Burch Add L3/FP-CS 950419o '° :~ CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION : Subdivision Name Preliminary Plat FINAL PLAT L// REPLAT ~ loc/::. ,4 Applicant K~I//K /;t/O~;$ 7-1~/g-5 p Address 4725 ~ql/ ~ ~lla~ ~ 7~ Street City State Zip ~none ~ /~/~) ~- 77~/ Firm Preparing Plat /02~O ~2)/~3- ~mrk~-~lO0 ~/~ Phone ~/~ ~/_~~eet City / State 'P~//a.-,e ?-K' 7~24~- Property Owner ./~/,(/1/~-. 1/~/~2U,%7'-/~3 · Address 47Z~ A/al/-,~foad ~ Street City ',. .............~ ...... ]Z.%P 7. All Correspondence relativ~ to this appl?ation ~hould be directed to 8. Gane~l Location of Property ~>~~~;~ ~~~~-~ 3~4 Fe~t ~o~ q o What is the present Zoning District? ~ Are you requesting any zoning chan~e? D 0 I~ yes, what is the Case File # Zonin~ district Requested? 10. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use Sinqle Family Duplex Multi-Family ConunercLal Industrial Public Street R/W Parks, Public TOTAL: No. of Lots or Units SIGNATURE: Acres (for ea. use) SUBAPP - ('pii,OPERTY OCdN.ER )--