Christ Sav/PP-DR 880524DRC DALE: P&Z DATE: CC BALE: ~y 24, 1988 June 16, I988 June 88, 1988 Revitw~eq~ by: Taryon Bo~man PlanninU & Zoning Coo~inato~ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CO~4ITTEE Plannir, g Department Comments for ~rist Our ~avior Luth~a~ O~u~eh ~}itio~, Final Plat If variances are being requesteq for this develo~me~, you must submit a separate request Dy way of a letter. This item is scheduled for the 6/16/88 Plar, ning Conm~ission meeting and the City Coureil meeting on 6/88/88, both at 7:30 p.m. A represen- tative · ust be present at both meetings. Failure to a~tend may result in denial of this application. Existing zoning for block A as snc~n or, plat will neeO to be cnang~ to SF-i8 SUP, once approval has neen granted by the City Council. Review will continue when additional information is su{~itt~. Please submit two (8) corrected site plans, folded, to the Planning Department prior to Monday, May 30,19~8, in orde~ to be reviewed by the Development Review Committee on Tuesday, May 31, I988. DEC MINUTES Review of: Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church Page 5 LONE STAR GAS ().~. ()2. ()3. Service is available. No representative was present. Preliminary/Final plat(s) is/are scceptable. GENERAL TELEPHONE (x) ( ) (X) 1. Service is available. 2. No representative was present. 3. ~9~AY~Y~r~Final plat(s) is/~acceptable. With the following correcnions. !. Needs Utility Sign Off Block. DRC MINUTES Review of: I. Christ Our Savior Luthera~ Church Page 10 .:'" TEXAS POWER A~ LIGHT: ( ) ( ) (x) 1. Service is available. 2. Service details to be worked out with building plans. 3. ~MMY. MYga~Final plat(s) is/am~x.acceptable. Tim Brancheau - 323-8910