Christ Sav/SPAm-CS 990719July 19, 1999 City of Coppell Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church and School 140 S. Heartz Road Cop ~ell. ['X 75019 ___._.__._ Re: Playground Shade Canopy Dear Planning Department, Attached is our site plan application and check for $100. The required drawings will follow later this week. The application is not complete, as most of the requested information is not applicable to our situation. To clarify what our objective is I would like to give a brief background on the playground shade canopy. In June 1998, we had a parent donate our shade structure so we may have a shaded place for the children to play. At that time the code required the support columns to be bricked, because of the overall size of the structure. At that time we had plans to move the canopy to the inside courtyard of our new facility. At the July 1998, board meeting we asked for a variance to the code until the structure was moved. The board gave an 18 month variance to the code. April 1999, we started making plans to move the structure to its new location when we discovered that the building plans had changed and that the occupancy of the new facility hinged on the removal of the shade canopy. May 1999, we started conversations with the planning and zoning department to get the situation rectified, and to this day no definitive answers have been given. Since we already have a permit to have the canopy on the premises, we are asking two things from the city: 1) What requirements are needed to bring it to code in its current location. 2) A variance on the occupancy clause until the September board meeting or until this matter has been resolved Working for the children in His name, Chris Hatton Board Member