CiCi's/Re,SPRv-DR 990325 (6) ~ MAR 26 1999 ~ ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Ciei's Addition No. 1, Replat and ~e Plan R~i~, to a~ow the d~elopment of JX,~O0 square foot o~e~arekouse and dis~i$u~on faeiliW on &285 acres of RroRe~, located on tke honk s~e of Betkel Road, aRRroximately 66&5' west of Royal Lane, at tke request of Paekeeo~oek Consui~ng Engineers. DRC DA TE: March 25, 1999 andApril 1, 1~ CONTACT: Mike Matin, P.E., Assgtant Ci~ Engineer 072-JO4-J67~) 1. Show the existing and proposed ROW width on all sheets. 2. Off-site drainage needs to be addressed.