Connell/Skaggs/SP-CS 870203 (2)(1) NAME: James A. Koch, Jr. DA~: February 3 , 19 87 · Suite 1130 ADDRESS: 3988 N. Central Exp~,. C~: Dallas ~oA~v. Powell & Powell . ~,~ ....... DA~ REGUi~ED: February 10 ,1~ 8.7 Each item of ~formation requested i~ to be ~ubmitted on sep~ate ~FORMA~ON ~OU~ FOR~~ ~' sh~l endemv~ to have ~ ~fomation av~labie for you by the date you have requested; however, th~ is not Mwmy~ possible ~d in ~ome c~es yo~ ~formation requested may be delaye~ INFORM. ATIONREQUEST: We request that the City Attorney review the Agreement · between Skyhawk Venture and the City of Coppell, dated December il, 1986, regarding development and drainage of the Connell Skaggs Addition. We specifi- cally request an affirmative opinion that, pursuant to Item 1, page 2 of this Agreement, Lot 4 o-f the Connell Skaggs Addition may be platted and developed prior to Lots 1 and 2. SI GNATURE: ~ .......... ~.~/f.~ . ~ (Use b form if necessary) (To be completed by Cit~ of Coppell) (3) DATE_ MA?E_RIAL RECEI'v'ED: , 19 Number of Copies: Amount: $ RECEIPT ~ (E=pioyee) Check [ ]- Cash [ ]