Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 870326C 0 P Y TEAGUE NALL .&.ND PERKINS. INC. 915 Florence Street/Fort Worth, Texas 76102 817 336-5773 Metro 429-8306 Hatch 26, 1987 Hr. Jim Boughton SHWC, Inc. P.O. 619087 Dallas, Texas 75261 Re: Coppell High School Status Report Dear Jim: This letter is a status report regarding items still pending for the above referenced project. Presently, we are making revisions and coordinating our plans with the latest architectural drawings which we received from your office. This coordination is near complete with a few minor details such as the entrances to be worked-out with your staff. In general, we do not see any major revisions due to coordination with your latest drawings. The following is a list of items which we see as pending: 1. CITY REVIEW: We are still waiting for the review to be completed by Steve Goram of the City of Coppell and also Wayne Ginn of Ginn, Inc., the consulting engineer for the City, for the on-site water and sewer drawings· The submittal to Ginn, Inc. also included the private on-site drainage which the City staff required to have checked as part of the public drainage review. These drawings were sent to both parties February 27, 1987, and, as of this date, we have not had any response from either party. FINAL PLAT: We are coordinating with Ayers and Associates on getting all the necessary easements placed upon the final plat and will proceed to have the plat ready to submit by April 6, 1987. As instructed by Dr. David Stanfield, we will then wait for his instruction prior to actual plat submittal. However, we need the City to complete their review of the water layout for which we are dedicating the easements. We would prefer not placing easements on the plat which would later have to be changed due to revisions in the water layout. Mr. Jim Boughton SHWC, Inc. March 26, 1987 Page Two 3. OFFSITE EASEMENT: The off-site easements for the public drainage and sever (we have provided copies to your office and have submitted copies to Steve Goram and the M.U.D. district for their approval) must be approved and executed in order to be able to proceed with the off-site construction which ye anticipate commencing toward the end of May. These easements are part of the agreement presently being worked out with Univest Corporation. 4. UNIVEST PROPOSAL: At this time, we are waiting for the response by Coppell I.S.D. to Univest's latest proposal dated March 16 for the Joint improvements that impact their property. Direction is needed as soon as possible to alloy adequate time to make revisions to the drawings which include, if the school agrees, lowering the box culvert to alloy Univest access into this box. Their proposal will also require that revisions be made to the northwest corner of the school's property to concentrate the drainage into an additional curb inlet and construct a storm drain pipe to the creek. We will need to prepare these plans and submit to the City of Coppell for approval along with an easement in addition to those easements that have already been prepared. 5. AWARD OF CONTRACT: We are waiting for the school to give a written notice of award of the excavation and drainage contract to L. D. Conatser, Contractors, who are the low bidders for the pre-bid work. This award needs to be obtained as soon as conveniently possible to allow the contractor to be formally notified of award and also allow ample time for all executed contracts to be prepared. It is our understanding that the school's lawyers are still reviewing this and their comments are pending. 6. CITY SUBMITTAL (Second Review): We are waiting to resubmit the corrected drainage plans, addressing the City comments, to the City for their final approval, pending the review of the private drainage system by Ginn, Inc. and any revisions which will be required to accommodate Univest Corporation. Mr. Jim Boughton SHWC, Inc. March 26, 1987 Page Three In anticipation that the school will want to begin construction on the excavation and drainage the week of May 18, 1987, we see that these items need to be addressed as soon as possible to allow ample time to make necessary revisions to the drawings and also coordinate the review and approval of these plans with the City staff prior to construction beginning. It is our desire to be able to assist you or the school in any way possible to expedite any of these items as we await for your response and direction. Sincerely, TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. Tom Rutledge STR/kfs cc: Gary Keep, SHWC Dr. David Stanfield, Coppell I.S.D. Steve Goram, City of Coppell Sho__._hre Daneshmand, City of Coppell/ Wayne Ginn, Ginn, Inc. John Nall, TNP