Christ Church/PP-CS 900718 S UBDrVISION APPLICATION l/Ill/ JUL I gl990 July 18, 1990 ~. Subdivision ~a,.e ¢.~. ~ ~ ~o~u ~. ~~~, ~8 T~ 2. PreZi~inary. P~a~., ~ FINAL PLAT KEPLAT COPPELL CHURCH OF CHRIST Address . 7~ %, ~p~ ~ ~p~) ~ Street I ~ Ci~ -State Phone I _ *gg~*-~ P ~ 4. Firm 'Preparing Plat ~A~ S ~ree t Ci =y S Ua te ~ ip S ~ree= ~ ~ " Phone f _ %~-~q~ . SCa~e Zip '6. Developer Address Phone f 7. All Correspondence relative, to this application should be directed whom: · : phone { %~3- D~ ~ · 9. What is the present Zoning District? ~~tA(. Are. you requesting any zoning change? ~ Ii yes, what is the Case File Zoning district requested? ID. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use No. of Lots or Units Ac~es (for each use) $in~.ie Family , Mu/ti-Family ' Commt:rc~ al ON*.~- 1, ~73 ] ndu:;tri ~1 .... Pub3ic Street R/W ' ' , Parks, Public ' Condomini um (~'pu'ci fy new or converson) iii ~IONATURE ' :~'