Coppell YMCA/SPAm-CS010926 T~ /Refe~ to Tree Sony ~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. Two don/ 1.800~ o~ of BoU/-sitting (96os0 GENERAL NOTES CODE REQUIREMENTS Rear ~ requ~ed: loft R~ yord p~akJed: ~ft OWNER APPLICAm' ARCHITECT Come co PhoM: 214 680-9622 PhoM: g72 503-$121 2~4~t F.: f214107,-3014 Fox: 1172139.3-594?Fox:~ 214214 ~03-,521303-1500 GOOD FULTON & FARRELL ~t~ H IT F Lobby EXISTING BUILDING Locker Rooms Jonitor Lone SITE/LANDSCAPE pLAN COPPELL FAMILY YMCA COPPELL, TEXAS Actuol height of pmpo~J Addi6o~: CALCULATIONS FOR PARK]NO: 470,0 ft 60 ft 32 ft 8.8OO I~ 6.700 ~f · P(~ PoICeg q~t Aoc~a ~ I)-679743.1 sect~od~ 1.(c) NORTH GENERAL NOTES: 1. West Elevotion not shown becouse ~t ~s oltered by new oddition. 2. All moteHols end colors to motch existing. (]()()1) FL.ill'()N & F \RI~FI L I 32 feet