Burch Add L3/FP-DR 950427 (8)DEVELOPMENT VIEW COMMI EE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: The Burch Addition, Lot $, Block A, Final Plat, to allow the development of a dry cleaners on property located at the west side of Denton Tap Road approximately 385 feet south of Bethel School-Road, at the request of Dowdey, Anderson and Associates. 1995 COMMENT STATUS: INL'~?AL ~' PRELiMiNARY ~ Platting Colnments: 1. Minimum finish floor should be shown on the face of the plat. Developer Information Comment: As per the agreement when the preliminary plat of the Burch addition was approved, prior to the second user going in on Lots 1-4, the left turn lane will be required to be constructed. It appears as though your property is the second user; therefore, prior to obtaining approvals to move forward on your construction, the left turn lane will need to be constructed. The left turn lane will be on the south side of your property. Therefore, along with the platting of this property, the additional easements to insure that the 25' fire lane and mutual access easement can connect to the curb cut for the left turn lane will be required from Lot 4. It appears as though the location of the irrigation system and the landscaping is going to be in conflict with the sanitary sewer to be constructed late this year. There needs to be some discussion between the applicant and the City as to the possibility of delaying the installation of the irrigation and landscaping until such time as the sewer line has been installed without delaying the approval of a CO, if in fact the facility is constructed prior to the installation of the sanitary sewer line. Provide a sanitary sewer lateral to the rear of the property with a waste water access device. Contact Howard Pafford at 304-3548 for information. 4. Show on-site utility locations.