Coppell YMCA/SPAm-CS010919FROM : COPPELL FAMILY YMCA PROG REG FAX NO. : 9727457571 Sep. 19 2001 03:52PM PI Coppell Family YMCA Campaign for the 21" Century Contributors CORNERSTONE Bill & gathy Andzra'on Randolph £: & Lynn Brown $ondy & Dave Capp.~ Co]~ptll Indepead~nt School Dh'tWct Manna~ch h~corporated Park, r of Copp~H Tr~st Marney L. Snow .h~ TrOti~ & RHD Medical Cemerz FOUNDER Lester & Bridgat Bell Carroll S. & Billi¢ H. Bro~,n Charles & Colleen Coae. n Joe. & Jonic'~ Flanigan Walter & Kathryn Foss Frito. l~ay Incorpor~tted Fro.~t Bank Dave & Sandy Gre~.r David &Kbn Hamen Curt & Melody Ha~¢lbaker Jim & Cynthia Heaberlbi TOmmy & $ht:rri Kingxl~y ~roc']g & ,Itdd,¢ Leach Wilz'on & Elizabeth McDonald Sam & Miz.~. Pittman Mitch & Mellnda RMtman David &Ann Rexroat Doug & 'Leslie Robertr Schindler El,'va~or Corporation Tom &Leslie Sherrill Texa; SprinMar David & Mr, linda ?7~:,no.~ Jim & Diane Tr$itt September 19, 2001 Marcie Diamond Copp¢ll Planning Deparm~t SEP i 9 From: Cur~ Hazclbaker, Executive Director Coppcll Family YMCA Re: Copp~H Family YMCA Building Expansion I spoke with Craig Capita, an attorney rt.'presenting a few of the homeowners in the Chaucer Estates subdivision, yesterday IX,~.rding some concerns the homeowners had. We have agreed to three of the conditions that vn:rc expressed. They were: 1. We will plant a minimum of three 3" caliper trees on the east side of the expansion that is not included in thc submitted landscape plan. 2. We will apply a film to the windows in the aerobics room and upstairs fitness area ~hat will give the appearance of frosted glass from the interior and exterior of the facility. 3. We have talked to our cleaning crew about leaving lights on overnight. We asked them to clean the aerobics room and offices first and to make sure they turn thc lights offwhcn they arc done. Thc attorney asked us to apply thc window Ireatmcm on all of thc second floor windows on thc east side. We are not treating the windows in the meeting rooms to allow more natural light in and to allow our members and guests to see the trees on the east and south sides of our property. We were also asked to raise the sill height of ~ windows on thc second floor from 5'4" to 6'. We have already reduced the amount of glass by 50% fi"om thc original design that was submitted. Wc have decided not to raise thc sill height because all of thc othea' second floor windows arc at thc same height aronnd the, building and we would like to maintain thc architectural integrity of the YMCA. The plan that wc have s~zbmitted reduces the square footage by a net 2,000 square feet from what was approved during initial camtruction. Thc ca~pansion wc arc proposing is fourteen feet back from thc common property linc than what was originally approved. Please let mc know if you have any questions. I can be reached at 972-393-5121 extrusion 202. Thank you. 146 Town Center Blvd. · Coppeli,.TX 75019 972,-393-$121 * Fax: 972-39.%-$94? - httl~:/Iw~vw.y~nca.coppell, tx.org We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities