Thursday, April 2, 1998
The Board of Adjustment met on Thursday, April 2, 1998, in the City Council Chambers ~irrt
Town Center, 255 Parkway.
Board members present: Alternate board members present:
lerrie Kertz, Chairman Charles Armstrong, Commissioner
David Stonecipher, Vice Chairman Jamshed Jamadar, Commissioner
Board members unable to attend: Alternate board members unable to attend:
David Hymer, Commissioner Richard Hohnholt, Commissioner
Michael Seifert, Commissioner Norman Kressmann, Commissioner
Cletus Glasener, Commissioner
Staff members present:
Greg Jones, Chief Building Official
Mary Beth Spletzer, Recording Secretary
Applicants present:
John A. Nelson, 204 Samuel, Coppell
Robert Ahmuty, MEPC Quorum Properties, Dallas
ITEM 1: Call to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Kertz.
ITEM 2: Invocation was given by Vice Chairman Stonecipher.
ITEM 3: Approval of Minutes of March 5, 1998 Meeting.
Commissioner Stonecipher made a motion that the minutes of the March 5, 1998, meeting be approved,
as written. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Armstrong, and a vote was taken. Motion carried, 4
to O.
Chairman Kertz administered the oath for all members of the audience who were speaking either for or
against the requests being presented at this meeting.
ITEM 4: Public Hearing to consider a request for a variance from Section 29-5-2 (B) of the City's
Zoning Ordinance, which concerns the minimum setbacks for monument signs, for the
property located at 332 S. MacArthur Blvd. Mr. John A. Nelson, on behalf of Church of
the Apostles, is requesting a 10-ft. variance to the minimum 15-fi. setback in business
zoned districts. The City's Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum 15-fi. setback from the
street fight-of-way.
Greg Jones referred to a drawing of the property as he explained the restrictions involved in this request.
He indicated that the plan shows the sign placement to be in approximately in the middle of the property.
He noted that there's a dramatic elevation drop-off from the street fight-of-way back toward the flood
plain and beyond the rear of the property. He referred to the cross-section drawing in the packet which
Board of Adjustment
April 2, 1998
Page 2
shows the sign location in relation to the property line, the sidewalk and MacArthur Blvd., pointing out
the sign visibility with and without the variance. He further reported that, based on input from the City
Attorney's office regarding topographical qualifications, this property condition seems to meet those
requirements. He noted that Staff recommends approval.
Cn'eg Jones distributed a letter which had been received from a nearby property owner expressing
concerns over illumination of the sign and possible visibility problems created by the sign placement.
Chairman Kertz commented that the letter refers to the distance from the street, even though such
measurements are actually calculated from the property line. She asked how far from the edge of
MacArthur the property line would be, and Greg Jones estimated that it would be at least 10 feet. He
further explained that the letter writer's primary concern seems to be sign lighting, noting that he is not
aware of any current plans to illuminate the sign; if the church should decide to do so later, any lights
would be required to be pointed away from the single family properties across MacArthur Blvd., per the
glare ordinance. He reported that the reference made to the possibility of traffic accidents due to the sign
placement does not apply in this situation, since the sign is located outside of any visibility triangles.
Commissioner Stonecipher asked about other possible options, such as placing the sign at the 15-foot
setback, but making it taller or placing it on a pedestal, and secondly, raising the ground level at the
position of the sign. Greg Jones reported that those options were discussed with the applicant, but were
not feasible in this situation. He commented that although berming is an option, it would need to be done
in such a way as to blend with the landscaping, which is usually more involved and costly for the property
The applicant was invited to step forward to present his case.
John Nelson elaborated, from the church's standpoint, on the other options available to solve this
problem. He reported that the hillside on this property is rather steep and would require a build-up of
approximately 1 O0 feet on each side, making it cost-prohibitive for the church. Raising the height of the
sign was also considered, but because the sign is constructed of stone to match the church, this option
would also be very costly. In addition, he commented that the further the sign is located fi'om the street,
the more drivers will have to turn and strain to look at it, thereby creating greater potential for a traffic
accident. He concluded that the church's preference is to place the sign closer to the street.
The public heating was opened to the public. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the variance
The hearing was closed to the public and opened to the Board for discussion.
Commissioner Stonecipher commented that this case is a prime example of a true property hardship.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jamadar that the 1 O-ft. variance be granted. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Armstrong, and a vote was taken. Motion carried, 4 to 0. Variance granted.