C Cross L5/FP-CS000424City of Coppell
Planning Department
255 Parkway Blvd
Coppell, Texas 75019
Phone: 972-304-3678
Fax: 972-304-7092
PROJECT _Coppell Crossing Lot 5
DIRECT DIAL: 972-304-3676
DATE: April 24, 2000 PAGES: 2
TO:_Bob Hagar _FAX:_214-965-0010
Items Transmitted:
1. Minutes from the B of A meeting where the "three car in a mw"
special exception was granted for Coppell Crossing Lot 5.
Unfortunately, I think they were pretty specific on what they were
granting.., let me know.
Also, how is the Name change Ordinance coming for Deer Run Final
Plat, Hawken Ddve to Archer Ddve?
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please
contact me at 972-304-3676, or E-mail me at mdiamond~d.coppell.tx, us
Board of Adjusunent
March 2, 2000
Page 6
Motion was made by Commi~ioner Chomiak to grant the variance to allow the building on Lot 5 to be located
10 feet from the west property line. Motion was seconded by Co~mi~ioner LeGros, and a vote was taken.
Motion carried, 4 to 1, with Commissioner Kressmann voting in opposition. Variance granted.
4. Section 34-1-8(B)(3): Special exception to allow three parking spaces in a row on n parking island,
as opposed to the City's requirement that no less timt there be no less than five parking spaces in
a row where there's a parking island;
Greg Jones indicated that while the City does not agree with the applicant's allegations regarding the City's
Zoning Ordinance, Staff does support the applicant's request to allow three parking spaces in a row for this
particular situation. Greg Jones further clarified that the allowances in the Ordinance to grant special
exceptions do not require that a property hardship be proven.
Chairman Stonecipher asked for clarification of the applicant's request, and Greg Jones responded that the
applicant is requesting a reduction from the required minimRln of five spaces in a row, to three spaces, on the
one middle island. Chairman Stonecipher asked if the total number of parking spaces is a relevant issue in this
case, and Greg Jones responded that the issue pertnin.~ to a reduction in the number of spaces for this particular
row, and not total number of parking spaces.
The applicant was invited to step forward and present his case. The applicant had no comments.
Public Hearing was opened to the public. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Meeting was closed to the public and opened to the Board for discussion.
Commissioner LeGros asked if there is enough room for five parking spaces in that area, and Mr. Cnnnon
responded that the fire lane requirements prevent them from allowing the five required spaces.
Motion was made by Commissioner Chomiak that the special exception be granted to allow three parking
spaces in the one middle row, in lieu of the required five. Motion was seconded by Commi.~sioner LeGros,
and a vote was taken. Motion carried, 4 to 1, with Commi~ioner Kl~es.q~nnn voting in opposition. Special
exception granted.
5. Section 33-1(6) and 23-3-1: Variance to allow for the placement of a dumpstei' and the required 6-
ft. screening wall, as well as allowing trash pick-up activities, to be within the 30-ft. building
setback on the west side of Lot 4;
Greg Jones noted that a dumpster is required to have screening on three sides, and must be located within a
required setback. He commented that noise, odor, and pick-up activities are common problems associated with
dumpsters. He explained, also, that because the actual use of the two buildings has not yet been determined,
Staff feels garbage collection may be a better alternative than a dumpster. He further noted that a dumpster is
not required by Ordinance, adding that Staff recommends denial.
Commi~ioner Chomiak asked for clarification on the 30-R. setback requirement for a dumpster, and Greg
Jones indicated that, by Zoning Ordinance, a dumpster would not be allowed within the 30-t~. setback.
The applicant was invited to step forward and present his case.