Christ Sav/PP-CS 880519 (2)Item 8: Holding of a second PUBLIC HEARING to consider the annexation of the Thompson Tract/Disannexed by described as 31.299 acres. Dallas Mayor Duggan declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed annexation. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of the proposed annexation. Again, there were none. Mayor Duggan then declared the public hearing closed. No action was required on this item. Service plans on this property are available for public inspection. Item 9: Holding of a second PUBLIC HEARING to consider the annexation of Cotton Road described as 1.658 acres. Mayor Duggan declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed annexation. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of the proposed annexation. Again, there were none. Mayor Duggan then declared the public hearing closed. No action was required on this item. Service plans on this property are available for public inspection. Item 10: Conduction of a PUBLIC HEARING to consider approval of a zoning change, Case #S-1033 from (SF-12) Single Family to (SF-12 S.U.P.) Single Family-12 Special Use Permit, to allow the operation of a church, day nursery and school located approximately 450 feet south of the southeast corner of Heartz Road and Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church. ~ Date of P&Z Meeting: May 19, 1988 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (7-0) Planning and Zoning Coordinator Taryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. Following discussion and a presentation by the applicant Clifton Owens, Mayor Duggan declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak in favor of the proposed zoning change. There were none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed zoning change. Again, there were none. The public hearing was then declared closed. Councilman Morton moved to approve the zoning change, Case #S-1033 from (SF-12) Single Family to (SF-12 S.U.P.) Single Family-12 Special Use Permit, to allow the operation of a church, day nursery and school located approximately 450 feet south of the southeast corner of Heartz Road and Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church. Councilman Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 11: Consider approval of a preliminary plat for Christ Our --' Savior Lutheran Church Addition, located 450 feet south of the southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Heartz Road, at the request of the Lutheran Church. 'Date of P&Z Meeting: Decision of P&Z Commission: May 19, 1988 Approved (7-0) Following discussion Councilman Smothermon moved to approve the preliminary plat for Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church Addition, located 450 feet south of the southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Heartz Road, at the request of the Lutheran Church. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 12: Consider authorizing an on-site management residence as an accessory use, in connection with the Advantage Self- Storage Warehouse facility located at the southeast corner of Denton Tap Road and the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad. Date of P&Z Meeting: Decision of P&Z Commission: N/A Following discussion City Attorney Larry Jackson stated this is a finding of the Council in this specific case only. Tom Yarbrough, representing the applicant, answered questions of the Council. Mayor Duggan requested staff to check into the legality of rental trucks. Following further discussion Councilman Wolfe moved to approve an on-site management residence as an accessory use, in connection with the Advantage Self-Storage Warehouse facility located at the southeast corner of Denton Tap Road and the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion; motion failed 3-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Morton and Smothermon voting against the motion. The applicant was informed that he could re-apply before the full Council. Item 13: Consider approval of a final plat for Channel Potnte Addition, located at the southwest c~ner of Parkway Boulevard and MacArthur Boulevard, at the request of Argus Properties. Date of P&Z Meeting: Decision of P&Z Commission: May 19, 1988 Approval (7-0) Planning and Zoning Coordinator Taryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. Don Peebles, representing the applicant, was also present to answer questions of the Council. Following discussion Councilman Wolfe moved to approve the final plat for Channel Pointe Addition, located at the southwest corner of Parkway Boulevard and MacArthur Boulevard, at the request of Argus Properties with variances as indicated on the plat. (Variance requested on 20' building line to 15' building line as shown on plat. Where 15' building line is shown on blocks 1 and 3 on plat, all garages shall be 20' from the front property line. Lot 1, Block 2, front entry access requested. Lot 14, Block 2 - 18" RCP lies under drive approach located within 15' drainage easement). Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 14: Discussion, consideration, and approval of a variance from Section 9-7-1 A of the Code of Ordinances which concerns a metal canopy for an Exxon gasoline service station located at the southwest corner of Beltline and MacArthur and an Exxon gasoline service station located at the southwest corner of Sandy Lake and Denton Tap. Chief Building Official Dale Jackson made the presentation to the Council. Rodger Finholt, representing the applicant, also made a presentation to the Council. Following discussion Councilman Morton moved to deny without prejudice the request for a variance from