Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 870122 (4) COPPELL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT · ~0~, David P. Start field January 22, 1987 Hr. Frank Trando Acting City Hanager City of Coppell P.O. Box ~78 Coppe11, Texas 750~9 RE: Coppel! High Schoo] Dear Hr. Trando: This letter is to serve as confirmation to you and the Councll that the Coppell Independent School District fully intends to address the concerns expressed by the Council at their last meeting regarding our new High School site. Heetings between the School District and Univest have been held and Univest has expressed their willingness to provide the District with an easement to allow an ex~d~slon of Parkway Blvd. and an access road to the school site, prior to the completion of the new High School building. Please accept this letter as the School District's commitment to do the following in answer to the Council's concerns: Construct the required portion of Parkway Blvd. to provide access to the school site prior to the opening of school in the Fall of 1987, on an easement provided by Univest. The District will convey the storm water along the school's east boundary line from the south end of out'property to the north end, in a buried ~ulvert system. This culvert wi11 be constructed on School District property and will have the necessary out-fall treatment at the north property line to prevent erosion. The school driveway configurations have been modified on the revised preliminary plat to prevent intermingling of school traffic with Willow Lane or other residential streets to the south of the property. Only a fire access pavement section has been provided from the school service dr|veto-Wi.llow Lane, in accordance-with the requirements of the Fire Chief. This driveway w~11 have a permanent locked gate with the only key being issued to the Fire Department. Attached.please find a letter from Chief Hayfield indicating his acceptance of this procedure. As you can see from the preliminary plat, ail school traffic will enter and exit from Parkway Blvd. Construction access will be provided from the 2q ft. easement, from Denton Tap to the school's property line. 1~01 Wrangler Drive Coppell, Texas 75019 (I~1~) ~71-111I In addition to the easements for Parkway Blvd. and the school site access road, Univest and C.I.S.D. have agreed on the concept for the granting of additional easements. These include easements for the out-fail of the box culvert along the east property line and a buried storm drainage pipe at midpoint of the north property line that continues to Cottonwood Creek. School District has employed the services of Barton & Ashman, traffic consultant, to prepare a traffic study in accordance with the City's consulting engineer's require- ments. This study is now underway and will be available shortly. A copy of this agreement is also attached. I trust this letter will serve to show the School District's willingness to work with the City of Coppe11. We.lOok forward to the successful completion of this project, which will provide a facility that the entire community can be proud of. Very truly yours, David P. Stanfieid Superintendent of Schools Jackie R. Mayfield Fire Chief P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-1133 January 22, 1987 Dr. David Stanfield, Superintendent Coppell Independent School District 1201 Wrangler Drive Coppell, Texas 75019 Dr. Stanfield The purpose of this letter is to clarify the Fire Department's position in the use of Willow Lane as an emergency entrance to the campus of the new Coppell High SchoOl. This department has no objection to the School District providing a secondary ingress/egress to the campus from Willow Lane. A gate, secured by lock, chain, and key, with the key(s) provided to this agency is acceptable. A "road", as you suggest, must meet the standards of construction as detailed in the City of Coppell's ordinances. Please understand that the question/position this is addressed here pertains only the emergency ingress/egress to the property. Do not construe this as to an endorsement for domestic vehicle usage of Oak Trail or Shadydale. Thank you for your concern for fire and life safety for this facility. FT~e Chief ~ j cc: Frank Trando- Interim City Manager Taryon Bowman - DIRC Chairperson Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199, Dallas, Texas 75240 ~ar~ar~ 21, 1.987 214-991-1900 Ooppell Inde~ School DistrioM: ~01 Mm~ur Irving, Texas 75038 Barton-~ Associates, In~ is pleased to respond to the request by Mr. Tom Rutledge of Teague, Nall and Perkins to provide this proposal for professional transportation engineering services in connection with the proposed high school in Coppell, Texas. In order that we address the concerns of the City of Coppell, we have prepared a Scope of Services for this project. If accepted, this letter will become an agreement between the Cop~ Ind___~ School District and Barton-~ Associates, Inc. to provide services outlined in the Scope of Services below. Our proposed Scope of Services will include the following work tasks. Site Traffic Characteristics - Based upon the prc~ected enrollment of the high school, the ~ area demographics, and the area roadway system, ~m will aocc~plish the following: Site TrafficGeneration -Estimates of the trafficg-~nerated by the site will be prepared forthe morningand afternoon peak hoursofschooltraffic. e Site Access - We will evaluate access to the school from Parkway Boulevard to determine the size (number of lanes) that will be required to accommodate the expected traffic generated by the school. Documentation - We will provide a memorandum report that docum~ (10) copies of the report will be furm~ to yo~ Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Coppell ~ School District Ja~,~y 21, 1987 Page 2 Our fee for completing the Scope of Services outlined above will be based on our hourly rates, current at the time of performance, for staff services rendered. Based on our experience in studies of this type, we estimate that the fee for completion of Tasks 1 through 3 will be $1,500. We will not exceed this fee without receiving your prior authorizatic~ If the need for extra services should arise, we will seek your authorization and, before proceeding and if requested, we will supply you with our best estimate of the fee to be ino/rre~ Direct reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, reproduction, et~, will be billed at 110 percent (110%) of oost and will be added to staff time costs incurred on the projec~ Invoices will be submitted to you monthly ar~ become due within tb~ty (30) days of the date of invoice. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Coppell Inde~e~der~ School District January 21, 1987 Page 3 We are prepared to commence work c~ this project immediately followin~ receipt of a signed copy of this Letter of Agreement. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal and look forward to working with you ~ this project. If you have any questions regar~ the proposal, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Gary D. Jost Associate Jack Hatchell, P.E. Vice President (Print~ ~r Ty~U Na~) (Title) (organizatl~)