Burch Add L1/FP-CS 941019SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat FINAL PLAT ,,,,i. · ^ .... i:l Ill Applicant g~, (~m~- Address Street Phone ~ Firm Preparing Plat ~DU~ [~::~,V~O~ ~ ~~~ ,. Street ,, _ ~ity _-- State Z~p Property ~er ~&~ ~ ~ ~ Streel City State Zip 6. Developer Address Phone Street City State' Zip 7. All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to whom: Name 5~e o~~ Address City, State, Zip. Phone ~ 8. General Location of Property ~mo~~- ~_~c~m~cr- ~ o What is the present Zoning District? ~ Are you requesting any zonin~ change? ~ I~ yes, what is the Case File # Zoning district Requested? 10. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use Sinqle Family Duplex Multi-Family CommercLal Industrial Public Street R/W Parks, Public TOTAL: No. of Lots or Units SIGNATURE: SUBAPP Acres (for ea. use} (PROPERTY OWNER)