Connell/Skaggs/SP-CS 870120 POWELL&POWELL-
Engineers and Consultants ~'.
kv. j. Powell P.E. -- 1925-1967 ~,
W. Llewe~}yn Pow¢fl P.E. January 20, ~
Richard L. Powell P.E.
J. Michael Millican P.E.
Michael D. McKenzie
P&P W.O. No. 3354-87-1-2
Re: Connell Skaggs Addition
Northwest Corner of Sandy Lake Road
and Denton Tap Road, Coppell, TX
Ms. Shohre Daneshmand
City of Coppell
255 Parkway Blvd.
Coppell, TX 750]9
Dear Ms. Daneshmand:
Our client, Connell Development Co., is the developer of the referenced tract..~t this
time Good, tlaas & Fulton, Connell's architect for the site, is in the process of preparing
a site plan for this site, which will specifically locate all driveways and future median
breaks to provide access to the site from both Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road.
As you discussed with Mr. Jim Koch in our office, the current preliminary site plan
includes a median break on Denton Tap near the northwest corner of the site, a median
break on Sandy Lake near the center of the site, and a median break on Sandy Lake near
the southwest corner of the site.
Enclosed are three prints of the preliminary site plan, dated January 7, 1987, prepared by
Good, tlaas & Fulton. Sketched on this plan are the proposed location of median cuts,
stack lanes, and median configurations for both Denton Tap Road and Sandy Lake Road.
The median cut on Denton Tap will meet the criteria for left turn lanes as outlined in the
City of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed median cuts on Sandy Lake Road
will meet the City's criteria for width of opening, length of stack lane, and length of
transition. However, the proposed medians do not meet the City criteria of a 100' linear
feet of landscape area. As you mentioned, not meeting this criteria may require that a
variance be approved by the City Council.
Therefore, we request that you review this request for a variance from the Subdivision
Ordinance, and if required, schedule this request to be placed on the next available
Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council meetings for consideration.
It is also requested that Connell be provided some type of assurance from the City that,
if the median cuts are approved, they will be constructed with the future improvements
to Sandy Lake and Denton Tap.
Your prompt response to this request is appreciated, since as you can determine, the
location of these median openings directly impacts the interior site plan layout.
3988 North Central Expressway, Suite 1130 / Dallas, Texas 75204 / (214) 5224660
Ms. Shohre Daneshmand
January 20, 1987
Page 2
If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Mr. Jim Koch of
this office.
Michael D. MeKenzie
cc: Mr. Kevin White- Connell Development Co. Mr. Bill Stapp - Connell Development Co. w/print
Mr. Joe Patti - Good, Haas & Fulton w/print