Burch Add 1P/PP-CS 940622: '~ CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION vision N~e 2. Preliminary Plat / FINAL PLAT 3. Applicant: Wes Burch 580 S Denton Tap #100 Coppell TX 75019 Address ~O ~' 0~~ ~p'~ - Street City , I S~a~'e Zi-~ ' 4. Firm Preparing Plat ~%~ ~~g~ St re'et City State Zip 5. Property ~er ~ Address ~ ~. ~~~ --- - Street dity ' ' ~$t~te Zip Phone ~ ~L 6. Developer ~ Address ~O .~. ~~ ~ Phone ~ ~6l-f~ Street ' Ci{~' State Zip 7. All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to whom: Address ~ S. ~~ '~~ City, State, Zip ~oFD~-I~~ ~ ~ Phone ~ ~ - ~Y ~% 8. General Location of Property ~/~ ~-~ 9. What is the present Zoning District? ~.O/3~ Are you requesting any zoning change? ~JO If yes, what is the Case File # Zoning district Requested? 10. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use No. of Lots or Units Acres (for ea. use) Sinqle Family , Duplex Multi-Family 7~LCommercial ~ Industrial Public Street R/W Parks, Public TOTAL: (PROPERTY OWNER) SUBAPP Address