C Cross L1/FP-CS 990528DALLAS COUNTY COUNTY CLERK EARL BULLOCK PLAT MAP RECORDING SHEET 05/28/99 Maps INSTRUMENT # 1593191 $L:$.00 FILE DATE dA~, P.?~?o~ ~erel. which re~h'fcts the safe, re~tal, ~. u~ · ,ct, oeo ,ca, prooerty because o, color or ,ace ,$ unenforceable under federal law. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF OALLA~ I hereby certify this instrUment was fi~ed on the data stamped hereon by me eno was duly recorded in the volume pale of the name(~ recorda of Dallas Count,/, ]'ma as hereon ~ me. HAY 28 1999 COUNT~' CLEI~ Dallas CountTo Texas VOLUME & PAGE OF RECORDED PLAT MAP C214) 653-7131 Records Building Dallas, Texas 75202