Christ Church/FP-DR 900927 CITY OF COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION SEPT. 27, 1990 S.h~re Daneshmana~, Phone ~ 462-8495 FINAL PLAT AND PLANS~ A. Please make the following additions and/or corrections on final plat as marked~ / Name of the proposed subdivision must be consistent on the plat and all pages of the construction plans, etc. 2) - Location . width . . . and the name of all existing or recor~e~ streets intersecting the boundary of the tract. 3) ~'/' Delineate the existing and proposed zoning of the site 'and the surrounding properties. 4) The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use with the purpose indicated there on. Fire lanes must be shown on final plats. .5) - Certification by a registered Public Surveyor to the ./, effect that the plat represents a survey made by him. 6)2F Delineate utility signature block on the final plat. 7) - Per FlOodplain Management Ordinance 987390 (Art. 5, Sec. C, Item 4,' Page 34), all subdivision proposals must have the following note placed on the preliminary and final plats~ "Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator, on , 19. ." (Floodplain Administrator) (Date) 8) - No Comment. Page 1/3 B. The following information, as marked, is required to be contained in the final construction plans of the above p~ect~ 1) w Provide final construction plans, simultaneously 'with final plat submittal. Final plans must have a cover sheet, detailed design plans, and standard detail sheets. 2) A cover sheet, for final construction plans shall include the followings * Name of the project * Owner's name and address * Engineer's name and address * Architect's name and address * Vicinity map .* Index list, covering all pages included in the set * "Plan Approval Paragraph", see attached 3') Detailed final construction plans shall contain the following, * All required street paving plans and profile sheets. * .All required storm drainage plans and profile sheets. * All required alley paving plans and profile sheets. * A complete and accurate drainage area map and detail grading plan. * All required letters of permision from adjacent property owners. * All required water and sewer engineering plans. 4) - Provide barricading plans. 5) -~.Provide trench safety, sealed by a registered engineer / in the State of Texas. 6) Delineate proposed and existing water distribution system and pipe sizes. Delineate proposed and existing sewage collection system ?) and pipe sizes 8) ~Provide a Drainage Area Map covering two parts~ a) show On-site Drainage Map, on a scale of 1" = 20', 40'. 50' etc. . . ' with all details as required in the Subdivision Ordinance; b) show the Off-site Drainage Map, on a scale 1" = 100', 200', etc . Delineate 'the project's boundary on it, plus the ~e~s detailed drainage system, to clearly demonstrate the affect of such activities, drainage outfa!ls, on the adjacent properties and the Drainage Master Plan. 9) /all storm sewer systems must be designed for 100-year design frequency. Technical Paper 40 should be used to compute rainfall intensities, as per the Subdivision / Ordinance; (Appendix "A" Page 30) , 10) ' Show the hydraulic calculations for each portion of the storm system on the profile, such as pipe size, Qi00 (cfs), Qc (cfs), S, V (FPS) etc. . .. ' 11) - All lots within or adjacent to the 100-year Floodplain shall have the lowest floor elevation for each building site shown on the site grading plans. 12) - A'permanent bench mark must be established with in a subdivision development, see attached Floodplain Development checklist. / 1.3) Each sheet of the plans shall contain a title block and 14) /consistent page numbers. /h l appropriate fees as per subdivision ordinance must paid. 15) Delineate a Revision block on each sheet. Revision dates must be shown on each sheet with Engineer,s ./'initials next to them. 1~) ~ ~r~l above comments ~ustlbe addressed, prior to Staff,s · / r commendation for approval of the final plat and plans. 17) ~ Provide a written response on all comments with explanations provided on items not addressed as requested above. DRC/COMMENTS/ENG/FINAL SD/bb Page 3/3