Coppell YMCA/SPAm-AG011009T H 'E C I 1' Y0 F C- PP-EEE AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 9, 2001 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Coppell Family YMCA, Site Plan Amendment, to allow the addition of approximately 17,500 square feet of building and the expansion of the parking lot to include 48 additional spaces on approximately 5.36 acres of property located at 146 Town Center Boulevard. TITLE: ~,,~__pirecto_r~of_~ng and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: APPROVED BY CiTY COUNCIL... _, DATE Date of P&Z Meeting: September 20, 2001 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (5-0) with Commissioners McGahey, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Clark and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: ....... +;n~,~ .,,;+~,;- 4, .... ;o+; ..... ~':-~ ~+ (CONDITION MET) OAdd Cedar Elm trees to fulfill the perimeter landscape requirement. 5t-spae-~. (CONDITION MET) ., he extension of the fire lane needs to be established by separate instrument to be filed with the County. 5) Letter of approval from the Town Center Architectural Control Committee is required. Staff recommends approval. DIR. INITIALS~ Agenda Request Form - Revised 5/00 FIN. REVIEW: CITY MANAGER REVIE @YMCAspa CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT COPPELL FAMILY YMCA, SITE PLAN AMENDMENT P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: September 20, 2001 October 9, 2001 Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director Southeast corner of Town Center Boulevard and Town Center Drive Approximately 5.36 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: TC (Town Center) REQUEST: Site Plan Amendment to allow an additional two story, 17,500 square feet of building, revised elevations and expansion of the parking lot. APPLICANT: HISTORY: Owner: Coppell Family YMCA 146 Town Center Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 972-393-5121 FAX: 972-393-5947 Architect: Scott Wegener,Good, Fulton&Farrell 2808 Fairmont Blvd. Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75201 214-303-1500 FAX: 214-303-1512 The preliminary plat for this property was approved by the City Council in December 1997. In March 1998, the Site Plan and Final Plat was approved for the construction of the first phase of the YMCA. In 1999, the City of Coppell entered into an agreement with the YMCA to allow the construction of 47 new parking spaces between the YMCA and the Police and Municipal Court building for joint use by both facilities. City Council approved the site plan for this parking lot on December 14, 1999. TRANSPORTATION: Page 1 of 4 28'-wide pavement within a variable width Town Center Boulevard ha;parate[~~C~¥l.,~t,~a~ widens right-of-way, dedicated by I C.¢. PACKET Item# 11 to 66 feet at its intersection with Town Center Drive. Town Center Drive dead ends into the existing YMCA and the joint use parking lot. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- parking lot and undeveloped land; TC South -Wendy's and Tom Thumb Shopping Center; TC East - Chaucer Estates; PD-SF-7 West - retail under construction and Comerica Bank; TC COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for public/institutional uses. DISCUSSION: Page 2 of 4 As discussed in the HISTORY section, the site plan was approved for this property in 1998. The site plan included a two-story, 34,000 square foot building, with 120 parking spaces and also indicated future building, parking and outdoor expansion areas. The site plan approval allowed for 18,600 square feet of additional building foot print (potentially 37,200 square feet of total building area if constructed to 2 stories) located along the northern and eastern portions of the building. The current request is to allow for two, two-story building expansions, additional parking and the required extension of the fire lane. The first building expansion area is proposed to consist of a 900-square foot enlargement to the childcare area on the first floor. The second floor expansion will house an enlarged aerobics room. This will be located at the northeast corner of the building, as was anticipated as a future expansion area with the original site plan approval. The second expansion area is located along the eastern side of the building along the southern end. This 15,700-square-foot addition will allow for the construction of a Teen/Senior Center and locker rooms on the first floor and Fitness, Exercise, Administration and rest rooms on the second floor. All but 2,450-square feet of this area was, again, anticipated for expansion with the original site plan. While the current proposal extends the building by 26 feet beyond one portion of the expansion area, it still maintains a 58-foot setback from eastern the property line, and is, in fact, 14 feet further from the residential properties to the east. With these expansion areas, the Coppell Family YMCA has agreed to eliminate 4,441-square feet of building footprint (8,882 square feet of total floor area) of previously approved future expansion areas. One Item # 11 Page 3 of 4 expansion area along the eastern elevation would have been approximately 46 feet from the property line. Again, the current request maintains a minimum 58-foot setback from that property line. In sum, the approval of the current request will result in a net reduction of approximately 2,000-square feet, which could have been 4,000-square feet of total building area, if two story. This site plan amendment also includes an expansion of the parking lot to the south. Again, this area was designated for parking expansion with the original site plan approval. An additional 48 parking spaces will be constructed. The landscaping is in accordance with the provisions of the Landscape Ordinance; however, it is recommended that the plant materials match the existing landscaping in the parking lot. Specifically, Bufordi Nana is being requested to fulfill the requirement of the screening hedge, however, the existing hedge is Nellie R. Stevens. This Nellie R. Stevens hedge should be continued. The existing parking lot has utilized Live Oaks in the parking lot islands. The current request calls for Shumard Oaks. Again, a continuation of the existing landscape materials is recommended. Section 12-34-8-C. 3. of the Landscape Ordinance, requires that the perimeter landscape areas contain at least one tree for each 50-linear feet, of fraction thereof. Therefore, six trees are required, three on Town Center Boulevard and three along the northern property line. Again, Cedar Elms were used to fulfill this requirement on the existing facility. Tree reparation will be required to allow for the building addition and parking lot expansion. Specifically, two 10-caliper inch and one 16-caliper inch Hackberry trees will need to be removed to accommodate these expansions. Additional Hackberry trees, less than 10 inches in caliper will also be removed, but reparation is not required for those trees. As required, the trees greater than 10-caliper inches that will be removed will be replaced, on site, with seven 3-caliper inch and four 4-caliper inch Shumard Oak trees. In sum, the 36-inch loss in Hackberry trees will be replaced with 37- caliper inches of oak trees. These replacement trees will be planted east of the expanded parking lot area. All the materials and colors proposed for the exterior of the building will match the existing materials, and they will be a combination of face brick and concrete tilt-up panels. The applicant has revised the elevations from the original submittal, including the reduction in the size of the second- story windows along the eastern elevation, as well as to actually brick in an existing window along the same elevation. In addition, similar to the northern end of the building, an external exit stairway is proposed from the second floor aerobic room. To obscure the view of these external Item// 11 stairs from the retail facility to the north, the applicant has agreed to include an architectural screening wall adjacent to these stairs, as was provided along the northern end of the building. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL to the amendment of the site plan for the Coppell Family YMCA, subject to; 1. Revise the Landscape Plan for the parking lot expansion to utilize the same plant materials as are utilized within the existing parking lot. 2. Add Cedar Elm trees to fulfill the perimeter landscape requirement. 3. Correct the number of parking spaces under PROJECT DESCRIPTION to reflect 48 versus 51 spaces. 4. The extension of the fu'e lane needs to be established by separate instrument to be filed with the County. 5. Letter of approval from the Town Center Architectural Control Committee is required. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request. 3) Recommend modification of the request. 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS 1) Site Plan/Landscape Plan/Tree Reparation Plan 2) Elevations Page 4 of 4 Item # 11 FROM : COPPELL FAMILY YMCA PROG REG FAX NO. : 9727457571 Sep. 19 2001 03:5~PM P1 September 19, 2001 8EP 1 9 2001 Coppell Family YMCA Campaign for the 21" Century Contributors CORNERSTONE 8il! & /Cathy Anderson Randolph £. & Lynn Sandy & Dav~, CoppJ ¢opl~ell Independent School O~'t~ct Mannatech btcorparated Parer of Copp~H Gb~i~ & RHD Medical Cen~rz FOUNDER [=ester & Bridget Hell Carroll 3'. & Billie H. Brown Charles & Colleen Cotten ./De & Jnnietr Flanigan Walter & Kgthryn Foss Frito-?4ay [ncorporawd P?ost Bank ~ave & Sa~l~ Grttr David & Kbn Hansco Curt & Melody Hazc~a~r Jim & Cynthia Tommy & ~h~rri Br~k & Jtdiv ~ach W&'on & Elicabe~ McDonald Sam & Mis~ ~ Mitch& Melinda Reitman OavM &Ann Doug & ~ilie Sch~d~r Elevator Co,option Tom & ~.*l~t She~ill Tex~ Sprin~tr Jim d Diane To: From.' Marcie Diamond Coppcll Planning Department Curt Hazclbaker, Executive Director Copp¢ll Family YMCA Re: Copp~ll Family YMCA Building Expansion I spoke with Craig Capua, an atxorney representing a few of the homeowners in thc Chaucer Estates subdivision, yesterday rcgardin~ some concerns the homeowners ha& Wc have agreed to three of thc conditions that wexc expressed. They wa-c: 1. We will plant a minimum of three 3" caliper trees on the ;:ag side of the expansion that is not included in thc submitted landscape plan. 2. We will apply a film to the windows in the aerobics room and upstairs fitness area that will give the appearance of frosted glass from the interior and exterior of the facility. 3. Wc have talked to our cleaning crew about Ieaving lights on ovea'nighI. We a~sked thorn to clean the aerobics room and offices first and to make sure they turn thc lights off when they are done. The attorney asked us to apply the window treatment on all of the second floor windows on the east side. We are not treating the windows in the meeting rooms to allow more natural light in and to allow our members and gucsas to see the trees on the east and south sides of our property. We were also asked to raise the sill height of the windows on the second floor bom 5'4" to 6'. Wc have already reduced the amount of glass by 50% bom the original design that was submit-md. Wc have decided not to raise the sill height because all of the other second floor windows arc at the sam, height aron,a the building and we would like to maintain thc architectural integrity of the YMCA. Thc plan that we have si~bmitted reduces the square footage by a net 2,000 square feet from what was approved during initial construction. The e:~pansion we arc proposing is fourteen feet back from thc common prolxxty line than what was originally approved. Please let mc know if you have any questions. I can be reached at 972-393-5121 extension 202. Thank you. 146 Town Center Blvd. · Coppell,.TX 75019 972-393-5121 - ~'ax: 972~-393-$9&7 - http://wxvxv, ymca.¢oppell, lx.org We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities