Connell/Skaggs/SP-CS 860707 The City With A Beautiful Future July 7, 1986 Mr. Jim Koch Powell and Powell Engineering 3988 North Central Expressway Suite #1130 Dallas, Texas 75204 Mr. Koch: Pursuant to our discussions, attached are the minutes from the May 27, 1986 City Council meeting where plat application #86-02-24 for Connell Skaggs Addition was approved by the City of Coppell City Council with stipulations. These stipulations are addressed in the attached minutes of that Council Meeting. If you have a neeC for further informatior,, please contact me. Thank you, .' !/ ~-w'~,'~'"~', "' Vivyon'-V. Bowman Assistant to City ~anager cc: Ed Powell, City Engineer Attachment VB/lsg CO~ELL SKAGGS/BO PERS~ ?:inures of May ".~ ~o86 7~he City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called session on Tuesday, May 27, !986 at 7:00 p.m. for Executive Session and 7:30 p.m. for regular called session in the Coppell High School Administration Building. The following members were present: Dale Ware, Mayor Pro Dea~ Wilkerson, Councilman (late arrival) iom Morton, Councilman Bill Smothermon, Councilman Jim Co~an, Councilman Mark Wolfe, Councilman Dan Stanton, Councilman Mayor Lon Duggan was nc: present. Aisc present were City Manager Frank A. Proctor, Jr., City Secretary Dorothy Ti~mons and City Attorney Larry Jackson. Mayor Pro Tem Ware called the meeting tc order. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the public) Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion %~th City Attorney. Article 6252-!7, Sectiou 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. The meeting was then closed for an Executive Session as allowed under the two above stated articles. Following the Executive Session the meeting was declared open tc the public. Mayor Pro Tem Ware asked everyone to stand while Mr. Johu Weinberg representative from Texa~ Power and Light Company gave the invocation. ¥~I'0E'$ REPOKT item !: Mayor's Report Mayor Pro %em Ware re=inded the Counciimembers cf the %aste of Entertainment to be hei£ on Saturday, May 31, 1986. He also reminded Council_of_ a special called Council meeting for June ~, !986 ~-ith the Executive Session tc Yogin at 6:30 p.m. and the regular meeting beginning at 7:30 p.~. Councilman Smothermon then informed :he Council :ha~ he had recently toured ~he City H-~i and noticed that the noise created by the workers was very distracting in the Council Chambers. it is his feeling that some kind of enclosure such as glass should be used to seal off this area im order to cut do%~ on this ncise fac:or. 5f it is done at :his point c: constructio~ the approximate cost would be S6,000.00. if it is done at a later date the cosc is ccnslderabiy mcre. Following discussion it ~as the consensus ef the Council %c enclose the Council Chambers. Councilman Wilkerson arrived during this discussion. item 2: Consider citizens who %'ish ~o speak befcr~ the City Council. Mr. Jerry John Crawford, Attorney representin~ the home o~ers who would be effected by iter.. ~ a~ked to be recognized and questioned i= citizens would be allowed to spea~ or. Item ~. He was info,ed R=O'~c-c AR~ PRESE2'tTATiONS Ire= 3: Presentation by Mr. John Weinberg of ' P.& ' on annual update for electrical se~,ices in Coppeil. Mr. John ~einberg, representing TP&L, and Mr. Fred Garza, District Engineer for TP&L, gave the presentation to the Council. Mr. geinberg gave a brief history of improvements in Coppe! since !981. He stated that in !987'~i' is planned for ~~ maior~ circuits to be constructed to se~'e both the east and west sides of to~.. ~nis will be done so that the entire City would not be out of electricity in the event of a power failure. No action was required on this item. PLA.--TING ACTIONS - =. R-~I..~NAR=' ~"' v. Item A: Plat Application ~' ~ ' To consider approval of a pre!iw, inary plat of Connei!-Skaggs Addition on property located on the northwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Denton Yap Road. Date of Planning & Zoning - April 17, !986 Recommendation of Planning & Zoning - Approval wi~h stipulation (See staff report) Mr. Kevin krnite and Mr. Jim Koch made the presentation to the Council. City Engineer, Ed Powe!i, stated that there is a drainage problem in this development concerning the existing 20 (twenty) foot drainage easement on the west property line. The developer is proposing to construct a concrete open channel rather than an underground closed channel. Mr. Poweli stated that he would give his approval for the cons-__--uction of this open channel, :f~ the do~n stream ~ro~ertv. . ~ o~ners would sign an "Easements and Hold Harmless Agreement". Several persons were present in- the audience who asked to be recognized. Mrs. Pat Boer'_~e=, who is a down. street property o%mer, stated she is ir. favor of the open channel and would signe the required "Easement and Held Ba-~-i-~ss Agreement" for a 4 az_ _, ~_uu.3 foot channel. Several property oumers were strongly opposed to the open channel, those persons included Mr. Jerry John Crawford, Attorney representing property o%~ers om the west, Mr. James Dunn, Mr. Ben Weehunt, Mr. Bill Burgess. Mr. '~rr:ite stated that because of the initial cost, the developer is not receptive .............. tc install ar. enclosed drainage easement and-feels :hat his company has a right to use :he open drainags ~hat is existing. Be stated thal channel only accommodates the drainage through their property and does not dr-i,,= ~ their property. And he feels that they should not be required tc install a closed drainage channel. Mr. %rnlte stated that the}' would re-install any fences taken doum but that some of the trees would be ~ =e ec . . Boorhem again s~oke and -f_ ct ' and reauired ~c be removed. Ers . stated she wo~id be willing to sign a hold harm-less agreement for the cons:_-uctlor, of a temporary sixty (60) foot open drainage easement with it reverting back to a twent?-four (_~) foot easement ir. the future when her ?roperty is developed. Fcilowing considerable discussion or. this ".te~_, Councilman Morto~ moved that the plat be approved su'~ject tc the drainage 'Doing worked out for construction as a closed drainage easement and that the City Engineer give his approval cf this easement. Counci:man Wc'.'_fe seconded. Following further discussion concert, inn the ~=Ze on -.~ at the damage c: the trees in this area Councilman withdrew his mo'.ior., Councilman ~c!fe wi:hdre%' ~he second, it was stated that nc matter which type of drainage was constructed, trees or~ the western property Line of the Conneil/Skaggs Additiom would 'De affected. Fei!owing further discussion Councilman Smothe_-mon moved the .-_la-. be approved with the stipula-.ion that the drainage be a box culvert that the City Engineer and the do~ stream and adjacent property o~ers work out an arrangement that the existing drainage easement be available for use as needed and that a hold haz-mless agreement signed by property oumers and approved by the City Attorney be signed. Councilman Wilkerson seconded, and motion carried 6-1 with Councilman Wilkerson, Mayor Pro %em Ware, Councilman Smothermon, Councilman Cobb, an, Councilman Wolfe and Councilman Stanton voting in favor of the motion and Council=an Morton voting against the motion. Stem 4At Plat Application ~86-05-15 ie consider approval of a pre!i=~inary and final plat for Moore Road Elementary School on property located on the west side of Moore Road .2 of mile south of Sandy Lake Road. Date of Planning & Zoning - May 22, 1986 Recommendation of Planning & Zoning - Approval with stipulation (See staff report) Mr. Gary Keep made the presentation to the Council. He stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that a wall be constructed between =he school property and the Fire Station on the east side of the school property. Re also stated that the schoc! would like a variance :c elimimate the construction of a perimeter fence around the property. Following discussion on :his item Councilman Smothermon moved that the plat be approved with the stipulation that a screening wall be constructed between the school and Fire Station at the schoe!'s expense. Councilman Morton seconded; motion failed 3-4 with Councilman Morton, Mayor Pr~ Tem Ware and Councilman Smothermon voting for the motion and Councii~zn Wilkerson, Councilman Co~an, Councilman Wolfe and Councilman Stanton voting against the motion. Councilman Wi!kerson then moved that the plat be approved with the s~ipu!atio~ that the fence be constructed betweem the school property and the Fire Station with the City and the School sharing the expense of the wall. Councilman S:anton seconded; motion ~arried g-3 with Councilman Wi!kerson, Councilman Co~a~, Council=~n Wolfe and Councilman Start:on voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro iem Ware, Councilman Smcthermon and Councilman Morton voting z~ains: the mo:ion. This approval is for both preliminary and final plat approval. Item 5: Plat Application ~86-~2-20.5 Uc consider approval of a final ~iat for Corners of Coppell property located on the sou:beast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Sandy Lake Road. Date of Planning & Zoning - April 17, !986 Recommendation of Planning & Zoning - Approval with stipulation (See staff report) Mr. Bill ~nompson and Mr. Jay Regland made the presentation to the Coun=i!. Planning and Zoning Comar. ission recommended approval with the stipuiatizm that the developer pzrticipate in the signalization of £andv Lake Road and MacArthur Boulevard; that the bridges be widened to forty feet and that verification cf the alignment and that the alignment of the intersection cf Ki~Del Kourt and Sandy Lake Road be ~nom~son. stated -~-~.=~ in answer ~c the alignment the distance between the ~wo. (2%, intersections is one-hundred and forty fee: l~O .... feet~ . Additionally Mr. Thompson stated that the participation of the signalization would have a substantial negative impact on this development as this is the fir_~ indication of any participation that has been made to the developer. Mr. Thompson additionally stated that concerning the widening cf the bridges the original proposal was thirty feet (30 feet) with the City approving a thirty-seven foot (37 foot) wide bridge. Mr. John Regland who is a Traffic Engineer with the development stated that he felt the thirty foot (30 foot) bridge would provide for adequate tu_-n lanes and would be safer than the wider bridges. Following discussion on this item Councilman Wc!fe moved that the plat be approved with the stipulation that the public access bridges be thirty feet (30 feet') with curbs and sidewalks on both sides and that no sidewalk be required for the sec'ice truck entrance on the east end of this development. Councilman Co~an seconded the motion which carried unanimously with Councilmam Wilkerson, Councilman Morton, Mayor Pro %em Ware, Councilman Smothermon, Councilman Co~an, Councilman Wolfe and Councilman Slam:on voting in favor of the motion. PUELiC HEARINGS: Item 6: Public hearing to consider annexation of &6.592 acres of land located north cf Denton Creek and east of Denton Tap Road. Mr. Jeff Hurt and Mrs. S:efanie Fess made the presentation tc the Council on this item. Mr. Hurt stated that the property has been deed res=rioted to exclude nndesirable buildings. Mayor Pro Uem Ware declared the public hearing opem and asked for those persons wishing to speak for the proposed change. Those persons speaking were Mr. Walter Pettijohn and Mr. Larry E!iiott. Mayor Pro Tom Ware then asked for those persons wishing tc speak against the proposed annexation. There were none. The public hearing was then declared closed. Ko action is required o= this item. A second public hearing is' scheduled for Tuesday June ~ !986 item 7: Public hearing tc consider annexation of 231.697 acres of land located at: i) the southwes- intersection of Freeport Parkway and Co:ton Road "~ the northwest corner of I6~5 and Beltline Road 3) :he northeast corner of Beltline Road and Eackberry Road, 4) approximately 590 feet of right-of-way cf Hackberrv Road. ~nis annexation is a City instituted annexatiom on the above stated properties. Mayor Pro Te~ Ware declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak for the proposed annexation. Those persons speaking were Mr. Larry Elliot:. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed annexation. ~nere were none. The public hearing was then declared closed. I~o action is required on this item. A second public hearing is scheduled for Tuesda-~ June 3, !986. CTEER BUS?TESS item 8:' Consider approval cf tax refund pa>~ents. Finance Director Frank Urando made the presentation to the Council. He stated that the refund is for $806.~C to Mr. Mark Teresi and to Sunbelt Savings in the amount cf ~596.~2. The refund for Sunbelt Savings is for a duplicate pa)~ent of a:zou~: and the refund for Mr. %eresi is due tc the fact that the Appraisal District lowered the property values. Council action is required by State law for refunds exceeding ~500.00. Following discussion on this item Councilman Morton moved that the refunds be approved. Councilman Wolfe seconded; motion carried unanimously with Councilman Wilkerson, Councilman Morton, Mayor Pro %em Ware, Councilman Smothermon, Councilman Cowman, Councilman Wolfe and Councilman Stanton voting in favor of the motion. PERSO~_ ~tem 9: Consider aoDointment of member to =~ vacancy on the industrial Deveiopmen: Corporation. Following discussion on this item Councilman Smothermon moved that Mr. Larry Ei!iott be appointer to fill the vacancy on the industrial Development Corporation. Councilman Morton seconded; motion carried unanimously with Councilman Wilkerson, Councilman Morton, Mayor Pro Ware, Councilman Smothermon, Counci!maz Co~an, Councilman Wo~e_, and Councilman Stantcn voting in favor of the motion. ~ne meeting was then adjourned. Lou Duggan, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy ~n~n^~= City Secretary MiS~'TES 052786