Chaucer Est/PP-CS 910821Augpst 21, 1991 r. Gary Seib ty Of Cop~ell ty Hall ppe~l, Texas D~ar Mr. Se~b~ This letter shall confirm my autho~lzat£on and support for the r~zon£ng from Town Center zoning to Single Family zoning for that certain tract of 21± approximate acres located at the northwest cDrner of Sandy Lake Road and Heartz Road. The zoning application le being made'in anticipation of the Alpine Development Company purchasing the tract and developing single family lots on the premises. This letter also shall serve as my approval of the platting of the same property. It iS ~n~erst0od and agreed to ~y me that the area to be r~zoned will be part of the 30% Comput&tion regarding residential u~e within Town Center zoned property. Thank you for working with u~ on tht~ matter. If I can be of further assistance to the City of Coppell please contact me. H~H/mls Sin=erely, "1 ~y M argrave, Trtfstee TOTAL P. 02