Christ Church/FP-CS 901016 COPPE?.?. PUBLIC WORKS MF_.MOI~AI~]DUM DATE: October 16, 1990 To: File/Church of Christ - Samuel Boulevard From: Public Works Staff Coppell Church of Christ Development Fees Water Impact Fee ($660/ESU) 1 1/2" Domestic Meter = 5 ESU's 1 1/2" Irrigation Meter = 5 ESU's Total ESU's = 10 10 ESU's @ $6.60 each $6,600.00 Wastewater Impact Fee ($422/ESU) 1 1/2" Domestic Meter = 5 ESU's Total ESU's = 5 5 ESU's @ $422 each $2,110.00 Water Tap Fee (Inspection) 2 Taps @ $100 each $200.00 - Inspection Fee - To be determined prior to (2% X Estimated Contract Cost) pre-construction meeting - Street and Signs $292.60 Street Ligt~t Assessment The following assessment is being made in accordance with the City of Coppell. Subd~ivision Ord~Inance Appendix A Chapter VI, D. The following figures were supplied by T.P. & L. for estimating tl~is assessment. $292.60 per ]light for'every 200 feet: of roadway. You are being assessed for [~O ft. of roadway, w]~tch totals ::0 ..... I ltght~' *Before lights are .installed contact P[]blic Works - f~teve Coram, Director of Public Works or Per Birdsall, Street Foreman to have lighting plan approved.