Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 870115Jackie R. Mayfield Fire Chief January 15, lg87 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-1133 Jim Boughton SHWC, Inc. 5601 Mac Arthur Blvd. Suite 770 Dallas, Texas 75261 Mr. Boughton, In response to your transmittal request received by this office on January 13, lg87, I offer this response. I cannot support a variance of deletion of fire sprinklers for the gymnasium of the proposed Coppell High School. I can find no evidence to support water damage due to a malfunction of a sprinkler head. Factory Mutual, a testing agency for insurance companies, reports that only one (1) in sixteen million (16,000,000) sprinkler heads have ever malfunctioned. The National Fire Protection Association also states: "Partial systems are generally not cost effective. Should the fire start remote to the system, sprinklers will have no effect on the growing fire. A fire burning into the protected area, will generally have developed sufficient intensity to overpower the sprinklers, thereby wasting water needed by the fire service." Your concern for vandalism in their the gym is pertinent to this department. Recent vandalism in Garland and Carrollton resulted in some $1.5 million in losses to each school district. A sprinkler system could have reduced the fire, smoke and water damage to less than $1,000 each. An alternative system to which you might consider is that of a "preaction system". This is a dry sprinkler system that employs supplementary fire detecting devices within the protected area. When activated, a valve operates, filling the piping system with water. Water is not discharged until a sprinkler head is then "fused" from the heat of the fire. Thank you for the co-operation in the planning for fire safety for this facility. Since _r. elY, ~ j"' ~- ~ ~ JRM/rl ~ cc: Dr. David Stanfield SHWC, INC. ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS 5601 HAC ARTHUR BLVD., P. O. BOX 619087 PARAGON CENTER ONE, 450 GEARS ROAD, SUITE 770 719 SO. SHORELINE DRIVE, SUITE 1801 CENTRAL BLVD., P. O. BOX 3347 12200 SUNRISE VALLEY DRIVE, SUITE 110 T R A N S M DALLAS, TEXAS 75261 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77067 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78401 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78520 RESTON, VIRGINIA 22091 ITTAL DATE: TO: GENTLEMEN: JOB NO: PROJECT: We are enclosing (herewith) (under separate cover) the following items: REMARKS: ° SHWC, INC. Architects Engineers Plonners By: JPPELL HIGH SCHOOL SPRINKLER AT GYMNASIUM APPLICATION - REQUEST FOR VARIANCE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS CITY OF COPPELL DATE: December 5~ 1986 I. the undersigned ~ future owner of the following described real property located in the City of Coppell. Texas. hereby make application for a request for a variance from the terms of Ord~r.=nr.r.,~.'c~. 2~7. future City Fire Code not yet published. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot . _m!eck of ~_~d!=!---r.; (If request is on a portion of platted property or property that is still in a survey.- attach metes and bounds prepared by a registered surveyor.) Street Address: Willow Lane (see attached metes and bounds) REQUEST: (If there is additional information which you feel would be helpful to the Board in making a decision, be sure to include this information in your request.) See Attachment The attached checklist must be completed before your application will be considered by the Board. Attached is an application fee of $50.00. Signature of ApPlicant Address Telephone Page 2 I have read this application form and understand that by filing the application and paying the fees does not guarantee an affirmative action by the Zoning Board of Adjustments. I further understand that four [4) affirmative votes must be cast in order to receive a variance from the Zoning Ordinance No. 297. l~~,~.~ ~' Applicant's Signatu~ Staff Member's Signature Oate Receipt Number CHECKLIST- REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE ZONING BOARIZI OF ADJUSTMENT To assist the Zoning Board of Adjustment in establishing the information necessary to make a decision regarding the request for a variance, please complete the following checklist: 1. Is your land or your building different from others around you? High School building, football stadium and other athletic fields Is your land or builidng useful for any purpose without the variance'-requested? Yes = What effect will the granting of this variance have on other property, on adjacent streets or to peop:e passing by? None If the variance is rienied, how will the property be used? For same purpose How is the proper~:y around you used? Property to north and east is undeveloped. Residential to west and south. Who in your opinion will be affected by this change? No One Will traffic conditions be affected by the requested change? What evidence do you anticipate offering in support of your position? See Attachment December 5, 1986 Signature Date COPPELL HIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR DELETION OF FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FROM GYMNASIUM ATTACHMENT It is anticipated that the future City fire code for the City of Coppell will require a fire sprinkler system for all buildings built within the city limits, similar in type to the new Coppell High School. At this time, the School District requests a variance to this anticipated requirement, to delete the fire sprinkler system from the gymnasium portion of the new High School. This request is being made because of the following special conditions and reasons: The School District is very concerned about possible ~amage b a wood gymnasium floor brought about by the installation of a fire sprinkler system. A malfunction of the sprinkler system would be possible in this type of facility for a number of reasons; the most common of which would be a mechanical malfunction which is typical of all sprinkler systems. There is also the possibility of damage brought about by vandalism or horseplay by students. The District has contacted their insurance agent on this matter, and it is their understanding that the deletion of a sprinkler system from this space would have little affect on the insurance premiums they pay. This would indicate that the insurance carrier, an institution well versed in casualty loss, does not consider this to be a major concern. We would also like to point out that the gymnasium will be ~ separated from the remainder of the building by a one-hour fire separation wall, and that all of the mechanical ductwork entering the gym from adjacent mechanical lofts will have smoke detectors incorporated into the general fire alarm system. This is mentioned since the greatest potential for fire damage would be related to the mechanical system for the gymnasium space.