Connell/Skaggs/PP-CS 860321 Pat Hamlin Boorhem .... ~ / City~ 61~outh Coppell Road p~ll, T~as 75019 Dear Mr. Powell: We have again met with Connell Development Company since our letter to you dated February 13, 1986. As I discussed with you by phone, we have agreed to allow a 4 foot easement across the back of our property adjoining the existing 20 foot easement in the event the City of Coppell will allow open drainage. We have been advised by Connell Development that an open drain will require an additional 4 feet, making a total easement of 24 feet. Under no other conditions are we willing ~o allow a drainage easement across our property. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, Pat Boorhem /pku Re: 10.9055 acres on Denton Tap Road, Coppell, Texas cc: ~ayor Lou Duggan Mr. Bill Smothermon Mr. Ray Smedul Mr. Frank Proctor Mr. Jim Koch Mr. Bill Stapp Mr. Kevin ~ite