PD186R-AG010109T H~ ~ · C ! T Y 0 F
PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. PD-186R, Duke-Freeport, zoning change request from
PD-186 (Planned Development-186) to PD-186R (Planned Development-186R) to attach a detailed site plan
for Lots 4 and 4X, for the development of an approximate 560,000 square foot office/warehouse building on
approximately 29.9 acres of property located on the west side of Coppell Road, between Ruby and Bethel
TIT~.' ~mg and Community Services
Date of P&Z Meeting: December 21, 2000
Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners
McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed.
Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell,
Approval is
Please see next page for additional conditions.
Agenda Request Form - Revised 5/00
recommended, subject to the following conditions:
An agreement between the City and Duke-Weeks addressing tree mitigation, reparation schedule and
the improvements to and maintenance of off-site landscaped medians.
The Tree Mitigation Plan must be fully executed within two (2) years from the date that the first
building receives its Certificate of Occupancy.
All issues regarding the State Road right-of-way utility easement for the TXU electric service to
Wagon Wheel Park and Hike and Bike Trail easement being resolved.
All issues regarding the realignment of Ruby Road to align with the future Creekview Drive
being be resolved prior to the platting of the tract effected by this proposed realignment.
City approval of the Property Owners Agreement for the maintenance of all common areas.
Rectifying the differences in the square footage of the building on all plans.
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Document Name: @PD186Rd
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Staff recommends approval.
December 21, 2000
January 9, 2001
Along the north side of W. Bethel Road, south of Ruby Road,
west of Coppell Road.
Approximately 29.9 acres of property.
Amend PD 186 to approve a Detail Site Plan for Tract 4 and 4X
for an approximately 560,000 square foot warehouse/office
Duke-Weeks Realty Corp.
Paul Brown
5495 Belt Line Road, Suite 360
Dallas, TX. 75240
(972) 687-0006
Fax: (972) 687-0007
Pacheco Koch, Engineer
9401 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 300
Dallas, TX. 75243
(972) 235-3031
Fax: (972) 235-9544
On September 12, 2000 the City Council approved a Conceptual
Planned Development District (PD 186 - LI) for Industrial Uses to
allow the development of 7 office/warehouse facilities
accommodating over 2 million square feet of floor area, on
approximately 142 acres of land. Recently approved also was a
final plat for this land to allow for the construction of the extension
of Freeport Parkway from Bethel Road to Ruby Road.
Freeport Parkway will be constructed through this property as a
C4D/6 four-lane divided built in a six-lane (120-foot) right-of-way.
Bethel Road is proposed to be a C4D (four-lane divided within a
110 foot R.O.W.), west of Freeport Parkway. East of Freeport
Parkway, Bethel Road is a C2U, two lane undivided within 50 feet
of right-of-way.
North- Wagon Wheel Park, mobile home park, new duplexes; LI, 2F9
South -vacant, single family; LI, SF-12
East - residential and commercial; SF-12, HO SF-12, HO-C
West -vacant LI; Light Industrial
The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for
office, showroom, light industrial and warehousing uses.
The approved Conceptual PD 186 established a master plan for 140 plus
acres to allow the development of over 2 million square feet of office,
showroom and warehouse uses. This request is for approval of the first
detail plan for an approximately 560,000 square foot building. This detail
plan is in general conformance with the Concept Plan approved earlier this
year, with building location and orientation, setbacks and landscaping
being provided as shown on the Concept Plan.
Site Plan
The site plan is for 543,800-~_ square feet of warehouse with the remaining
15,000 square feet devoted to office. With this office to warehouse ratio,
594 parking spaces are being provided as well as 84 dock doors. The dock
doors will be screened by 14 foot high, 60 foot long screening walls. This
request also incorporates Lot 4X, which will contain a retention pond to
serve this area. Access to this site will be via two driveways from the
planned extension of Freeport Parkway. These driveways will have the
brick paver bands and the southern driveway will be served by a median
opening. The building will be setback 120 feet from Coppell Road, and
over 170 feet from the Loch Lane residential subdivision to the south.
Additional landscaping and screening has also been provided in the setback
areas. As required when residential uses abut non-residential uses, a 6-
foot high masonry screening wall is being provided. However, elevations
and proposed materials for this wall need to be specified.
Along the northern property line a third access point will be provided to
Freeport Parkway via a mutual access easement (and fire lane) that will
eventually serve the development to the north of the subject property. This
easement will need to be provided by separate instrument as part of the
platting process.
Lot 4X is one of the common areas proposed for this 140-~_ acre, master
planned industrial development. This 3.2+ acre tract will be a landscaped,
Item # 4
retention pond to serve this area. Property owners association agreements
for the maintenance of these common areas need to be submitted for
review and approval by the City.
When PD 186 was established, a condition stating that: "All issues
regarding the State Road right-of-way utility easement for the TXU
electric service to Wagon Wheel Park and Hike and Bike Trail easement
shall be resolved." Although this right-of-way and easements are not
contained within the subject tracts, this issue needs to be resolved in a
timely manner. Finally, consideration for the realignment of Creekview
Drive to align with the extension of Ruby Road shall also be resolved
prior to the platting of the tract effected by this proposed realignment.
Landscape Plan
As discussed, in the opening paragraph, additional landscape buffers are
being provided along Coppell Road and adjacent to the existing single
family. Specifically, a 47 wide foot landscaped buffer with a combination
of berms, preservation of existing trees as well as the planting of both
overstory and ornamental trees are providing a natural buffer between
Coppell Road and the building. This face of the building will not contain
any loading facilities which will also improve the aesthetics from Coppell
Adjacent to the Loch Lane subdivision, a 55 foot landscape buffer is being
provided, which will again, contain a combination of preserved mature
trees as well as new plantings. However, there appears to be a 4~_ foot
gap north of the western-most home in which additional trees should be
Along the north property line 37, four-inch caliper Bald Cypress Trees are
proposed within a ten foot landscape buffer strip. Per the landscape
ordinance, due to the adjacent parking, this area is also required to contain
plantings/berms or a combination with a minimum height of 30 inches at
the time of planting. There is a note on the Landscape Plan requesting that
the installation of a 24" high berm be delayed until the development of the
adjacent building when an additional 10 feet of landscaping will be
provided. If the note on the plan is revised to provide for a 36" high berm
and/or plantings as required by the ordinance is made, then the delaying of
this landscape feature is acceptable as long as the 37 trees are installed
with the construction of this building. This additional 10 feet in width will
also accommodate the required berm, with a maximum slope of 3:1.
All other landscape requirements appear to be met or exceeded in part by
utilizing the detention area to fulfill the non-vehicular landscape
requirements. Approximately 20 percent of the site is devoted to
landscaping. However, there are minor discrepancies in the area
Item # 4
calculations and major differences in the number of trees illustrated on the
plan and the number of trees indicated in the Landscape Tabulations which
need to be rectified.
Tree Preservation and Mitigation
As illustrated in the Tree Preservation Plan and on the Tree Preservation
Chart, a majority of the trees within this PD are located on subject parcels,
Tract 4 and 4X. Per the provisions of the city's Tree Preservation
Ordinance, 1,169 caliper inches would be required to be mitigated with the
development of these two tracts of land. A retribution fee of $116,900
would be due to the city, if not otherwise mitigated. Therefore, the Parks
and Leisure Services Department met with representatives from Duke-
Weeks to discuss how they propose to mitigate necessary tree removal for
development of these tracts.
Duke-Weeks is proposing partial mitigation by planting of trees in areas
considered, in addition to what would be required by the landscape
ordinance (open areas, detention ponds, medians along Freeport Parkway).
Additional mitigation would come from credits for future planting on the
site as the development progresses. The Leisure Services Department is
requesting agreement between the city and Duke-Weeks which details
how and when the proposed plantings will occur and what measures will
be taken by both parties if the time frame is not followed.
Also being considered for mitigation is the possibility of Duke-Weeks
assisting with the irrigation and landscaping of Freeport Parkway and
Royal Lane, remote from the Duke-Weeks development. The applicant is
proposing this in an effort to beautify the western portal of town. This
proposal would be beneficial to the City. There is currently no water or
irrigation in these medians, the grade is very rough and generally
unsightly. Such a beautification project would create a nice entry into the
city for potential businesses in the Industrial District.
Also being discussed is the possibility of Duke-Weeks maintaining the
landscaped medians on Freeport, fronting their development. The city
would ordinarily take on the responsibility of maintaining the medians.
The City currently maintains both Freeport Parkway and Royal Lane to a
limited standard. Duke-Weeks maintaining the medians adjacent to their
development would be a great benefit to the Parks Department and the city
as a whole. However, these agreements need to be formalized and
approved by the City Council.
One of the conditions for the approval of the Conceptual PD was that
elevations and a color board would be submitted with the detail site plan
Item # 4
approval. The proposed building will have approximately 464 feet of
frontage on Coppell Road, and the north and south elevations will be
1,247 linear feet and 1,161 linear feet, respectively. To break up the
visual expanse of the building, the elevations were revised to add reveals
along the upper half of the building. The colors proposed are a subdued
combination of off white and gray, with gray tinted windows and silver
anodized millions.
Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the Detail Plan for Lot 4 and Lot
4X of PD 186R subject to:
1) An agreement between the City and Duke-Weeks addressing tree
mitigation, reparation schedule and the improvements to and
maintenance of off-site landscaped medians.
2) All issues regarding the State Road right-of-way utility easement
for the TXU electric service to Wagon Wheel Park and Hike and
Bike Trail easement being resolved.
3) All issues regarding the realignment of Ruby Road to align with
the furore Creekview Drive being be resolved prior to the platting
of the tract effected by this proposed realignment.
4) City approval of the Property Owners Agreement for the
maintenance of all common areas.
5) Rectifying the differences in the square footage of the building
on all plans.
6) Additional trees overstory trees being planted in the landscaped
buffer area adjacent to the western most existing home on Loch
7) Specification of the materials, colors and elevations for the
proposed 6' high screening wall adjacent to the existing single
family uses as well as the 14' high screening walls proposed to
screen the loading areas.
8) Rectifying the differences in the number of trees illustrated on the
landscape plan and the number of trees indicated in the Landscape
Tabulations as well as the discrepancies in the area calculations.
9) Altering the note on the Landscape Plan requesting that the
installation of a 24" high berm along the north property line being
changed to 36".
ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request.
2) Recommend disapproval of the request
3) Recommend modification of the request
4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date.
Item # 4
E-Mail Memo from Brad Reid, dated December 11, 2000
Memo from Brian Adams to Brad Reid, dated December 10, 2000
Site Plan
Elevations (2 sheets)
Landscape Plan
Tree Preservation Plan
Landscape Tabulations (overall, with tree retribution)
Tree Preservation Chart
Landscape Plan for Tracts 4 and 4X
Landscape Plan (overall with tree retribution)
Item # 4
Brad Reid
Marcie Diamond
Mon, Dec 11, 2000 10:19 AM
Duke-Weeks Development
The Parks and Leisure Services Department met with representatives from Duke-Weeks on Friday,
December 8, 2000 to discuss how they propose to mitigate for necessary tree removal for development of
Duke-Freeport IX. They propose some mitigation by planting of trees in areas considered in addition to
what would be required by the landscape ordinance (open areas, detention ponds, medians along
Freeport). Additional mitigation would come from credits for future planting on the site as the development
progressses. I propose an agreement between the city and Duke-Weeks which details how and when the
proposed plantings well occur and what measures will be taken by both parties if the time frame is not
followed. Also discussed for mitigation was the possibility of Duke-Weeks assisting with the irrigation and
landscaping of Freeport Parkway and Royal Lane, remote from the Duke-Weeks development. They
proposed this in an effort to beautify the western portal of town. I agree with this proposal because this
has the potential to be a very expensive project for the city to undertake. There is currently no water or
irrigation in these medians, the grade is very rough and generally unsightly. Such a beautification project
would create a nice entry into the city for potential businesses in the Industrial District.
We also talked about the possibility of Duke-Weeks maintaining the medians on Freeport, fronting their
development, that they are proposing to plant. As you are aware, the city would ordinarily take on the
responsibility of maintaining the medians. We currently maintain both Freeport Pkwy. and Royal Ln. to a
limited standard. Duke Weeks maintaining the medians adjacent to their development would be a great
benefit to the Parks Department and the city as a whole. Again, I recommend a maintenance agreement
between the city and Duke-Weeks for the long-term maintenance of these medians.
12/89/2888 22:58
land-~cape amhitecture
steven M, Rahn, Principal
Bltam D, Adam-., Principal
10 December 2000
To: Mr. Bred Reid, Assistant Director of Parks
From: Brian Adams, SMR Landscape Amhitects
Freeport: Duke Weeks, Building 9
Meeting Summary
Gary Sims, Dir. of Parks and Leisure Services, City of Coppell (G.S.)
Bred Reid, Asst. Dir. of Parks and Leisure Services, City of Coppell (B.R.)
Jeff Turner, Senior V.P. Dallas Group, Duke Weeks Realty Corp. (DW)
Brian Adams, V.P., SMR Landscape Architects (SMR)
Items Discussed:
A meeting was scheduled between Duke Weeks (DW) and the City of Coppell to discuss the
possible options for existing tree retribution associated with the Freeport Building 9 project.
SMR presented the project scope regarding the landscape requirements for Building 9 and
the proposed common area development associated with the Freeport Parkway extension
and Common Areas.
SMR outlined the current retribution for the Bldg. 9 project was 1169" after following the
Appendix K form for determining retribution credits of non-residential property.
SMR proposed a plan that distributed additional trees within the Freeport Parkway median,
Detention Area (Common Area) end Future Freeport Buildings as a way to offset the 1169" of
The plan outlined the following:
a. 440" of new tree plantings associated with Freeport Pkwy.
b. 729" of future tree plantings associated with future building development
Note~ a chart was presented that indicated all the minimum tree requirements as
outlined in the PD and the associated total caliper inches required, thus only
requesting a 25% credit for those inches.
BR agreed with the concept and supported the Freeport Pkwy, and Common Area treatment.
BR was cautious about the future building credits and wanted some type of agreement
established between DW and the city establishing a timeframe for installation. BR stated that
the City Council would probably have to action regarding this issue.
DW stated this was no problem and will work with the city and SMR to develop a proposed
The Brewery Builriing · 703 McKinlley Avenue ~Jl~ 438 LB 107. Dallas, Texas 75202 - ;214 871 008,t. F~ 3,14 8'7t 08,15 · small star. airmail, net
GS presented and discussed issues regarding water conservation, tree species, and
maintenance. GS and SMR discussed possible well water usage or retention pond water as
a possible means of irrigating the medians.
GS outlined the water restrictions that go into effect every year and the concern for installing
nice new trees and their survivability.
GS and BR asked whether DW would be willing to maintain the median planting within the
park along Freeport Pkwy. DW stated this should not be a problem and would discuss this
with his associates.
DW was upfront about the goals and direction regarding the issues presented and is willing to
discuss any agreements necessary to make the propoaed development successful.
DW initiated the discussion of helping the city w~ the enhancement and completion of the
Freeport Pkwy. median south of Bethel Road to I.H. 635. DW stated that getting other
developers involved and interested in this area would help the overall development in
SMR stated It would assist by possibly producing irrigation drawings for the median so the
city could obtain some development costs. SMR stated it would take the lead on this work.
BR and GS agreed that this area could possibly be a location for some additional retribution
GS asked DW about the status of the documents for theTXU easement. DW stated this was
currently taking place and offered GS his direct assistance in getting this issue resolved.
SMR asked BR what was required for the DRC submittal regarding these issues. BR noted
that the proposed chart and text, as presented on the PD plan in the meeting, should be
included as a supplement to the current set of plans.
SMR agreed and would generate this document for the submittal on Tuesday, Dec. 12.
Respectfully submitted:
Brian Adams, Vice President
Steven M. Rahn, Inc.
"~ul Brown, Dul(e Weeks
The BrewerJ BtJlidlr~ · 703 McKInfley AVenue Suite 4:39 L.B 107 *DoIle., TexE~ 75202 * 214 871 0093 · Fax 214 671 0549 · em~l smr~alrmail, net
E-Mail Memo from Brad Reid, dated December 11, 2000
Memo from Brian Adams to Brad Reid, dated December 10, 2000
Site Plan
Elevations (2 sheets)
Landscape Plan
Tree Preservation Plan
Landscape Tabulations (overall, with tree retribution)
Tree Preservation Chart
Item # 4