Ashton Ridge/PP-DR 960328 (6)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Ashton Ridge, Pre'hminar~_ Plat, to allow the development of a 27-lot planned development single family subdivision on 7. 72 acres of property located at the northeast comer of Heartz and Sandy Lake Roads, at the request of HAP Engineering & Associates, Inc. DRC DATE: March 28, 1996 and April 4, 1996 CONTACT: Mike Martin, E.I.T., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) COMMENT STATUS: p°~r...~.~.~,~.~'~r~T A,~...~°v /FINAL ~ Preliminary Plat 1. Show the existing right-of-way for Sandy Lake Road and Heartz Road. 2. Show visibility sight triangles at all street intersections. 3. Impact fees required. 4. Correct vicinity map with regard to street names. 5. Show the zoning of ail adjacent properties. 6. The plat needs to reflect the proposed street alignment for Ashton Ridge Lane. 7. The detail on the preliminary plat showing the proposed r.o.w clips for sidewalk does not appear to be constructable. This detail needs to be drawn to scale. As per our review, the sidewaik could not be constructed as shown in the detail at the corner of Ashton Ridge Lane and Ashton Ridge Court due to the location of proposed inlets. Also, it appears as though with the proposed radius, the 3'x3' r.o.w clip is not adequate room to construct the sidewalk. Please provide 10'xl0' r.o.w clips. 8. The note stating "Lot Two shail provide a 15'x15' driveway easement to Lot One for ailey access" needs to be removed from the plat. 9. The ailey right-of-way needs to be dedicated in accordance with our Standard Details i.e. radius. Site Plan & Zoning Exhibit 1. Show proposed Sandy Lake Road alignment. 2. Show right-of-way on all streets and street names. Storm Drainage Plans 1. Locations of proposed inlets in existing alley needs to be coordinated with the Engineering Department. 2. Provide positive overflow at ail low points.