Christ Church/FP-DR 900927 (2) CITY OF COPPELL Pum%Ic WORKS WATER ~JTI]'.,'.EY:IES DIVISION FINAL PLAN I~EQUIREMF. NTS DRC Date: SEPT. 27, 1990 By: llo~arcl Paf:for¢l, Wate:~t Uti.]..i. ties ~uperinten¢lent: Phone 462-8495 Wa'ter/San],tary ~ewor P].ans: Please mak~ 'the following additions and/or corrections asmary  how existing water/sanitary sewer lines as ocated in the area where they exis'~. 2) water/sanitary sewer lines. /( how proposed minimum sizes are 8") 3) Show proposed placement of valves, manholes, /fire hydra,ts, clean out, water services, and sewer serv&ces. 4) ~ ~how sanitary sewer line profiles as related /~o existing and finished grade. 5) Show all necessary easements as 20 ft. unless the proposed easement is located between two lots, then 15 ft. is allowed. If any off site easements are necessary, all documents  oncerning that easement shall be finalized )riot 'to Council approval of the final plat. 6) If the development is anything other than 'residential, tho building area shall be noted on 'tho plans. 7) Per Subdivision Ordinance Section XVI, Item '"B", Page 20, the following listed fees must be paid nine (9) working days prior to CC meeting:, water and sewer availability. . . water tap fee. . . and sewer tap fee. Page 1/2 A. Ail C°nstruction material Will COnform to the City of Coppel1 Standard C°nstruction Detail and Subdivision Ordinance. $. Ail c°nstruc.tion Will COnform to 'the City of C°pPell Standard Construction Detail and the NOrth Central Council of Government Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction 9) . Additional NOtos: A. All residentJ, al type "k" service lines shall be 1 Coppor. , B. All materials Contractor. shall be furnished by the 10) 11) / See. attached requirements on water 'See attached r ' services' /ApPlication n~_.~._egulrements 12) ~ .... ,saris,,. for "Meter All above comments must be addressed, Prior to ~ 'taff's recommendation for approval of the In,L1 Plat and Plans la) · PrOVide a writton r~Sponse on all ~omments, With °xplanation s Provided on items addressed as requested above,not 14) _ No Comment. DRC/COM}4ENTS/WAT/FINAL ~ SD/].IP/pd Page 2/2