Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 920311MEMO TO: Members of City Planning & Zoning Commission FROM:~' Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning & Community Services SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION REGARDING SUBDIVISION PLAT - C.I.S.D. SCHOOL SITE DATE: March 11, 1992 At the February 20, 1992 public meeting, the Commission took a rather unorthodox position re§arding the above referenced plat. You approved the plat subject to several conditions, two of which warrant discussion. The Planning Commission recommended approval subject to NOT requiring a traffic analysis, and NOT requiring the payment of water/sewer impact fees. I have been advised by legal counsel that a Planning Commission can not legally take either of these actions, that the sole discretion for waiving any fees or the requirements for technical study rests solely with the City Council. GLS/lsg CIS .MEM ITEI~4 1 I The City With A Beautiful Future MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL P.O. Box 478 % ~'k J Coppell, Texas 214-462-0022 March 10, 1992 Mr. Buddy Echols, Superintendent Coppell Independent School District 150 S. Denton Tap Road P. O. Box 452 Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: SUBDIVISION OF MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL SITES Dear Buddy, At the February 17, 1992 joint meeting between the School Board and City Council, I made a presentation regarding the subdivision of land in Coppell, and more specifically pointed out the fact that the High School and Middle School had never been properly subdivided. After this discussion - which was precipitated by the Baseball Association's request to house temporary buildings on the Middle School grounds - it was my understanding that the School District would proceed with completing the plat work on the High School, and would initiate a subdivision for the Middle School property. There are several reasons to subdivide property in Coppell. Among them: State law mandates it our subdivision regulations require it subdividing creates a legal building site, thus negating the problems of le§ally obtaining building permits, C.O.'s, etc. rights-of-way, easements, and other legal access to property are finitely determined, thus promoting the general health, safety and welfare of the community expansion permits, temporary certificates and nonpermanent activities requiring municipal approval are infinitely more easily procurred from the City. We are anxious to proceed with processing your subdivision cases, but note that applications for review have not yet been received. If ! can assist you in initiating these projects in any way, or if there is any reason for not proceeding with these important development processes, advise me at your convenience. For your information, I have authorized the release of the Baseball Association's permits, but cautioned the organization that this was the last time we'd honor their request for permit release without benefit of plat. Once your property was subdivided, of course, our concerns with such an issue would be substantially reduced. ely' ~, A.I.C.P. ctor~ OGLs/lsg f Planning & Community Services xc: Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager Mayor and City Council MIDSCHL.PLT