Chaucer Est/FP-CS 920714Via Facsimile 214/393-0948
Real Estate Development and Investments
July 14, 1992
Gary Sieb
Director of Planning
City of Coppell
P.O. Box 478
255 Parkway
Coppell, Texas 75019
Final Plat
Chaucer Estate~, Coppell, Texas
Dear Mr. Sieb:
Upon our conversation this morning, I understand that the City of Coppell was unable to
hold the city council meeting due to the fact that there was no quorum.
We understand that there will be a special meeting of the city council on Wednesday, July
22. t992. On that day. it is my understanding that the city council will act on our final plat.
Thank you Ibr the teleohone call and the attention raven to our project. Il' you have any
ouest/ons or have further inforn]ation reeardine our final vlat. r>le~e call me.
Kevin Kendrick
Unzicker. Schnurbusch & Assoc.
Tarv Arterbum
Mesa Desien
Jim Sier>iela
Siemela Interests. Inc.
5001 LBJ FREEWAY, SUITE 830 · DALLAS, TEXAS 75244 · (214) 96(%2777 FAX: (214) 9C5~2660