Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 870122COPPELL HIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR VARIANCE - MASONRY SCREENING WALLS ATTACHMENT The Coppell Independent School District requests a variance to Section 32.1.1 of the City Zoning Ordinance No. 297. The District requests a variance to the requirement of construction of a masonry screening wall on the side, rear, or service side of the property that is adjacent to single family or two family residential districts. More specifically, this is the west property line and a portion of the south property line of the proposed High School site, which borders existing residential areas. The District requests this variance due to the nature of the facility proposed for this site. This portion of the site has been dedicated.for practice fields for football, soccer, softball, and baseball, and could be used by the public as a natural recreation area for the bordering residential areas. In addition, the fields will provide a visually pleasing area for surrounding residents. The District considers this request reasonable due to the fact that a similar variance was requested for the Elementary School on Moore Road and was approved. COPPELL HIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR VARIANCE - ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT ATTACHMENT The Coppell Independent School District requests a variance to the building height limitation of 35 ft. or 2-1/2 stories, as required by Section 23.2 of the City Zoning Ordinance No. 297. The School District requests this variance to permit the construction of a fully operable working stage with a fly loft. This type of stage construction will allow scenery and other equipment to be lifted above the stage opening, not visible from the seating area. This type of operation is typical of all professional performing stages, and would be a great asset to the community of Coppell. To construct this type of facility, a clear height in the stage area of approximately 2-1/2 times the proscenium opening is required to hang scenery and other types of equipment. This type of construction will require the masonry walls surrounding the stage to be approximately 52 ft. above grade. The District considers this request justifiable for a number of reasons. The performing arts portion of the new High School will be on the east elevation of the school and adjacent to the property presently zoned Town Center. The Coppell Zoning Ordinance permits a maximum building height of 120 ft. in this type of zoning classification. Therefore, we do not feel that the granting of this variance would have a negative effect on the adjacent property to the east of the site. In addition, the stage area is only 50 ft. x 100 ft. in size. As previously mentioned, we feel that this facility will be an asset to the community of Coppell. For these reasons, Coppell Independent School District requests your consideration of this variance. COPPELL HIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR VARIANCE ON ADJACENT PROPERTY ATTACHMENT FIELD LIGHTING The Coppell Independent School District requests a variance to the maximum allowable intensity of lighting on adjacent residential property, of 0.25 ft. candles, as required by Section 35.1 of the City Zoning Ordinance No. 297. As part of the program for the new High School, a new football stadium and competitive baseball field will be constructed. A necessary part of these facilities is field lighting for night time use, similar to the existing High School facilities. The new football stadum has been located as far east on the property as possible in order to minimize sound a~d light effect on the residential property to the west and south of the proposed High School site. However, some light spill over is anticipated on the adjoining property to the west, even though lights will be directed to the football playing field. This is also true for the competitive baseball field, which is located at the west side of the school property. Our preliminary calculations indicate that the football field lighting shall place approximately 5 ft. candles on the west property line, and that the competitive baseball field will place approximately 10-15 ft. candles on the same west side property line. The purchase of a site large enough to allow for placement of the fields in accordance with the City Ordinance would be cost prohibitive and no sites of that size were available. Since these facilities are required to replace those at the existing High School campus, the District requests that this variance be permitted to allow construction of the competitive baseball field and football stadium. COPPELL HIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION - PAVING MATERIAL ATTACHMENT The Coppell Independent School District is requesting clarification on item 41.91, Section 41 of the City Zoning Ordinance 297. This item defines the surface material for parl~ing areas as an ail-weather surface, The District would like to request bids from general contractors for an alternate parking surface comprised of crushed stone or comparible materials, for the stadium. Alternate bids are necessary to provide the School District the flexibility of selecting alternate prices that will keep the total construction cost within their budget. Crushed stone parking lots would only be provided around the football stadium. All parking lots for the high school building, which would be used on a daily basis for student and staff parking, as well as the fire lanes, will be constructed of reinforced concrete paving. Coppell I.S.D. considers this request justif.iable because of the a~ditional cost of the concrete paving that would be paid by the taxpayers within the boundaries of the Coppell School District. It is also noted that the parking lots for the stadium would, of course, be used on a very limited basis, thus making the need for concrete paving even more questionable.