Braewood Ctr/FP-CS 971030 P.O. Box 478 Copp~ll. Tcx~s '/5019 The ~ With A Beautiful Futm~ F~x No. (214) 3~-~ ~7~ F~ CO~R S~ET PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGF~ TO: FAX NO. -7"7 0 ~"~,"~ I O FROM: Peri: ¥:i. ri:anen DIREC'r DIAL: 972-304-3676 NUMBER OF PAGES ~qCLUDING COVER SHEET): POSSIBL~-. PLEASE DIAL DIR£CT TO THE PER.~ON SENDING THIS FAX BY DIALING TH~ DIR£CI' DIAL NU~BF-R LI~rED. THAN~ YOU. SECTION 40 NON-CONFORMING USES AND STRUCTURF.~ 40-~ Intent of Provisions: ' 1. Within the districts established by this ordinance or amendments thereto, there exist lots, structures, uses of land and structures, and characteristics of use which were lawful before this ordinance was enacted, amended or otherWise made applicable to such lots, strum or uses, but which do not now conform to the regulations of the district in which they are located. Except when the Board of Adjustment provides a termination date for a nonconforming use as prescn"oed in Section 40-8, k is the intent of thl.q ordinance to permit such nonconforming uses to continue, as long as the conditions within this Section and other applicable sections axe met. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 2. It is further the intent of this ordinance that nonconformlng uses shall not be enlarged upon, expanded or extended, and not be used as a basis for adding other slxuctures or uses prohibited elsewhere in the same district. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 3. Nonconforming uses are hereby declared to be incompatible with the permitted .) uses in the districts involved. (OrcL 91500-A-158) 40-2 .Nonconforming Status: Any use, platted lot, or structure which does not conform with the regulations of the zoning district in which it is located shall be deemed a nonconforming use or structure when: 1. Such use, platted lot, or structure was in existence and lawfully operating at the time of the passage of the previous Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 297, adopted December 8, 1983 and the current Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 91500, adopted February 12, 1991, and has since been in regular and continuous use; or 2. Such use, platted lot, or structure is a lawful use at the time of the adoption of any amendment to this ordinance but by such amendment is placed in- a district wherein such use, platted lot or structure is not otherwise permitted and has since been in regular and continuous use; or 3. Such use, platted lot, or structure was in existence at the time of.annexation to the City and has since been in reg~lar and continuous use. (Ord. 91500-A-158) ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 199~ Edition °CO~L 9~e00, ~ ~ A~d ~ 9~A4eS) 158.1 ].~12479 SECTION 40 - "NON-CONFORMING USES AND S'TIiUCTURESn 40-3 .Continuing Lawful Use of Property md Existence of Structures: 1. The hwful use of land or hi~,,ful existence of structures at the time of the passage of ~ ordinance, although such do not conform to the provisions hereof, may he continued; but if said nonconforming use or structure is discontinued or --. abandoned, any future use of said premises shall be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 2. Discontinuance of a nonconforming use shall commence on the actual act or date of discontinuance. Abandonment of a nonconforming structure shall commence on the act or date of abandonment. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 3. When a nonconform~g use or structure which does not meet the development .. standards in ~ ordinance ceases to be used in such manner as stated in 40-3-2 above for a period of six (6) months, such use shall not be resumed and proof of such event shall coustitute prima fade evidence of an act of a abandonment except as allowed in Section 40-5. Any nonconforming use which does not involve a permanent type of structure or operation and which is moved from the premiss shall be considered to have been abandoned. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 4. No nonconforming use or structure may be expanded, reoccupied with another nonconforming use, or increased except as provided in Section 40-5. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 40-4 Chan.m.'n~: Nonconforming Uses' 1. Any nonconforming use may be changed to a conforming use, and once such change is made, the use shall not be changed back to a nonconforming use; (Ord. 91500-A-158) 2. Where a conforming use is located in a nonconforming structure, the use may be change to another conforming use by the process outlined in Section 40-5 below. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 3. A nonconforming use may not be changed to another nonconforming use. (Ord. 91500-A-158) zONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 F. dhiou *(0~!. 91fi/)0, This P~ge Amended ~ 91500-A-1~8) 1589- L~12479 SECTION 40. '"NON-CONFORMING USES AND $1'RUCTURF~" 40-5 .Expansion of Nonconforming Uses and An expansion of a nonconformiqg usc or structure is allowed in accordance with thc following: 1. A nonconforming use located within a building may be extended throughout the existing b~d~g, provided; (A) No structural alteration (except as provided in paragraph 5. below) may be mane on or in the building except those required by law to preserve such building in a structurally sound condition. (Ord. 91500-A-158) CB) The number of dwelling units or rooms in a nonconforming residential use shall not be increased so as to exceed the number of dwelling units or rooms existing at the time said use became a nonconforming use. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 2. No nonconforming use within a building may be extended to occupy any land outside the building. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 3. No nonconforming use of land or building shall be enlarged, increased, or extended to occupy a greater area of land than was occupied at the time the land became a nonconforming use, except to provide off-street loading or off-street parking space which' complies with the dimensional, pavement material, screening and landscaping requirements of this ordinance. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 4. The minimum residential lot areas for the various zoning districts shall be in accordance with their respective districts except that a lot having less area than herein required which was an official "lot of record" prior to the adoption of this ordinance, may be used for a single-family dwelling. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 5. Bu~Mings or structures which do not conform to the area regulations or development standards in this ordinance, but where the uses are deemed COnfOrming, may be enlarged. Also, where the uses ar~ deemed conforming, additional buildings or structures may be constructed on lots which contain b~gs or structures which do not conform to the .area regulations or development standards in this ordinance. In both cases, however, the total area of buildings and structures, after enlargement or addition, shall observe the current ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK- 1996 Edition *(Otd- 91-~ 'mis Page Amended Tht~ 91 ~X}.A. 158) 158.3 Iss12479 SECTION.. 40. "NON-CONFOIU~NG USgS AND 5TRU~n m,ximpm lot coverage requirements of the ~ in which located, and ail new construction and pavement to accommodate such enlargement or addition shall ob.serve all the current area regulations and development standards of this ordinance. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 6. Buildings or strucuu~ which have been vacant or abandoned for more th~q six (6) month~ and do not meet the current area regulations or development standards shah be allowed to be reoccupied by a conforming use if paragraph 40-5-5 above is followed. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 406 Restoration of Nonconformin~ Structure: 1. If a structure occupied by a nonconforming use is destroyed bY fire, the elements, or other cause, it may not be rebut'It except to conform to the provisions of this ordinance. In the case of partial destruction of a nonconforming use structure not .. exceeding fifty percent (50%) of its total appraised value, as determined by the D~I~s County Central Appraisal District, reconstruction w~ be permitted, but the glUare footage or function of the nonconforming use cannot be expanded. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 40-7 Completion of Structures: Nothing herein contained Shall require any change in the plans, construction, or designated use of one of the following: 1. A building or structure for which a building permit has been issued or a site plan approved prior to the effective date of these zoning regulations; or 2. A b~g or strucUn~ for which a substantiaUy complete application for a building permit was accepted by the Building Official on or before the effective date of the.se regulations, provided however that such building permit shall comply with all applicable ordinances of the City of Coppen in effect on the date such application was filed and the bmqdiqg permit is ~ ~ thirty (30) day8 of the effective date of these regulations. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 40-8 The Board of Adjustment shsn provide a termination date for a nonconformi,~g use under a plan whereby'the owner's actual investment in the RnLcture(s) prior to the time that the use became nonconforming can be amortized within a definite time period: The following factors must be considered by the Board in determining a reasonable ~imortization period. (Ord. 91500-A-158) ~G ORDINAN(~ CODE BOOK- 1996 Edition *(O~L 91~0, 'i~is Pag~ Anzml~d Tmu~ 91:~).A. 1~8) 158.4 SECTION 40 . "NON-CONFOI~NG USES A~D S'I'RUCTURF~" 1. The owner's capital investment in the structure~ on the property at the time the t~e became nonconforming. (Ord. 91500-A- !58) 2. The amount of the investment realiTed to date and the amount remMning, if any, to be recovered during the amortization. (Ord. 91.500-A-1~8) 3. The life expectancy of the investment. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 4. The existence or nonexistence of lease obligations, as wen as any contingency clanse$ therein permitting l~rmination of such leases. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 5. Removal costs that are directly attn'butable to the e~thbli~hment of a termination date. (Ord. 91500-A-158) 6. Other costs and expertws that are directly attributable to the establishment of a .... ~} termination date. (Ord. 91500-A-158) ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOIr. 1996 Edition *(Otd' 91~0, This Page Amended Through 91 ~00-A-158) 158.~ Iss12479