing open and asked if there were any persons who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to Chaucer Estates. Following discussion, Councilman Morton moved that the Public Hearing be left open until the November 26, 1991 Regular City Council Meeting. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 20 Consideration and approval of a preliminary plat, for Chaucer Estates Addition, located at the northwest corner of Sandy Lake Road & Heartz Road, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon moved to table Item 20 until the November 26, 1991 meeting. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 21 Consideration of awarding Bid #Q-0991-04, for North Kaye Street drainage improvement as advertised. Mayor Wolfe stated that this item was discussed in Work Session. Councilman Weaver moved to approve Bid #Q-0991-04, in the amount of $190,858.76 from Rhode Construction Co., for North Kaye Street drainage improvement as advertised with the amendment that staff be allowed to negotiate reductions such as the substitution of materials such as PVC in place of reinforced concrete pipe, and any opportunities to work with the contractor on alternate methods to reduce overall cost of the contract, but otherwise to proceed on schedule. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Concerns addressed included the long standing problem, increased cost due to delay, lack of citizen cooperation regarding easements, developer coordination and citizen cooperation that has been acquired, possible rebid due to materials changes (not required unless there is more than a 25% project cost variance), and source of funding. The motion was tied 3-3, with Councilmen Weaver, Morton, and Robertson voting in favor, and Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas and Nelson voting against the motion. The motion carried 4-3, with Mayor Wolfe breaking the tie by voting in favor of the motion. Item 22 PUBLIC HEARING: To consider amendments to the Capital Improvements Plan and Fee Schedule to be used in the adoption of revised Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. City's consultant Sanford Case made presentation. Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing open and asked if there were any persons who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the plan and fees. There being no persons who wished to speak, Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing closed. No action was required on this item. Item23 Consideration and approval of the 1991 Water and Wastewater Capital