Burch Add L3/FP-DR 950427 City of Coppell tiPR 2 8 1995 Development Review Committee Comments i l;~(~i Planning Department i ~'~ The Burch Addition, Lot 3, Block "A", Final Plat DRC Date: April 27, 1995 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: May 18, 1995 City Council Meeting: June 13, 1995 (1) The landscape and irrigation plans need to be sealed by a registered Landscape Architect and Licensed Landscape Irrigator. (2) Submit elevations of monument sign. (3) Plant quantity and types table heading is not aligned properly with respective columns. (4) Landscape plan does not attempt to save the following trees on the property: Two 20" trees on south side of property - One 14" tree on the north side of property - One 22" tree on east side of property* Note: Planter island south of the monument sign should be moved one parking space to the north to attempt to save the existing 22" tree. (5) The parking space requirements are still 9 x 20 or 10 x 18. (6) Removal of trees within a front, side, or rear yard requires replacement (34-2-8 Zoning Ordinance). The total number of caliper inches of trees proposed to be removed within require yard areas is 102 inches. These may be replaced with 34 trees of 3" caliper, or with fewer trees of larger size. Rather than remove all these trees and replace them, it would be more economical to reduce the width of the driveways around the building. (7) Quantity of dwarf bufford holly noted in plant quantity and types heading does not correspond to the quantity shown on the Landscape Plan. (8) Show Hike/Bike Trail on Site Plan. (9) Driveway will have to be built and connected with Lot 4 prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. :'~, APR 2 81995 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department The Burch Addition, Lot 3, Block "A", Final Plat (Continued) Comments from Parks & Recreation Manager (1) Landscaping along Denton Tap Road will conform to streetscape guidelines. (2) Irrigation water meter (s) will be assessed by Water Utilities Superintendent. (3) Contractor will be required to replace any landscape (tree, turf, etc.) and irrigation affected on Denton Tap Road median. This will be coordinated by the Park Operations Superintendent. Note: A. Staff written comments will be faxed to each applicant. B. Please revise plats, landscape plans, and utility plans based on staff recommendations provide reasons why our comments should not be followed when you attend the May 4, 1995 Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. C Each applicant will bring one new set of revised plats and plans to the May 4th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. D. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, May 9th to resubmit twenty-eight (28) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies and one (1) transparency of each exhibit to the Planning Department.