Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 870402 817 336-5773 Metro 429-8306 1pti1 2~ 1987 Mrs. Shohree Daneshmand Engineering Department City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Coppell High School Status of Water & sewer Plans Dear Shohree: Per your request from our phone conversation of this date, we are submitting to you copies of the letters and correspondence to Steve Goram regarding submittal of water and sewer plans for the above referenced project. As to your inquiry about what to do with the plans for the proposed water and sewer layout, as I stated, the plans were submitted to Steve Goram February 27, 1987, for a formal review as he requested. Until today it was our understanding that Steve Goram was reviewing our plans. In light of our phone conversation, it is apparent at this time that these plans have not been reviewed by any of the staff of the City of Coppell. Therefore, please let this letter serve as a formal request that the review process immediately begin on the water and sewer layout for this project. As mentioned, we have received from Ginn & Associates, the consulting engineers for the City, their review of this water and sewer layout. Please also note in our letter to Mr. Goram dated March 17 (copy attached), that it was brought to his attention the need to have these plans, that were submitted to him on February 27, 1987, reviewed "expeditiously." In addition to this March 17 letter, we also submitted to him copies of offsite easements which are to be ~ranted by Univest Corporation to the City of Coppell. As with the water and sewer layout plans, we are still waiting for the. review and approval of these easements. 915 Florence Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Mrs. Shohree Daneshmand Engineering Department City of Coppell April 2, 1987 Page Two If you need any additional information or plans which will assist you in making an expeditious review of these drawings, please call. Sincerely, STR/kfs Enclosures TEAGU~ AND ~RKINS, Tom Rutledge INC. cc: Jim Boughton, SHWC, Inc. Steve Goram, City of Coppell Wayne Ginn, Ginn & Associates John Nall, TNP TO TEA~UE NALL AND PERi(INS, iNC, (;onsulting Engineers 9]5 Florence Street FORT WOR1-H, TEXAS 76102 (8/~7); 336-5773 t-LIE%':i]:'EE" ' ®[F WE ARE SENDING YOU !~, Attached [] Under separate cover via [] Shop drawings 5t~ Prints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] the following items: [] Samples [] Specifications __COPIES DATE NO. ~ ~.~ DESCRIPTION ""' ,,/ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E~::'¢o r approval [] For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] Resubmit [] Submit__ [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS. COPY TO__. SIGNED: ' ~rch 17, 1987~ M~r~ Steve Goram Public Works Director City of Coppell P.O. 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Coppell High School ~osed Water and Sewe~ Dear Steve: On February 27, 1987, our office submitted to you and Wayne Ginn of Ginn Inc. two (~) sets of water and Sewer plans~, and two (2) sets of Public Drainage plans. ~ia~di~tioh to that information we are also submitting to you a copy of the letter sent to Jeff Hawkins of the M.U.D. District a~d easements~ which we are preparing for dedication for off-site sewer and storm drain facilities. These easements will be granted by Univest Corporation, the existing property owner, and dedicated to either the City of Coppell and/or the M.U.D. District. Your input is needed as to which agency these easements need to be dedicated to and the format that the City requires these easements to be in. As this project nears time to begin construction, we would appreciate your expeditious response to these easements and review of the plans that we have submitted to your office. If you have any questions regarding these plans and/or these easements, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. Tom Rutledge STR/dmw cc: Jim Boughton, SHWC, Inc. TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. 915 Florence Street/Fort Worth, Texas 76102 817 336-5773 Metro 429-8306 March 17, 1987 C P Y Mr. Jeff Hawkins Pierce Lunsford Associates 3109 Carlisle Street Dallas, Texas 75204 Re: Coppell High School Off-site Sewer Extension Dear Jeff: Please find enclosed the sewer and water layout for the proposed high school project with off-site extension into the e'xisting M.U.D. line. In addition, you will find enclosed exhibits of the off-site easements which include an easement required for the off-site sewer extension. These off-site easements will be granted by Univest Corporation who is the surrounding property owner and dedicated to either the City of Coppell or the M.U.D. District. If you have any direction~as to whom these easements need to be dedicated to, please advise. According to the mechanical engineers, the peak sewer discharge for the school is 250 g.p.m, and 142 g.p.m, for the football stadium. Since both facilities will not be in use simultaneously, the peak sewer demand for this site is 250 g.p .m. Presently, these plans are being reviewed by Steve Gotham of the Public Works Department of the City of Coppell and approval is pending at this time. Please notify us if you have any comments or revisions and/or approval of these easements and sewer extension. Sincerely, TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. Tom Rutledge STR/kfs Enclosures cc: Jim Boughton, SHWC, Inc. Steve Goram, City of C°ppell