Austin Place/FP-DR 951130 (2)ENGINEE NG COMMI
ITEM: Austin Place, ~ Plat, to allow the development of a residential
subdivision, located on the east side of Moore Road, approximately 250
feet north of Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Carter and Burgess,
DRC DATE: November $0, 1995 & December 7, 1995
CONTACT: Ken Griffin, P.E., A~sistant City Manager/City Engineer ($04-$679)
1. Show zoning of adjacent properties.
2. Provide the floodplain signature block.
3. Provide comer clips at all street intersections for the installation of handicap ramps.
4. Moore Road should be built with this development.
5. The drainage issue needs to be addressed and resolved prior to final approval of this plat.
6. A copy of the homeowners association agreement should be provided.
7. A list of variances should be provided on the face of the plat i.e. deletion of alleys.
8. A 20' utility easement should be provided across the east side of this subdivision on lots 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 of Block C. This is the location the City has identified to install a sewer
line to help relieve inadequate sewer lines down stream of this development. This will
insure adequate sewer service for this development.
9. Provide an off-site storm sewer easement at the northeast comer of property.
10. Provide brick paver band for all driveway intersecting Moore Road.