Coppell YMCA/SPAm-DR010830 City of Coppell
Development Review Committee Comments
Planning Department
Coppell Family YMCA
Site Plan Amendment
Town Center Drive
DRC Date: August 30, 2001 and September 6, 2001
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: September 20, 2001
City Council Meeting: October 9, 2001
The total building area adds up to 51,500 square feet, while the table indicates
52,000 square feet, which is correct?
What is the rationale for 2,000 square feet to be parked at a ratio of 1:200 and the
remaining at 1:300?
The first floor expansion is 8,800 square feet and the second floor is 8,700 square
feet, where is the 100 square feet "loss" on the second floor expansion verses the
first floor?
Tree reparation is only required for the Hackberry Trees which are 10 inch caliper
or greater. Replacement trees are normally a minimum of 3' caliper. Need to
recalculate and provide a table indicating the trees being removed and replaced.
There appears to be several discrepancies as to the trees existing in 1998 and
those currently existing, even allowing for three years of growth. Please verify.
Refer to Section 12-34-2-1 of the Zoning Ordinance for regulations on Tree
Preservation and removal.
The 1998 Tree Survey indicated that there was a multi-trunk, 6" caliper Honey
Locust, east of the Future Expansion Area. The current plan identifies the same
tree to be removed and identifies it as a 4" caliper, which is correct?
The 3-24-98 Site Plan approval conceptually indicated the area for the parking
expansion, but did not approve the specific design. Therefore, the design of the
parking lot expansion needs to comply with Section 12-34-8-(B), Interior
Landscaping, of the Landscape Ordinance, and Section 12-34-8 (C), Perimeter
Landscaping. Please review the attached excepts from the Landscape Ordinance
and a portion of the Landscape Plan approved for the existing YMCA parking
Provide a Landscape Plan for the expanded parking area and the location of any
additional replacement trees.
Dimension the typical parking space in the expansion area.
Update site plan to indicate additional handicapped parking installed along Town
Center Drive.
It is recommended that the proposed external stairs, are hidden with an
architectural feature as they are on the north elevation of the building.
The extension of the fire lane needs to be established by separate instrument to be
filed with the County.
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Need to contact Harry M Hargrave (214-651-6245) of the Town Center
Architectural Control Committee to receive approval for the building expansion.
Please clarify which o£ the "future expansion areas" will no longer be necessary
due to this phase of expansion.
Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff
recommendations. ShouM applicant disagree with staff comments please provide
reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the
September 6~ Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting.
Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the September 6th
DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain, and defend any revision. A
representative for this project is required to attend the meeting.
Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, September 11,2001 to resubmit fourteen (14)
foMed copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and a JPEG
file of each exhibit to the Planning Department.
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ZONING § 12-34..8
b. Effective screening shall con-
sist of buildings located on the
building lot and walls located
either on the building lot or
adjacent to it. Buildings and
wsll.~ shall be sufficiently high
to obstruct the view of a person
standing on the ground of adja-
cent property or adjacent pub-
lic street right-of-way. The view
through driveway entrances,
however, shall be permitted.
Any such area of restricted ac-
cess, surrounded on all sides by
one or more masonry walls at
least six feet high used sepa-
rately or in combination with
one or more buildings, shall
qualify for this exemption.
2. The area is located on or within a
( (B) /Interior landscaping. A minimum of ten
~ percent of the gross nonexempt area uti-
lized for off-street parking and loading
shall be devoted to living landscaping
which includes grass, ground cover, plants,
shrubs and trees. Gross area is to be
measured from the edge of the parking,
loading and/or driveway pavement and
shall include all adjacent sidewslk~. In
1. Interior landscape areas shall be pro-
tected from vehicular encroachment
through appropriate wheel stops or
2. There shall be a minimum of one
tree planted for each 400 square feet
or fraction thereof of required inte-
rior landscape area.
3. Exclusive of pavement that is ex-
erupt from the requirements of this
section, interior areas of parking
pavement shall contain planting is-
lands. The total number of planting
islands shall be an amount which is
no less than 12 percent of the total
number of non-exempt parking
spaces. Planting islands shall be lo-
cated at each terminus of each single
row of parking and, when a single
row of parking contains more than
15 parking spaces, at intervals be-
tween each terminus. The intervals
shall be such that planting islands
within a single row of parking shall
be separated by no more than 15
parking spaces. Planting islands shah
contain at least one tree. In addition,
planting islands shall be landscaped
with shrubs, lawn, ground cover and
other appropriate material not to
exceed three feet in height. Such
planting islands shall have a mini-
mum area of 150 square feet and a
minimum width of nine feet. In dou-
ble rows of parking a planting island
required for one row may be com-
bined with a planting island re-
quired for another row, in which case
the minimum area shall be 300
square feet and the minimum width
shall be nine feet.
(~Perirneter landscaping. Alandscape buffer
shall be provided along all property lines.
All off-street parking, loading and vehic-
ular use areas, including driveway pave-
ment, shall also be screened from all abut-
ting properties and/or public rights-of-
way by a wall, fence, hedge, berm or other
durable landscape barrier. Plants and ma-
terials used in living barriers shall be at
least 30 inches in height at the time of
planting and shall be of a type and species
that will attain a minimum height of
three feet one year after planting. Any
landscape barrier not containing live plants
or trees shall be a minimum of three feet
in height at time of installation. In addi-
Loading areas and loading docks shall
be governed by paragraph 12-31-3 4.
of article 31. All other off-street ye-
hicular use areas, including drive-
way pavement and parking, shall be
separated from public street right-of-
way by a perimeter landscape area
of at least 15 feet in width. A land-
Supp. No. 2 CD12:88.1
§ 12-34-8
scape screen or barrier shall be in-
stalled in the perimeter 'landscape
area and the remainder shall be land-
scaped with at least grass or other
ground cover. Necessary accessways
from the public street right-of-way
shall be permitted through all such
landscaping. The m~ximum width
for accessways shall be: 50 feet for
non-residential two-way movements;
30 feet for residential two-way move-
ments; 20 feet for non-residential
one-way movement.
All off-street parking, loading, drive-
ways and vehicular use areas shall
be separated from alley rights-of-
way and other property by a perim-
eter landscape area as specified be-
low. A landscape screen or barrier
shall be installed in the perimeter
landscape area and the remainder
shall be landscaped with at least
grass or other ground cover. Ac-
cessways to non-residential alleys
and between lots may be permitted
through all perimeter landscape ar-
eas. Ms~imum width of accessways
shall be 25 feet.
a. All off-street parking and load-
ing areas shall be separated
from alley rights-of-way and
other property by a perimeter
landscape area of at least ten
feet in width.
b. All driveways and vehicular use
areas shall be separated from
alley fights-of-way by a perim-
eter landscape area of at least
ten feet in width.
c. Except for shared driveways as
hereinafter described, all drive-
ways and vehicular use areas
shall be separated from other
property by a perimeter land-
scape area of at least ten feet in
width. When driveway pave-
merit is less than 27 feet wide,
and at least 45 percent of its
width is shared by an adjoining
property owner, a landscape
area of at least ten feet in width
shall be provided on each side
of the driveway pavement.
3. Perimeter landscape areas shall con-
t~in at least one tree for each 50
linear feet or fraction thereof of pe.
rimeter landscape area.
4. When other provisions of this ordi-
nance require that a masonry wall
be located on the property line, no
additional screening shall be re-
quired; however, sufficient landscap-
ing shall be provided within a re-
quired perimeter landscape area to
provide conceslment of wall founda-
tions and to satisfy tree require-
(Ord. No. 91500-A-105; Ord. No. 91500-A-276,
§§ 1, 2, 12-12-00)
Sec. 12-34-9. Landscaping requirements for
nonvehicular open space.
Non-vehicular open spaces on a developed lot
shall provide landscaping as follows.
In all non-residential zoning districts, there
shall be an area devoted to feature land-
scaping. The size of that area shall equal
at least 15 percent of that portion of the
lot not covered by a building or by build-
ings. Not less than 50 percent of the
feature landscaping shall be located in
the required front yard. Landscaping spec-
ified by subsection 12-34-1 8. shall be in
addition to this requirement.
In all residential zoning districts, except
single-fsmily districts, a minimum of 15
percent of the landscaping shall be lo-
cated in the required front yard.
Grass, ground cover, shrubs, and other
landscape materials shall be used to cover
all open ground within 20 feet of any
building or paving or other use, such as
Supp. No. 2 CD12:88.2