Christ Sav/PP-CS 880419 (3)CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICA~ON Date Apri~l j~ Subdivision Name _ Chri.s.t Our Savior Lutheran Church Addition Preliminary. Pla t _ yes FINAL PLAT ' · _ . REPLAT Applicant Christ Our Savlor Lutheran C~urcH Address. E. Sandy' Lake & Heartz Roads, Coppell, Tx' 75019 S t~eek .Ci t~ S La to ~hone .I .214-462-0225 Flrm'Prepartng Plat Hennessey Engineering' Inc. ~ddress 1409 Third 'Ave. .Carroll~on " Street c£ty .Phone I ..2{4_245J9478 : ~roperty Owner. TgXas District Lutheran Church Address 7900 U. S.290 East Austin ~ --g~reet City .~hone I _ 512-926-4272 88' Zip · -TeXas . s tete 75006 Texas 78724, State Zip -- Developer C__~hr. ist Our Savior Lutherah Church . Address E. Sandy Lake & Heartz Roads, C°ppell, Texas 75019, · ' - Street ' · C~ty ' :Phone I ,, 2~4-~462-0225 '. . ,' .' · State All Correspondence ~elat~ve to th~s application sh uld be d~ected to whom: . . . · . . .,, · ' ~ame Jo Anne Henn~, ~' '-~ . .. . . " . -_. ~,~ . --i~ ~ I,, General"LocatIon.of Proper y _ Heaf~z Road. ~ ' Sand~ Lake ~oad50'36 South of ~.'~ Whet is ~he present Zoning m DistrIct? SF-I2 Are. you reDuestJng any. 'zoning change? . _ es ' If yes, what Is the Case File No;? ,.,to be assi~n~dZonin~ed?..SF-12 w/S.U.~.,for Church & School Proposed Subdivision Conta~ns~ · ': Land Use No. Of 'Lots or Units 1 lot I[or each use) 4. 936 acres SIGNATURE See attached letter PROPERTY OWNER'