Burch Add 1P/PP-CS 9403231. Subdivision Name 2. Preliminary Plat 3. Applicant: Wes Burch - Coppell Hardware Store 'Street Phone # SUBDIVISION APPLICATION :[,,,.: }%~:th'~ L'-~: ~ Replat '~ City ' State z Zip Street City / State Zip 5. Property Owner 4/,;7 Street Phone # ( 6. Developer 'address gtreet AlL correspondence relative to who~: ' /.City State . Zip this application should be §. General Location of Proper'fy 9. What is the present Zoning District? ~ Are you requesting any,zonlng change?~_~______ If yes, what ts the Case File No.? ~6//~ Zoning District requested? 10. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use No. of Lots or Units Acres , {for each use} Single Family Duplex Multi-Family Commercial Industrial Public Street R/W Parks Public Condominium {specify new or conversion} Total Property Owner