Connell/Skaggs/SP-CS 870107 (2) POWELL&POWELL Engineers and Consultants \V. j l)~,...~'¢:i[ P.i£. if_~25-1t3(57 Januar}~7 w [.k:w~qlvn ['(,,,',_'II P.E. '~~: ~7 Richard L. Powcll PE. __~ RE: P&P No. 3354-85-104 J. Michael MIUi~n P.E. ~ t~;:: .. · ~ichae~ D. McKenzie ~ - Connell Skagg~ Addition Ms. Shohre Dan~hm~d ..... / ~ City of Coppell 255 P~kway Blvd. Coppel[ TX. Dear Ms. D~hm~d: As you ~e aw~e, Gonnell Developm~t Go. is in the process of developing a 14 acre t~aet of l~d located 8t the northw~t corner of S~dy Lake Rosd ~d Denton Tap Road in Co,ell, Texas (Connell Skags Addition). A Prelimin~y Plat ~d a Site PI~ for this t~aet have been approved b7 both the City Plannin~ ~d Zonin~ Commission ~d the City Co~eil. In additi~ to these 8pprovals, Conne~ has entered into ~ a~eem~t with the City reg~ding the construction of drainage imp~ovemen~ along the w~t ~ne of the site coincident with t~ developm~t of Lot 3 as s~wn on the Prelimin~7 Plat. This a~eement allows Connell to obtMn building permits for ~d to develop Lots 1, 2 ~d 4 wit~ut the requirem~t of the ~nstruetion of ~ainage improvem~ts ~ong the west line of the site. However, the issu~ee of a building permit on Lot 3 will ~equi~e the construction of these ~ainage improvem~ts. At this time, Connell Development Co. wishes to p~oeeed with the development of Lots 1, 2, ~d 4 of this site. In addition, Connell pro~ses to ~nstruet certain improvements on Lot 3 prior to the construction of the drainage improvements or ~y structures located on Lot ~. These improvem~ts ~e sketched on the enclosed print (Prelimin~y Site Plan, P&P Drawing ~o. S-1311.2, dated October, 1085), ~d include the lo,owing items: A. The construction of a 8-inch water main loop connecting to ~ existing 8-inch main in S~dy Lake Road at the southwest eo~ner of the site ~ shown on the approved Prelimin~y Site PI~. B. The construction of a 8-inch s~it~y sewer main connecting to an existing manhole at the southwest corner of the site ~ shown on the approved Prelimin~y Site PI~. C. The ~nstruetion of approximatel7 g0,000 square feet of concrete pavement ~d a driveway to Sandy Lake Road at the front of the site. D. The ~nstruetion of approximately 30,000 square feet of ~nerete pavement at the re~ of the site. E. The ~nstruetion of a tempor~y asphalt ~iveway from the parking at the front of the site to the t~uek loading ~ea at the re~ of Lot 1. 3354a/1230 3988 North Central Expressway. Suite 1130 / Dallas. Texas 75204 / (214) 5224,660 Ms. Shohre Daneshmand January 5, 1987 Page 2 Please review the proposed improvements and offer any comments you may have as soon as possible. Very sincerely, POWELL & POWELL ? / / J M M:ck "~ enclosure ce: Mr. Kevin White - Connell Development Company Mr. Bill Stapp - Connell Development Company Mr. Joe Patti - Good, Haas & Fulton 3354a/1230